September 2024
School Day Hours
8:50 AM - 3:39 PM
First Bell Rings at 8:50 AM
Half Day:
8:50 AM - 11:50 AM
First Bell Rings at 8:50 AM
We hope that all of our Huron families enjoyed summer! We cannot wait to have all of our students back for the 2024 - 2025 school year. We look forward to all the opportunities that lie ahead to provide the best academic experiences for our students.
There is a lot of information in this newsletter to help you get the school year started. Please take a few moments to review it.
Class placements will be available for viewing in the parent portal on Friday, August 23rd at 8:00 AM. Please note that a lot of effort goes into placing all students in a class that will fit each individual child's needs. At this time all class placements are final, and changes will not be made.
We are excited to welcome some new faces this year to Huron this year.
This year we will have a Reading Interventionist, Mrs. Tuttle. She will work with myself, our staff and students to ensure that we are doing all that we can to teach our students to read proficiently. Mrs. Tuttle comes to us from Cheyenne Elementary with a wealth of knowledge in the area of literacy.
Welcome to Ms. Smiecinski our new fourth grade teacher. Ms. Smiecinski worked in our building last year as a student teacher and then a substitute. We are happy to have her on board.
Congratulations to Mr. Altadonna who will be serving as an Administrative Intern at Fox and Ottawa Elementaries this year. We have brought to our team, Mrs. Markham, to teach 4th grade this year. She has over ten years of experience in education, and we are very glad to have her at Huron.
Joining us in fifth grade will be Mrs. Micu. She comes to us from Fox Elementary. Her experiences in education will benefit Huron greatly.
Third grade teacher, Mrs. Brown, has a new last name and is now, Mrs. Ritchie. Congratulations to her on her recent marriage!
We also welcome Mrs. Reidel as our new health aide and are happy to have her as part of our team to assist with student health needs.
Great news, Mrs. Sadowski will remain at Huron this year as our Assistant Principal! She will be here part time. Mrs. Sadowski is a great leader who cares deeply about our students.
Looking forward to a fantastic school year filled with many opportunities for our students to grow.
Take Care!
Kelly Shock
Huron Principal
New Faces at Huron!!
Ms. Smiecinski - 4th Grade Teacher
Mrs. Micu - 5th Grade Teacher
Mrs. Tuttle - Huron Reading Interventionist
Mrs. Markham- 4th Grade Teacher
Mrs. Riedel - Health Aide
Mrs. Obezil - ELL Teacher
Breakfast and Lunch
- Breakfast and Lunch will be free for all students this year. Students may still bring a cold lunch if they choose.
- The free lunch offers alternative items such as peanut butter & jelly, grilled cheese, ham/turkey and cheese sandwich, salads, etc.
- However, doubles cost $1.50.
- Lunch and breakfast will be pre-ordered the day before in class.
- Breakfast be in the cafeteria.
- Both breakfast and lunch will begin on Wednesday, September 4th!
FREE Lunch Program
Michigan School Meals will be the policy for the 2024-2025 School Year. The Michigan government has funded the school meals for Michigan Public School students that are not covered by the Federal Reimbursements. This means all students will eat their breakfast and lunch at no cost. Michigan School Meals is a Michigan initiative however, all USDA guidelines and regulations are still in effect. This includes still requiring families to fill out an Education Benefits Form.
Returning Students!! *ACTION REQUIRED*
There are up to 6 forms depending on the grade level of the student. Parents/Guardians are responsible to complete these forms.
- Student Contact Updates (parents will see all of the contacts for their students and be able to update any information.)
- Student Change of Address (parents will see the current address on file and be able to check if there are changes – if they have changes it will remain pending until residency documents are received and approved by the office staff)
- Permissions/Agreements (parents will acknowledge the handbook, AUP, Plagiarism and Cheating, Virtual Coursed, Concussion Awareness, Media Release, Custodial Concerns, and lunch money procedures)
- Transportation Request Form (Parents should complete requesting transportation for the a.m., p.m., or both – this form will be monitored by the transportation department for this year but will be required to be completed if they wish to have transportation for the 25/26 school year)
Our technology department has created a document with directions on how to complete the returning student forms, please see below.
The Parking Lot!
- The front lot is for buses and staff only.
- There are "no parking" areas that are noted with no parking signs and cones, please do not park in these areas.
- Please utilize the drop -off lane. This lane is a moving lane. Cars should not park and get out of the vehicle. If you get out of the vehicle this is not the lane for you. You should park in a parking space.
- Please drive cautiously in the parking lot there are a lot of people in our peak drop off or pick up times.
- If you live in the neighborhood, it is always a great activity to walk to school on nice days.
- If parking in the neighborhood, please be courteous to the neighbors by not blocking driveways or parking in no parking zones.
- Kindness goes a long way, especially in the parking lot!!!!!
Arrival & Dismissal
- The first bell rings at 8:50 AM and the second bell rings at 8:55 AM. Classes begin promptly at 8:55 AM and students will be marked tardy if they are not in their seat ready to begin their day.
- All students will enter and exit through their individual classroom exterior doors.
- Students should remain in their vehicles until 8:50 AM. At this time they should walk to their classroom door (staff will be available to assist students in finding their doors) and line up along the paw prints as their teacher lets students in.
- Students can wait outside their classroom doors.
- When buses arrive, they will enter through their classroom exterior door and not the main entrance.
- Students will not be permitted to wait inside when it is raining or snowing, they should remain in their vehicles until 8:50 AM.
- At the end of the day teachers will release their students one at a time from the classroom exit door. We ask that parents stand away from the door to allow space to dismiss.
- Students should not be dropped off until 8:50 AM unless attending our SACC program.
- School is dismissed at 3:39 PM. Parents may utilize the parent pick - up lane.
- Buses will be called by number and students riding buses will dismiss through their classroom exterior doors.
- Parent pick-up and walkers will be dismissed through the exterior classroom doors.
External Classroom Doors
Sick Students
- Please ensure to monitor your children daily to ensure that they are not sent to school ill.
- Students who are not attending school on any day must be reported absent on our Attendance Line 586-723-5899. This line is open 24/7 so please call as soon as you know your child will be absent and always before 9am. When leaving a message, please leave student name, grade, teacher and reason for absence. If your child is ill, you must give the symptoms your child is experiencing and a diagnosis if confirmed by a physician.
- We want to ensure the safety of all students and staff, therefore students who exhibit signs of illness will need to be picked up.
Late Arrivals, Early Dismissal & Dropping Off of Student Lunches & Materials
- If a student arrives late to school, parents will bring their student to the front door, ring the buzzer, state the students’ name(s) and the student(s) will be brought into the school and sent to class. Parents are not permitted to enter the building.
- Please make every effort to schedule appointments on days when students are not attending in-person classes.
We will have a large weather-proof bin outside the main entrance if you need to drop off a lunch or other item to your child. Please label it with the child's name and teacher. Please ring the bell to notify office staff. Someone will be out shortly to grab their lunch.
Lunches will be delivered to the students at lunch time.
Please make every effort to send your children with what they will need at school for the day.