W.A.N.G. Newsletter MARCH 2020 !
PO Box 5722, Austin, TX 78763-5722
in this Issue.....
- President's Message - by Holly Reed
- Court Upholds Our Right to Protest City's Re-zoning Plan - CNC
- W.A.N.G. Monthly Meeting Minutes for March 2020
- WANG Board Contacts
- District 10 News by Council Member Alter
- City Council Contacts
- Muny Conservancy
- Neighborhood Real Estate Stats - February 2020
- Texas A&M AgriLife Extension - Fruit Flys
- What's (not) Happening around Austin
Remember to click on photos to enlarge or get link....
WHEN: Meetings are typically held on the Second Monday of each month
When meetings resume
Our meetings are now typically held on the
Second Monday of each month!
but are currently all CANCELLED for CoVID-19
To place an item on the Agenda, send email to President@WestAustinNG.com
Monday, Jun 8, 2020, 06:30 PM
Howson Branch, Austin Public Library, Exposition Boulevard, Austin, TX, USA
President's Message
by Holly Reed, President
Dear Neighbors,
I hope this finds you and your family safe and well. At this time, the City of Austin has confirmed 58 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Travis County, and the daily count continues to grow. The City has created a website for the Coronavirus Disease to provide updates to citizens:
The CDC website is also a vital source of information on how many cases have been confirmed, their location, and where to get help of you think you are sick:
Mayor Adler issued an Order to the City of Austin on March 17, 2020 which prohibits any public or private community gatherings (defined as any indoor or outdoor event that brings together 10 or more people in a single room or space) until May 1, 2020 in an effort to stave off the spread of COVID-19. This includes religious services, weddings, conferences, parties and sports events.
The Mayor’s order does not apply to airport facilities, transit, government buildings providing essential services, schools, institutes of higher learning, grocery stores and pharmacies, hospitals, medical offices and facilities.
Restaurants have also been ordered to close common dining areas to the public until May 1, 2020. Restaurants may provide take out or no contact delivery food.
Bars are ordered to close public spaces until May 1, 2020.
The City’s critical infrastructure (communications, emergency services, energy, transportation systems, water and wastewater, are ordered to continue operating.
Please note PARD facilities that are closed to the public:
We realize that these orders will financially impact our treasured community businesses, but understand that we must all make a valiant community effort in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. Our daily choices during this critical time may save lives. In the long run we will all be better and healthier if we follow the advice of our health care professionals and city leadership now.
Although WANG has postponed our monthly meetings until the City of Austin orders for public gatherings are no longer in effect, we will continue to provide our members and neighbors with information on neighborhood issues.
WANG will be sharing these updates via our E-Newsletter.
As always, if you have an emergency please call 911!
Land Development Code Revision Update:
For neighbors who are just getting up to speed with the Land Development Code Revision: this is a City Council plan (formerly called CodeNext) that proposes to re-zone every property in Austin, without notification to individual property owners. The Mayor and six of the council members have justified this massive up-zoning in neighborhoods by saying our City needs more density, in order to house all the people moving to Austin. They say the added development entitlements would be limited to lots along “transit corridors” (i.e. a bus route,) and 3-5 lots from those streets. But we have recently learned that even properties proposed to be zoned “residential house-scale” that are not in a “transition zone” could now have 4 units allowed, if there’s a house at least 15 years old and a portion of the original structure is retained. Essentially, entire neighborhoods will have a base development entitlement of 4 units by-right per lot. This is not limiting up-zoning to transition zones!
On Wednesday March 11, I attended Council Member Alter’s Town Hall on the LDC revision. Council Member Alter voted against the second reading of the code and map on February 13th, along with Council Members Tovo, Kitchen and Pool. However, the code, which Alter says is still “deeply flawed,” passed on second reading 7-4.
During her Town Hall, CM Alter shared some of the amendments that passed on second reading and summarized them in her February Newsletter. Unfortunately many of the amendments brought forth on behalf of neighborhoods by Council Members Alter, Tovo, Kitchen and Pool failed to pass on second reading.
A third and final reading and Council vote were scheduled for March 31st, April 1st and 2.nd Public input was scheduled for March 24th and 28th. Given the situation Austin is currently experiencing with the outbreak of COVID-19, WANG wrote to the Mayor and Council, asking them to postpone the third reading of the LDC Revision.
WANG has just learned that the judge ruled in favor of Plaintiffs in the Protest Lawsuit! Please read the ruling below. WANG would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who stood up for our right to protest the City’s re-zoning of our property and our right to receive notification of re-zoning.
We now have an opportunity to improve the Land Development Code in a way that begins with citizen input, engages the community and can hopefully be supported unanimously by the City Council.
Holly Reed, President
Your Right to Protest City Hall’s Rezoning Plan: Update from CNC
Court Upholds our Right to Protest Citys Rezoning Plan a Victory for the Austin Community
(An Update from Community Not Commodity)
As many of you already know, a trial on your right to protest the City of Austin’s controversial rezoning plan was heard on Wednesday, March 11, by Travis County District Court Judge Jan Soifer. Judge Soifer is smart, thorough, and fair.
The plaintiffs’ presentation went very well. Doug Becker of the law firm Gray & Becker did an excellent job of simplifying this complex case and anticipating City Hall’s arguments. He repeatedly cited state law, which gives Texans the unequivocal right to protest local zoning changes.
The city’s lawyer argued that notifying Austinites about the rezoning would be too burdensome on local officials, and she claimed no one has the right to protest the plan because it impacts all residents in the same way. We believe this is untrue and irrelevant.
Tellingly, the City of Austin has failed to cite any case law directly supporting its position on protest rights.
Judge Soifer has taken both sides’ arguments under advisement and is now reviewing the exhibits, which were extensive.
WANG urges everyone to FILE YOUR PROTEST BY MARCH 31!
You can do this at www.fileyourprotest.com and it only takes a minute!
neighbor comments:
"...Congratulations to everyone who worked on the lawsuits and filed protests!"
"This is huge. Michael thanks for your efforts in winning this lawsuit"
"Great! Good work Michael"
"I just read the judgement. What a rebuke of the City's actions!"
"Thanks for all your efforts, Michael. This is fantastic news"
Judge Throws Out City Council Votes On New Austin Land Code, Putting Rewrite In Jeopardy
click on photo above for more info
WANG Minutes
March 9, 2020
Howson Public Library
These are the minutes of the meeting of the West Austin Neighborhood Group Board of Directors held Monday, March 9 at 6:00 PM at Lions Municipal Golf Course.
I. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:07 PM by President Holly Reed. Board members in attendance included Mary Arnold, Joe Bennett, Sarah Cain, Mike Cannatti, George Edwards, Heidi Gibbons, Bob Hamilton, Haidar Khazen, Cathy Kyle, Craig Lill, and Brady Pedneau. Board members Joyce Basciano, August Harris, and Blake Tollett were not in attendance.
II. Approval of Minutes:
Heidi Gibbons made a motion to postpone approval of the February 2020 Meeting Minutes. The motion was seconded by Haidar Khazen, and passed unanimously.
III. Neighbor Communications:
- A. Members of the Austin Fire Dept. Project Team gave a presentation for the Fire Station 10 Renovation Project. This historic fire station, built in 1938, is located at 3009 Windsor Rd, and serves the WANG area. Division Chief Tony Haden, Elizabeth Ferrer, Jaime Palomo, and Michael Halloran explained that many older stations have aging infrastructure that needs improvement. The renovation will include adding dorm rooms, bathrooms, a workout space and exercise room, and will commence sometime this summer. Station 10 will be closed for approx. 9 months during the renovation. Sarah Cain asked if Station 10 Fire Fighters would be able to participate in the Tarrytown 4th of July Parade. Chief Haden said they would participate.
- B. Mayfield Park Trowel & Error Garden Symposium (4/4/2020) George Edwards made a motion that WANG support Mayfield Park’s Trowel & Error at the 250.00 level. Mike Cannatti seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
IV. Land Matters:
- A. WANG Land Matters Chair Blake Tollett was at the Board of Adjustment Hearing on Monday March 9th for the 2309 and 2311 Quarry Road variance request hearing. Blake notified the WANG Board that an application for re-subdivision has been submitted for 1400 Winsted Lane, and an application for boat dock replacement has been submitted for 3002 Scenic Dr. Blake has asked that WANG be added as an interested party in the Scenic Dr. case.
- B. Board Member Mike Cannatti has been working on legal research regarding deed restrictions. WANG has retained an attorney to answer questions about deed restrictions in our neighborhoods, particularly in the proposed transition zone areas along Westover, West 35th, Enfield and Deep Eddy. The attorney has agreed to meet as soon as she has information to share, mid March.
- C. LDC Revision Updates: Pres. Reed announced that District 10 Council Member Alison Alter will hold a Town Hall Meeting on the Land Development Code Revision on Wed. March 11, 6:30 PM at Congregation Agudas Achim, 7300 Hart Lane. The third and final reading of the LDC Revision is scheduled for March 31st, April 1st & 2nd. Public Comment is scheduled for March 24th and 28th. The Protest Lawsuit is scheduled to be heard on Wednesday, March 11th in the 345th District Court, Judge Jan Soifer presiding.
V. Transportation:
- A. Pres. Reed told the WANG Board that the University of Texas is conducting a traffic study of major intersections and roads in the WANG area, particularly around the Brackenridge Tract and land that the University owns. The study was scheduled to run from February 20th until March 6th.
- B. The WANG Board discussed the Exposition Blvd. Water Improvements Project. The project website is austintexas.gov/expositionblvd and explains the phases, dates and closures that will be a part of this ongoing project.
- C. CapMetro representative Jackie Nirenberg will give another presentation of Project Connect, and what is planned for transportation in West Austin, at the next WANG Board meeting.
VI. Membership:
Chair Joe Bennett reported some membership renewals.
VII. Newsletter:
Chair Haidar Khazen said the deadline for WANG’s print newsletter content is April 30th to produce a mid May newsletter. Board members gave suggestions for content in this newsletter. Ads will also need to be submitted by the deadline.
Joe Bennett is working to gather content for the March E-Newsletter.
IX. Treasurer’s Report:
George Edwards reported that WANG has $12,054.46 in the Business Account, $111.33 in the Tarrytown 4th of July Parade Account, and $1,210.76 in the Oak Wilt Account.
X. Old Business:
- Save Muny/ Lions Municipal Golf Course Update: Mary Arnold reported that on February 20th, 2020 the City Council voted to approve the City of Austin’s request for Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the Brackenridge Development Agreement. These amendments would extend the terms of the BDA and the City’s lease of Lions Municipal Golf Course on a month to month basis, with a five month notification of cancellation. The amendments will give more time for the Save Historic Muny District to negotiate an agreement with the University, regarding acquisition and preservation of Muny . On February 27th the Board of Regents approved the amendments. Although the Board of Regents authorized amending the Muny lease and Brackenridge Development Agreement, they did not announce the conditions that the City would need to agree to, in connection with getting the lease extended.
- The Muny Conservancy continues raising funds for the purchase of Muny. Several fundraisers are planned for the spring including the Criquet Shirts 19th Hole Party on March 27th. “An Evening with the Masters” is scheduled for April 2nd at the State Theater, and the Forever Green Tournament will take place on April 18th. Mary Arnold told the Board that golfer Lloyd Morrison will be honored April 14th.
- A Muny Stakeholder Summit Meeting is planned for April 14th.
- Red Bud Trail Bridge Project: Public comments are closed but can still be emailed to the City of Austin. Plans can be seen on the website: http://www.austintexas.gov/department/redbud-trail-bridge-project
XI. New Business:
Next Meeting: Monday, April 13th at 6:30 PM Howson Public Library
XII. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned by Pres. Holly Reed at 7:46 PM
WANG Board of Directors & Committee Members
Organized 1973......"To preserve our neighborhood and protect it from deterioration"
- President: Holly Reed President@westaustinng.com
- Secretary: Cathy Kyle Secretary@westaustinng.com
- Assistant Secretary: Blake Tollett AsstSecretary@westaustinng.com
- Treasurer: George Edwards Treasurer@westaustinng.com
- Past President: Cathy Kyle PastPresident@westaustinng.com
All Current Members (click on name to send email)
- Holly Reed ............................member since 2015 (President)
- Cathy Kyle ............................member since 2010 (Secretary)
- Blake Tollett .........................member since 1994 (Asst Secretary)
- George Edwards ..................member since 2004 (Treasurer)
- Mary Arnold .........................member since 2006 (Muny Tract)
- August "Happy" Harris.........member since 2005 (Transportation)
- Michael Cannatti .................member since 1999 (CWANPCT)
- Joseph M Bennett ...............member since 2001 (Membership)
- Haidar Khazen .....................member since 2004 (Web Master)
- Craig Lill ...............................member since 2017
- Joyce Basciano ...................member since 1999
- Brady Pedneau ................... member since 2019 (ANC Liason)
- Bob Hamilton........................new member
- Sarah Hawthorne Cain.........new member
- Heidi Gibbons.......................new member
Honorary Committee Members
- Honorary Mayor Steve Adler
- Honorary Alison Alter
- Honorary Kathie Tovo
News from District 10
by Council Member Alter
Dear Neighbors,
My colleagues at the City of Austin and I are committed to protecting the health and safety of every member of our community. We have introduced several critical measures in the last few days – closing bars and in-house dining at restaurants, restricting group gatherings, and curtailing non-essential city business.
We are all learning to adjust to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. I ask you to respond in ways that sustain and support the health and wellbeing of our community.
We must acknowledge that the limited testing means that we should act as if we are experiencing person to person spread of the virus in our community. We can see how events have unfolded in other cities and countries and resolve to do what we can to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Our goal is to act responsibly so our health system can support those in need of help over the coming weeks. This means following proper hygiene steps (washing your hands, cleaning surfaces, sneezing and coughing into your sleeves, staying home when sick), practicing social distancing, and checking in with vulnerable neighbors. These are truly the steps that will allow our community to limit exposure between people to prevent further community spread.
At the same time that we are facing a health crisis, our city is addressing the economic consequences. We have begun to roll out some measures to support those in need and will continue to do more. In the meantime, please consider ways that you can assist our local businesses and nonprofits. I have identified a few options below. I also included many resources and links in my last newsletter, which you can read here.
I appreciate those that have written me to share their thoughts and constructive ideas. I am sharing those ideas with the appropriate decision makers and advocating for increased precautions. We are a resilient and creative city. I welcome your efforts and suggestions as we navigate the pandemic.
Alison Alter
Council Member, District 10
P.S. Please follow my Facebook page for frequent updates and additional information.
March 17th COVID-19 Orders:
Community Gatherings, Restaurants & Bars
Austin-Travis County is closing bars and suspending dine-in service at restaurants for six weeks under new Orders aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19.
Under the new Orders, food establishments are ordered to close common dining areas open to the public and encouraged to provide take-away, delivery or drive-thru, to limit exposure between individuals. Meanwhile, bars are ordered to close common bar spaces open to the public and are prohibited from allowing consumption on premises.
Community gatherings of 10 people or more in a single room or other confined indoor or outdoor space are prohibited, due to “the substantial risks to the public”. However, a number of “critical facilities” are exempt from the Orders. They include but are not limited to government buildings providing essential services, schools or colleges, grocery stores and pharmacies, transit and transit facilities, the airport and airport operations, and hospitals and medical facilities. In these places “social distancing” and frequent cleaning is strongly encouraged.
At the same time, parts of the community’s “critical infrastructure” are ordered to continue operating. They include Austin Bergstrom International Airport and CapMetro operations, communications, emergency services, energy, and water and wastewater systems. These services are also encouraged to implement screening precautions to protect employees.
The new Orders, which will run from 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 17, until May 1, 2020 unless changed, were adopted by Austin Mayor Steve Adler and Travis County Judge Sarah Eckhardt as the reported number of local cases of COVID-19 rose to 10. Austin Public Health (APH) epidemiologists and nurses are currently conducting contact tracing on hundreds of people believed to have come into contact with the people tested positive in the local area. All of the cases so far are related to travel outside Austin-Travis County.
You can watch today's press conference about the new restrictions here. Read more about COVID-19 and Austin's response here.
March 15th Modifications to City Operations
The City of Austin has modified its operations and some public services are suspended until Monday, March 30, 2020. This is being done to maintain the health and safety of City employees and the community at large while providing critical City services.
*Camps and spring break activities will happen through Wednesday, March 17th and will be suspended following the completion of activities Wednesday. Additionally meal services for kids and seniors will continue. Though our physical libraries are temporarily closed to the public, Austin Public Library Staff is assessing how to best serve residents with our virtual resources. The following services are still available to all library card holders: Austin Public Library’s Virtual Library provides access to e-books, audiobooks, e-learning, entertainment, magazines and newspapers, homework help, and research and databases The following service extensions have been added to virtual resource:
There will be no changes to essential city services including public safety, trash, recycling, and compost pick up, Austin Water service, Austin Energy service, and transportation services.
Modifications include the following:
Land Development Code Postponement
In response to the increasing concerns and fluidity of COVID-19 situation, the City of Austin has decided to postpone meetings and action related to the Land Development Code Revision, including the meetings scheduled for:
- Tuesday, March 24 at 6 p.m.
- Saturday, March 28 at 9 a.m.
- Tuesday, March 31 at 9 a.m.
- Wednesday, April 1 at 9 a.m.
- Thursday, April 2 at 10:30 a.m.
- Tuesday, April 7 (no time announced)
For the most up to date information on COVID-19, please visit AustinTexas.gov/COVID19. For the latest information on the Land Development Code Revision process, please visit AustinTexas.gov/LDC.
Austin Restaurants Offering Curbside & Takeout Food
In light of these new orders, Rally Austin is compiling a list of Austin restaurants offering curbside and takeout food. Please check out their list and consider supporting local businesses if you are able to.
Drive A Senior–West Austin – Help Needed
Drive A Senior–West Austin (DASW) is making plans to ensure all home-bound, isolated seniors in their area are getting basic food and goods during this crisis. If you are interested in being involved as a delivery driver, donating food/goods/ordering take-out, or making courtesy calls, please email them directly at westaustin@driveasenior.org.
If you are unsure of how you can help but want to be on their email list during this response time, please let them know. Please do not call the office as their phones are very busy and they need to keep them as open as possible to address the needs of our seniors.
We Are Blood – Donations Needed
With school cancellations, work-from-home policies, and concerns around coronavirus keeping many Central Texans at home, We Are Blood is relying on your donations to keep hospitals supplied and patients healthy.
Please consider giving blood if you're able, and check out their spotlight in Austin Chronicle.
This is Democracy Podcast: Life in a Time of Coronavirus
We are all adapting to new routines and learning to socially distance. My husband and kids recorded a podcast yesterday called "Life in the Time of the Coronavirus" and I thought you might find it interesting.
Resources and Information from Government Agencies
- City of Austin Press Conference (March 17 at 12 p.m.): Temporary Restrictions for Community Gatherings, Restaurants & Bars
- City of Austin Press Conference (March 13 at 6 a.m.): Two Positive Cases of COVID-19 in Austin-Travis County News Conference
- State of Texas Press Conference (March 13 at 12 p.m.): Texas Governor Abbott issues disaster declaration, details state efforts to fight Coronavirus
- Texas Department of State Health Services webpage: Find up-to-date info on the state's efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
Contact your City Council Representatives:
(click on name to send email)
- Mayor: Steve Adler 512-978-2100
- District 1: Natasha Harper Madison 512-978-2101
- District 2: Delia Garza 512-978-2102
- District 3: Sabino Renteria 512-978-2103
- District 4: Gregorio Casar 512-978-2104
- District 5: Ann Kitchen 512-978-2105
- District 6: Jimmy Flanigan 512-978-2106
- District 7: Leslie Pool 512-978-2107
- District 8: Paige Ellis 512-978-2108
- District 9: Kathie Tovo 512-978-2109
- District 10: Alison Alter 512-978-2110
Email All of the Council: Entire Council and Mayor
West Austin Neighborhood Group
PO Box 5722
Austin, TX 78763-5722
Annual Memberships (Nov 1-Oct 31)
$50-Friend Level;
$100-PATRON Level;
$30-FAMILY Level;
$15-SENIOR Level;
Fruit Flys
Fruit flies can become a nuisance problem at any time of year. They can enter homes from ripe fruits or vegetables picked from the garden or purchased at the grocery store. Fruit fly adults may also fly into homes from outdoors.
Adult fruit flies are small (about 1/8 of an inch) and often have red eyes. The front portion of the body is tan while the back portion is dark brown to black. If given the opportunity, females can lay up to 500 eggs. Larvae are surface feeders on fermenting foods or other organic matter, which means that you can cut off the overripe parts of the fruit or vegetable and eat the rest.
To prevent bringing fruit flies into your home, do not purchase over ripened fruit and vegetables. Eat fresh produce in a timely manner and store items in the refrigerator or a paper bag that is clipped closed. All recyclables should be rinsed thoroughly before placing them into the recycling bin. Recycling and garbage bins should be cleaned on a regular basis with soapy water to eliminate any spilled material.
If your home already has fruit flies, locate all sources of infestation (where the larvae are living) and eliminate them. Insecticides only target adults and will not control the problem. While searching and eliminating breeding sources, a trap can be constructed to capture adult flies. Create a paper funnel by rolling paper and taping it closed. Place the funnel into a jar that has a small amount of apple cider vinegar in the bottom.
For more information or help with identification,
contact Wizzie Brown, Texas AgriLife Extension Service Program Specialist at 512.854.9600.
Check out my blog at www.urban-ipm.blogspot.com
This work is supported by Crops Protection and Pest Management Competitive Grants Program [grant no. 2017-70006-27188 /project accession no. 1013905] from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service or the Texas A&M AgriLife Research is implied.
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides equal access in its programs, activities, education and employment, without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Click on the link (City Stage photo) above or on event below for more info of everything happening around Austin !!!!
Join the West Austin Neighborhood Group
on the First Tuesday of every month
STAY INFORMED on local topics and issues that
effect you and the Neighborhood!
- · The City of Austin Land Development Code Rewrite
- · The Brackenridge Tract Development
- · Transportation – Austin Metro
- · Lion’s Municipal Golf Course
- · Redbud Trail Bridge Project
- · Mayfield Park & Preserve
- · The Austin State School
- · Deep Eddy Pool & Park
- · Neighborhood Parks
- · Walsh Landing
- · Camp Mabry
- · District 10
- · And more…
Emergency Numbers:
Ambulance (EMS) .............................911
Police Dept.......................512-975-5000
Casis Elementary School.............512-414-2062
Austin High School.......................512-414-2505
O.Henry Middle School...............512-414-3229
Texas Gas Service.............................1-800-700-2443
Grande Communications...................512-220-4600
AT&T (new service)...........................1-800-464-7928
Time Warner Cable (Cust. Svc)...........512-485-5555
Austin/Travis Hazardous Waste.........512-974-4343