GHMS~ In the News
May/June 2024
"Always keep your path in the direction of kindness." -Joy Harjo
Month of the Military Child
During the week of April 15, we celebrated Month of the Military Child. Students were treated to a Spirit Week, and during lunch periods, a select group of 8th graders were in the library to read books about children who have parents in the military to our 6th graders.
Thank you to Sienna Palermo for the beautiful drawing of the child for our library bulletin board!
National Junior Honor Society Inductions!
On May 1st, 2024, 106 Great Hollow Students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society.
Congratulations to the incoming Officers:
President: Anthony Murray
Secretary: Mashaal Haq
Treasurer: Declan Hoey
Media: Brandon Bellisimo
You can watch video highlights of the ceremony HERE.
Thank you, Mrs. Putnam, for your hard work and dedication to the NJHS!
HS East Robotics Presentation
In May, our 8th graders had a special presentation by the HS East Robotics team! Thank you HSE!
Chalk the Walk 2024
GHMS students participated in "Chalk the Walk," on May 8, 2024. Click here for a quick video highlighting some of the beautiful artwork created on the walkway in front of the building.
Congratulations, Neha Golia!
Congratulations to Neha Golia, in Mrs. Rosen's English class. She entered the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Inc., National Irish History Contest, and earned first place for her grade category and first place for all of Suffolk County! Great work, Neha! Keep up the good work, we are all so proud of you! Here is an excerpt from the press release about Neha:
The National Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians invites students, 6th-12th Grade, from all over the country to submit entries to our annual Irish History essay contest. This year’s topic was: “Identify women who became involved in the Irish independence movement and/or to free the North from British colonialism”. On a Division level, applicants from several schools in the area were invited to enter the contest. The LAOH Division 3, Smithtown had the honor of awarding Neha Golia, 8th grade, from Great Hollow Middle School, first place in her grade category. Neha received a Certificate and a check for $75 for her essay. In addition to the Division level prize, Neha was also awarded 1st place from the LAOH Suffolk county, where she also received a certificate and a check for $200. The LAOH extends its warmest congratulations to Neha on her achievements and wishes her well on her future endeavors.
Thank you, PTA!
The faculty and staff at Great Hollow would like to thank the PTA for the wonderful Italian luncheon they provided during Teacher Appreciation Week! Grazie mille!
📚 Summer Reading on Sora's E-book Platform 📚
All students have access to the e-book/audio book platform, SORA, all summer, and throughout the school year. This is the same platform that the public library uses (they call it Livebrary or Libby.) Please encourage your child to log in and to check out a book, an audiobook, magazine, or comic book over the summer! The link to Sora can be found in your child's Classlink account. You can add the Livebrary account to Sora, and your student will have access to the public library's e-books in addition to Smithtown SD, Western Suffolk BOCES, NY Reads and LI Students Read. Sora has added a collection of books called, Sweet Reads, which will be available all summer! Check it out!
If you have any questions about Sora or how to log in, please email Mrs. Jakubowsky.
🎵 Spring Concerts 🎵
During the month of May, students in Band, Chorus and Orchestra, participated in Spring Concerts. Each concert was a great culmination of the hard work the students and the music teachers have put in all year. Click HERE to see a video montage of the concerts and a video from the Marching Band in the Memorial Day Parade. Bravo!
🚒 First Responders Recognition Week 🚓
During First Responders Recognition Week, the name of an EMT, Firefighter, Military Personnel or Police Officer, was read during morning announcements to acknowledge their bravery and commitment to keep our communities safe. During the week, Mrs. Markey's niece, Officer Samantha Kirrane, from NYPD K-9 Unit came to visit with our students and speak to them about what she does. Thank you to all of our First Responders! We appreciate you!
Word of the Week Challenge!
Thank you to all students who participated in Mrs. Jakubowsky's Word of the Week Challenge, from December to May! Six of our students completed the challenge every week and were invited to a special celebratory breakfast in the library. Congratulations to: Michael Chirchirillo, Jacob Di Martino, Anthony La Torre, Stuti Prabhu, Holly Prizgint and Vardhan Ravva! Keep up the great work!
Whether you want frothy fun, gripping suspense, a tense sports battle, twisty mystery, swoon-worthy romance, or sizzling blockbuster, these page-turners are perfect for your lounge chair or beach towel. For other books you just can't put down, check out these lists for kids and teens: Mystery Books and Thriller Books for Teens.
From all of us at Great Hollow, we wish you and your families a safe and restful summer! Congratulations to the GH Class of 2024, we wish you much success as you enter high school, we can't wait to see all of the GREAT things you will do! We look forward to welcoming our students back on September 5, 2024!