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RAHS Family Bulletin | Oct 3, 2024
![RAHS Family Bulletin | Oct 3, 2024](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/620a/thumb-09d7847a5d9488b68b1d6ddbf82a0a9c.png)
News for October 3, 2024
We are having a great week at RAHS celebrating our spirit days, homeroom door decorating contest, and various events (e.g., Powder Buff). We look forward to the football game and dance this weekend. Please check out the information below about remaining Homecoming festivities!
Homecoming Reminders
Families - please help support your students by encouraging them to make positive choices during Homecoming week / weekend!
- Tomorrow, Fri. 10/4 is Raider wear for our final spirit day
- Dance tickets need to be bought by no later than 12noon tomorrow, Fri. 10/4
- The pepfest will take place on Friday afternoon out in the stadium immediately after 5th hour
- The football game will begin at 7pm
- High School students need to show their student ID to enter - ONLY Roseville students are allowed to enter (and ONLY visiting team high school students on visiting side)
- No backpacks or large bags
- Once you enter the game you can not leave and re-enter
- Gates close at the start of halftime - no entry after, even if you pre-purchase a ticket
- The dance is Saturday evening, 10/5, from 7-10, doors open for check-in at 6:30
- Students need a ticket and student ID to enter (No ticket sales at the dance)
- No entry to the dance after 8:00, even if you purchased a ticket
- All students will have to do a breathalyzer for entry
- Once you enter the dance you can not leave and re-enter
- Please make smart choices while out in the community - students represent their own integrity, friends, family, and our broader community. Any acts of vandalism and harassment do not reflect our values as Raiders and can have serious consequences. If something happens in the community you are encouraged to contact the Roseville Police Department
RAHS is a Closed Campus school. Students are not allowed to leave campus during school hours.
Trimester I Parent Teacher Conferences will be held 2 days, Oct 10th, and Oct 15th. We are happy to meet with families and have 3 different options parents can choose from:
1.) Conference over email or conversation over the phone. Feel free to email your child’s teacher or set up a phone conference to discuss student progress.
2.) Video conference via Zoom. On Thursday, Oct 10th, Parent Teacher Conferences will be held over Zoom, 3:30pm – 6:30pm. Your child’s teacher will be sending an email with Zoom link information.
3.) In -Person Conference. If you are interested in meeting in-person about your student, we will have In-person Conferences on Tuesday, Oct 15th, 3:30pm – 6:30pm. Conferences will take place in RAHS Upper Gymnasium, Cafeteria and Commons area.
Mensaje en español
Este es un mensaje de Roseville Area high School. Las conferencias del primer trimestre serán en persona el 15 de octubre de 3:30pm a 6:30 pm. El maestro/a de su estudiante se prondrá en contacto con usted si hay preocupaciones. Habrá diferentes opciones para las conferencias.
- Puede comunicarse con el maestro/a por correo electrónico o por telefono.
- Puede tener una video conferencia via Zoom el 10 de octubre de 3:30pm a 6:30pm.
- Habrá conferencias en persona el 15 de octubre de 3:30 a 6:30 pm.
Si tiene preguntas por favor comúniquese con su Enlace Cultural: Cecilia Martino 651-235-3426. Gracias.
Picture Day is Wednesday, October 9
8:00 a.m.- noon in the RAHS Nielsen Auditorium
This is for students who have not yet had their picture taken. Retakes will be November 13.
RAHS Media Center
Our Media center has a wide variety of graphic novels and Manga for students to read. There should be something for everyone from traditional comic books to very complex and layered stories for a wide audience like March(the award-winning story of the life of civil rights leader John Lewis). Some of our collection of manga are series that have hundreds of titles and students can consume them in a few hours. Students that get hooked on a series often come see us multiple times to turn in some books and check out more. We think reading Manga and graphic novels is a great way for kids to stay connected to reading and get transported to a unique experience. Ask your kid if they have checked out any Manga at the media center!
RAHS Homecoming
Homecoming Dance Tickets MUST Be Purchased by Noon on Friday 10/4
(tickets will not be sold after this or at the door)
Purchase Tickets online through EduTrack, see QR Code and information below:
How to Buy Tickets to the Homecoming Dance
Use the directions to the right to purchase tickets online →
If you are bringing a guest you will need to buy a ticket for them AND you (see next slide)
ALL fines must be paid to purchase a ticket
Tickets are $10 each
Tickets have been on sale from 9/16 until NOON on Friday 10/4
- Tickets will be open to EVERYONE starting on 9/23 until 10/4 at NOON
Dance Rules:
The dance will be held in the Upper Gym at RAHS from 7-10pm
Check in will start at 6:30pm and there will be no admittance after 8pm → please enter through the lower gym lobby, check in with staff in the lobby, and use optional coat check (and check jackets, bags, etc. if needed) then head upstairs to check-in with admin/BIs for bag searches and breathalyzer.
You need to bring an ID to check in for the dance - we will have a list of who purchased tickets and will compare the ID to the list. You can also use a synergy print out from SSS. You will also have to submit to a breathalyzer to enter the dance
Students may check coats. No large bags (i.e. backpacks) will be allowed in and small bags (i.e. clutches) are subject to be checked
You will not be allowed to re-enter the dance if you leave
Wear shoes that will not damage the gym floor
Some snacks and water will be provided please clean up after yourself and reuse your water cup as you can
Only enter and exit through lower gym lobby
Important Notice: New Immunization Requirements for Roseville Area Schools
Starting Monday, October 21, 2024, Roseville Area Schools will enforce the Minnesota immunization law. This is crucial for maintaining healthy and safe school communities. Here's what you need to know:
Students must meet one of the following criteria to continue attending school:
- Have received all required immunizations
- Have a scheduled immunization appointment
- Have submitted a notarized exemption form
Starting October 21, 2024:
- Students who do not meet the immunization requirements will be instructed to stay home until the requirements are met.
- These absences will be marked as unexcused.
Why this matters:
- This policy helps protect our most vulnerable students, who are unable to receive vaccines.
- It minimizes the time students miss due to disease outbreaks, as those not immunized may be required to stay home per the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).
If your student is missing any immunizations, you will receive a notice from the school's health office. Please respond promptly to ensure your student can remain in school.
For questions or concerns, contact your school’s health office.
Health Office and Attendance
Is My Child Well Enough to Come to School?
If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or more, they should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal and remains normal without fever-reducing medication.
If your child has vomited or has diarrhea, they should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
If your child had any rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown, check with your healthcare provider before sending them back to school.
If your child is ill, please call the school to report the illness. If you have questions regarding your child's illness, please call your school nurse at 651-635-1682 or healthcare provider.
It is OK to come to school if your student has a runny nose or little cough but no fever.
COVID Reminder: If your student tests positive for COVID, simply keep them home until they meet general wellness guidelines listed below. Please alert the attendance office each day of the absence by calling 651-604-1465 or emailing rahs-attendance@isd623.org.
For more information visit the Health Services webpage: https://www.isd623.org/services/health-services
Attendance line:
call: 651-604-1465
Health Office main line: 651-604-1474
Yajaira Gonzalez Gurrola, Health Assistant
Kelly Feneis, Licensed School Nurse
Sara Sturgis, Licensed School Nurse
COVID-19 Guidelines
If you have a respiratory virus (such as COVID-19, Influenza, or RSV):
- Stay home and away from others (including people you live with who are not sick) if you have symptoms that aren't better explained by another cause. These symptoms can include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache.
- You can go back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
- Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
- You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).
- When you go back to your normal activities, we recommend taking added precautions over the next 5 days, such as: practicing enhanced hygiene practices, wearing a well-fitting mask, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors.
- If you develop a fever or you start to feel worse after you have gone back to normal activities, stay home and away from others again until, for at least 24 hours, both are true: your symptoms are improving overall, and you have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication). Then take added precaution for the next 5 days.
RAHS Attendance
Please report all absences and attendance information to the RAHS Attendance Line (rahs-attendance@isd623.org or 651-604-1465).
Students Leaving School During the School Day
Please remember that if your child is not feeling well during the school day, they must go through the Health Office. The Health Office needs to contact you for permission and write your child a pass to leave. If your child needs to leave for a planned appointment, the attendance office will give them a pass. Leaving the building without a pass from the health office or the attendance office will result in an unexcused absence.
Attention All PSAT Test Takers
Here is some basic info:
- Most important info: Read your PSAT Schoology messages
- The PSAT will be on October 16, 2024, at 8:10am. There will be NO late admittance.
- This is a non-school day. The cafeteria will not be open.
- Be prepared to turn off and remove all electronic devices. Use of these is grounds for dismissal.
- We are working on transportation for students that need it. More info next week.
- There is a graphing calculator built into the test
- You can use your own graphing calculator also
- We will NOT be checking them out that day
- Stop by your math teacher or the media center before Oct 16
- The PSAT is digital this year.
- Bring your fully charged iPad
- We will have a few spares to borrow
- You will be required to do a digital readiness check before the test day
- You will be getting more info via schoology early next week
- It will take you 30 mins to do the readiness check
- The digital PSAT has two sections:
- Reading/Writing (64 Mins). Two modules of 32 mins each.
- Math (70 Mins). Two modules of 35 mins each.
- Ten-minute break in between
- New PSAT rule this year: No brimmed caps or hoods allowed to be worn during testing.
You can now see your student’s 2024 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) Individual Student Report in Synergy ParentVue. This report shows your child’s overall score in each subject that was tested last year, as well as information about achievement level and their past performance. There is also a QR code for a video explaining the results in more detail. For information on accessing the report, click here.
Upcoming College Visits for October:
Check into Student Support and they will direct you to a conference room.
Look for a post from Nyesha Brown on Schoology the day of to sign up!
- 7th: Lawrence University, St. Kate’s, CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange), & Saint John’s University (with College of Saint Benedict)
- 8th: Hamline University
- 9th: Luther College & Drake University
- 10th: University of Wisconsin - Madison
Highlights to look forward to from the CCC:
- Check out the CCC Webpage for upcoming College Visits, Xello help, & more!
- October is College Knowledge Month! October will be full of events to help your student explore college options & trade school options, meet marine & army reps, sign up to join a college field trip to the U of M, and gain tools and resources on what to prepare for when thinking about the next stages after high school.
Start here to see what Minnesota Goes to College is hosting like virtual events, a national college fair, & more! 2024 OCTOBER CKM Calendar_print ready poster.pdf
- Writing Personal Essays for College Applications:
In session one, you will obtain ways to find your focus and begin writing. Bring an essay you have started to session two and we will refine it. You will do some revision work, be able to let others read your essay, and receive some helpful feedback. The third session will address any questions you may still have and make sure your essay is in final draft form. (First class started today (10/3)!!)
Click this link for registration (it is $25)
- American Indian Visit Day at the University of Minnesota - TC: This event, co-hosted by the Office of Admissions, Circle of Indigenous Nations, and the American Indian Studies department, features our vibrant American Indian campus community of current students, faculty, and staff. Your students will learn more about unique opportunities for American Indian students at the U of M Twin Cities that will enhance their future college experience and help them achieve their professional and personal goals. Lunch will be provided.
This event has no more open spots. It takes place on Friday, October 11th and their attendance will be taken care of. If your student has signed up, please make sure they have their permission slips in to the CCC (Ms. Brown) by tomorrow (10/4). We will have a bus take them to and from the event. Lunch is provided.
- College Application Day: From 8:10am til 2:40pm on Tuesday, October 15th, students will have the opportunity to stop by the media center and get some one on one assistance with college applications with a few counselors and folks from College Possible. October is also MN Free Application Month so check out the link below for MN colleges that are participating in Free Application Month.
- Ready, Set, FAFSA Virtual Event: Are you or someone you know applying to college this year? We can help! Join us in October 2024 for a series of zoom sessions created specifically for students and families to help them prepare for the financial aid process. We will add more sessions in 2025 when the 25-26 FAFSA opens.
Interpreters will be available in Spanish, Hmong, Somali.
Participant questions will be answered live in the chat.
Students who attend or watch the recordings of Ready Set FAFSA sessions will be entered into a drawing to win a scholarship!
Use this LINK to sign up for the first virtual event (and future dates)
- All Military Service Branch Visit to RAHS: The Army, Navy, & Marines will be tabling in Commons during lunches on Wednesday, October 23rd to share their awesome experiences in service. Encourage your student(s) to ask about the scholarships they offer and how they can support them through college and service.
- November 1st College Fair info coming soon!
Stop by the CCC or email nyesha.brown@isd623.org if you have any questions or concerns!
Winter Sports registration opens October 1st. Registration information can be found at www.rosevilleraiders.org
Raider Athletics & Activities: Reminder for Children 8th Grade & Younger
As we approach the Homecoming game on Friday night, please remember that all children 8th grade and younger are welcome but MUST be accompanied by an adult at all Roseville Area High School athletics and activities events. No exceptions.
Varsity Football Games
As we continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of our students, players, and spectators, we have made the decision to limit high school student spectator access to our varsity football games to RAHS students and students from the visiting school only.
This decision comes after careful consideration. While we have had an incredibly positive season, the few student-related issues we've encountered have involved non-RAHS students. To maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone, we believe this adjustment is necessary.
All high school students will be required to show school ID at the gate, along with your ticket. If you do not have a school ID, you can show ticket takers your StudentVue account on your phone. If your StudentVUE doesn’t have a picture, please be prepared to show another form of photo ID along with your StudentVUE.
RAHS Drama Families:
If you are a parent or guardian of a RAHS Drama student, you are a member of the RAHS Footlights Foundation! Our shared mission as a parent booster club is to support RAHS Drama. This Saturday is our first meeting of the year, 10 AM via Zoom. We'll be reviewing the budget, voting on elected officers, and looking at all the ways folks can get involved. We hope to see you there!
~RAHS Footlights Foundation
Sign Up for Driver's Education! 🚙🚦
Roseville Community Education offers Driver's Education courses for ages 14-18 in partnership with Safeway Driving School. Driver's Education courses offer classroom instruction on laws and road safety, along with behind-the-wheel practice. Register today to prepare for the driver's permit test!
💻 Choose from in-person or online classes.
📍 In-person classes are held after school at Roseville Area High School.
🗓️ October, November or December.
Limited Edition Apparel - Support Community Ed! 👕 🎉
Looking for fun Roseville Area Schools apparel? Choose from this selection of limited edition shirts! Your purchase will support Roseville Area Schools Community Education programs and services.
🔺 Heather black long sleeve ($20)
🔺 Heather red long sleeve ($20)
🔺 Gray short sleeve with school mascots ($15)
These shirts are a soft, comfortable tri-blend fabric (50/37/13 poly/cotton/rayon) in a unisex fit. Sizes are available in adult S - 3XL and youth S - XL.
Orders are due by October 4, 2024. ⏰ 🗓️ Shirt orders will arrive near the end of October!
If all of your RAHS students have graduated, simply click unsubscribe at the bottom of this email. To re-subscribe in the future, use the link on the RAHS website under "stay connected".