Career Center Newsletter
January 2019
GJ Lions Carnival: HELP SUPPORT A GOOD THING! CC and the GJ Lions Club are joining forces to do good things in our Community. Buy your tickets at CC.
No School Monday January 21, 2019
Early Childhood Professions students are busy!
New students and Beginning Pathway students are working on basic child development concepts. Intermediate Pathway students are doing advanced research on social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-agers. (Advanced Pathway) are beginning to do college level course work in family relationships and observation.
Our simulation baby program is a big success with the students. They are enjoying and yet are frustrated by the baby as they care for it in class and still maintain their grades.
Our CDA student is now beginning to take over 80% of her preschool class with supervisor only guiding. This term she will be required to do some in depth evaluations and planning in addition to observations every day.
We are volunteering with our local Eagle's lodge in a fund raising effort for our end of the year business luncheon. Although a little outside of the realm of early childhood. Students will get to experience first hand a business meeting while serving the members.