News and events

November 17, 2024
Upcoming events
November 18th - Regular Start - Classes start at 7:40 am
November 22nd - Last Day of Trimester 1
November 25th - No School - Staff Development
November 26th - No School - Staff Planning/Grading
November 27th - No School
November 28th & November 29th - District Closed
December 2nd - Regular Start - Classes start at 7:40 am
Career Center
We made it through the first round of early application season for seniors! Over 30% of our senior class has applied to at least 1 college. Congratulations! For students who would like to go to college but have not applied yet, we still have time for regular and rolling applications. Not applying by November 1 does not mean that you cannot apply or that you will not get accepted. Continue to work through the process and reach out to Ms. Wolfe with any questions.
As we transition into the second trimester, financial aid and scholarships will start to become more readily available. Make sure to remind students to check their emails often. Additional resources can be found here.
Seniors, as you are starting to hear back from colleges, make sure to update your Scoir accounts accordingly.
Test Prep Resource:
Looking for a way to study for upcoming college exams (ACT, AP, CLEP, Accuplacer, ASVAB and more)? Check out this new resource. Accessing Test Prep Packages
Are you interested in the military? Take the FREE ASVAB assessment!
When: Dec. 14th, 8:00am
Where: Champlin Park High School (D 160)
Who: 10th-12th graders
Register: With Ms. Wolfe in the Career Center
Bring: Your charged chromebook or computer
Financial Aid:
The 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is set to open in December 2024. The US Department of Education has informed the public that there are significant changes coming to the form, in hopes to simplify it for students and families. We will continue to update you as we know more. Please reference this financial aid site for additional resources regarding financial aid events, the FAFSA, MN Dream Act, and more.
Career Events
Electrical line worker technology and gas utility construction and service workers play a huge part in making sure energy reaches our communities—our families, friends, and local businesses and schools. The Center for Energy Workforce Development estimates that, nationally and in Minnesota, the industry will need thousands of new energy service technicians over the next several years. Students who are female and/or members of BIPOC communities that are residing in the 7-county metro area (Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scot, Washington) are able to participate.
For more information, click here.
Apprenticeship Fair
November is National Apprenticeship month! We were thrilled to host companies at BHS for a fair with apprenticeship opportunities in construction, electrical careers, business, hvac, plumbing, carpentry, diesel mechanics, solar energy, mechatronics, and more! Students can check out additional Apprenticeship Options. (pic)
This is a short children's musical, suitable for all ages.
Tickets can be purchased online at bhstheatre.booktix.com.
Madrigal Dinner
Health Office
There has been an increase in the number of pertussis/whooping cough cases in the area.
Pertussis is a vaccine preventable illness. The first symptoms of pertussis look like a cold and can include a low grade fever, runny nose/sneezing and a cough. The cough can occur in sudden bursts and you may vomit after a coughing spell. It is often worse at night.
For more information on pertussis, please visit Whooping Cough MN Dept of Health
If your child is being tested for whooping cough, please keep your child home from school while the test is pending – it can take several days. BHS will clear your student’s attendance with a doctor’s note stating they are being tested for pertussis.
When should my child stay home from school?
Many students and parents are frequently concerned about when students should stay home or attend school. The following information is intended to help with this decision.
General practice:
- If a student has had a fever of 100 degrees or more, the student must stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without fever reducing medication.
- If a student has vomited or had diarrhea, the student must stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
- If a student has had any rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown, check with your family physician before sending the student to school.
- If a student is ill, please call the school daily to report the illness.
More information can be found at: Is My Child Well Enough
Business Professionals of America (BPA)
Blaine High School BPA Seniors Embark on Unique Networking Experience in Seattle
October 30 – November 3, twelve senior students from Blaine High School participated in an BPA exclusive, self-funded networking trip to Seattle, meeting with professionals from major corporations like Starbucks, Eddie Bauer, Nestle Coffee Partners, and Costco. The trip provided students with hands-on learning opportunities, company tours, and invaluable advice from industry leaders. Highlights included a memorable encounter with Peter Dukes, creator of the Pumpkin Spice Latte, a lively fish toss experience at Pike Place Fish Market, and a powerful reminder of the importance of internships, adaptability, and lifelong learning.
Students shared their unique takeaways from the experience. Ali Khan reflected on the importance of college internships, noting that Nestle professionals helped clarify how internships can shape a future career. For Isabella Phan, the trip came at a pivotal moment: “We're all seniors deciding our next steps, so getting to meet people from big businesses gave us insight into what we could possibly do in the future.” She added that Pike Place Fish Market was a highlight, showing her that job satisfaction isn’t limited to corporate roles. Natran Gibe appreciated hearing employees’ diverse career journeys, realizing that a college degree doesn’t necessarily dictate a fixed path. “Your path can always change,” he shared, “and networking is powerful in opening unexpected doors.”
Students also found inspiration in the culture and insights offered by each company. Maggie Davini noted that Starbucks showcased how a balanced work environment can foster both productivity and enjoyment, saying, “With a healthy environment like that, there is so much room to progress.” Jordan Blair, who is still exploring career options, was struck by advice to “try lots of things, but learn to fail fast.” This lesson on adaptability taught him the value of pivoting quickly when something doesn’t work, helping to conserve time and resources. Blair also learned that while college provides foundational skills, it’s the broader abilities like critical thinking and problem-solving that truly prepare students for varied career paths. These takeaways emphasized to students that adaptability, resilience, and a positive work culture are key ingredients for long-term success.
This unforgettable trip provided the seniors not only with career insights but also life skills they can apply in college and beyond. Their stories are an inspiration to their peers, demonstrating the impact of firsthand professional experiences. For more photos and updates, visit our BPA Club page on Instagram.
31 Years Strong: Blaine BPA Shatters Record with Over 1,000 Coats Collected
Members of the Business Professionals of America (BPA) recently celebrated the 31st annual Coats for Kids drive, breaking records with an incredible collection of over 1,000 jackets, surpassing the previous high set in 2007. Students in the Business Internship (BPA) worked tirelessly to gather coats for Pilgrim Dry Cleaners' annual drive. After being cleaned, the coats will be distributed to Minnesota charities and schools, providing warmth to community members in need.
Over the past 31 years, Blaine BPA has collected more than 16,000 coats for this meaningful cause. Retired BHS teacher and former BPA advisor Randy Hemstad, who founded the drive, continues to be a major contributor, donating almost 300 jackets this year. His commitment to the program exemplifies BPA's longstanding dedication to supporting Minnesotans.
Senior Justin Sworr was asked what motivated him to collect coats for those in need. He replied with, “When you’re working toward something bigger than yourself, it takes real determination. That’s why I was out in the cold, gathering coats for those in need. I reminded myself that I was part of something greater than myself.”
Special thanks go to Dave Ryan from KDWB’s Dave Ryan Morning Show for once again promoting BHS as a drop-off location; and Eric Nelson, News Producer at NorthMetro TV, for sharing our story. Thank you to all staff, students, and community members who donated this year and helped make a difference in keeping our neighbors warm this winter.
For more information on the Coats for Kids drive and to learn how you can support this impactful initiative, visit Pilgrim Dry Cleaners' Coats for Kids page. There, you’ll find details about donation locations, the charities and schools benefiting from the drive, and ways to get involved.
Adult Volunteers
All volunteers must fill out a BHS Volunteer Application for the 2024-25 school year.
How to Volunteer with Anoka-Hennepin Schools
We are so happy you’re interested in helping our Bengal community!
Please see below for more information on opportunities and sign ups.
November 21 & December 2 - P.E. Padlock Collection & Distribution
Our P.E. teachers could use some help with Tri 1 padlock collection on November 21, and Tri 2 padlock distribution on December 2. Please sign up using the links below:
November 21 - Tri 1 P.E. Padlock Collection
December 2 - Tri 2 P.E. Padlock Distribution
Volunteers needed for Fall Performances
Our performing arts students are in need of adult volunteers for choir, orchestra, and theater performances this fall. Are you interested in handing out programs, scanning tickets, assisting with safety and security, concession sales, or 50/50 raffle sales? Please check out these opportunities and click on the links to sign up!
November 22-24 - “Space Pirates” Fall Musical
December 17 - December Orchestra Concert
December 11 & 18 - Registration Help for 2025-26
The BHS Counseling Office needs helping hands to sort/organize papers and stuff folders in preparation for advisory teacher for 2025-26 registration. Click below to sign up:
Year-Round: Cafeteria Servers
If you would like to help our child nutrition staff with light kitchen duties, please contact paula.miller@ahschools.us to get connected.
Attention Booster Clubs:
Here are some resources for Booster Clubs from Anoka-Hennepin Parent Involvement.
A big thank you to our Fall volunteer coaches, and our volunteers who helped with fall fine arts performances and picture retakes! Good luck to our Winter sports teams, and the volunteer coaches that help make it happen!
BHS Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC): Paula Miller
MCA scores available for parents/guardians to view online
The 2024 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) Individual Score Reports for students who took a test during the 2023-24 school year are available for families to access online. Families can access the document by logging into A-HConnect or viewing it on the ParentVUE mobile app.
Who takes the MCA test?
Students in grades 3-8 and in grades 10 and 11 take MCA tests each year. MCA reports will only be available for students who took an MCA test during the 2023-24 school year.
In addition to detailed test results, the report also includes a QR code directing families to an individualized video report of the student’s score. Parents, guardians, and any person with educational rights to a student will be able to access the student’s MCA report online.
Click here for step-by-step instructions for logging in to view your student’s test score,
Winter weather reminders
Minnesota weather is shifting gears, and the Anoka-Hennepin School District has plans in place for when extreme winter weather arrives.
The safety of all students is the first priority when determining if schools should stay open in adverse weather. If a determination is made to close school due to extreme winter weather, the district will alert families in a variety of ways, including:
Text and email message from #AHSchools. (For parents/guardians only).
District and school websites.
District and school social media pages (e.g. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).
Media outlets including WCCO, KSTP, FOX 9, KARE 11, CCX Media, WCCO radio and Star Tribune newspaper.
Those responsible for activities scheduled in schools over the weekend will determine if adverse weather conditions necessitate a cancellation.
Read more about the district’s policies on extreme winter weather at ahschools.us/weather.
This e-newsletter is published by Blaine High School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.