Texas MEP Quarterly
Staff Edition: June - August 2024

The June - August issue of the Texas MEP Quarterly Family Edition is now available.
The March - May 2024 Texas MEP Quarterly Staff Edition is available if you were unable to read it last month.
Do not forget to join the TMEP Listserv to continue receiving this newsletter each quarter and important updates about the Migrant Education Program.
TMEP Agribusiness Employers/Growers Section
An exciting new addition is here on the TMEP portal! The “Agribusiness Employers/Growers” section will be a valuable resource for MEP staff to use in the field. This new section will help staff connect to organizations and businesses who employ and/or serve Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers. These organizations include United States government agencies, nonprofit organizations, agricultural businesses, and various associations. This will also help farmers, growers, and agribusiness employers learn more about the Migrant Education Program and resources that they can share with their workers. Visit the new page today:
Timely Reminders
MSIX Move Notices
Summer is a time when many migratory families make moves across the state as well as across the country. MEP staff can help these families by inquiring and finding out when they move and where they are moving to. This way, MSIX move notices can be created and sent to the receiving state or area of Texas. The receiving MEP can then help set up families and students up for success by getting their academic support in place for the students and necessary resources ready for the family.
MSIX Move Notices should also be followed up by MEP Staff for families entering their districts. LEAs must reply to their local ESC with the outcome from these notices within ten days.
Keep in mind that the TEA MEP has charged us with tracking the intrastate and interstate mobility of our migratory students, and MSIX is directly tied to program funding.
Summer Timeline of Events
MEP staff in Texas know that summer is one of the busiest times of the year. Luckily, the AIIMS web portal can help! Staff can access the Timeline of Activities page to find a fillable version of the MEP Timeline of Activities. This gives staff the ability to track all the events for their program throughout the year. Included below are some sample events for the summer months.
Education Resources
Free Education Resources to Share With Parents
Summer is a great time to share some of the resources from the Education Resources for Parents of K-12 Migratory Children with your migratory families. Remember, the web platform switched in February so if you have not visited the txmigrantk12.net lately, you may have to create a new account. This portal contains:
Tip sheets,
Short videos,
Games and apps, and
Interactive course modules.
The portal helps students from kindergarten to twelfth grade and offers support for out-of-school youth by providing information and resource links. The portal provides reading and writing materials for all grades and has recently expanded to include math resources for kindergarten through second grade. Additional math lessons will be available in the future for other grade levels. All resources on the portal are freely accessible, provided in both English and Spanish, and can be easily downloaded or printed at home. Registering for an account is fast, straightforward, and gives users instant access to these resources.
Coming Soon! The Parents and Families section of the TMEP/AIIMS portal will have a new, streamlined look. The content has been simplified to make it easier for users to navigate and find information and resources. Watch for the new pages early this summer! Visit the portal today to find:
A direct link to the Timely Tips and Tools page, allowing fast access to announcements and featured files;
Access to current and past editions of the MEP Quarterly Newsletters;
Simplified access to information for migratory parents and families; and
Pages highlighting Title I, Part C ESSA Compliance and Parent and Family Engagement.
Parent Resources to Share
Summer Food Service
The USDA collaborates with states to guarantee that children benefiting from free or reduced-price school meals continue to receive adequate nutrition during summer vacation when schools are not in session. Under the USDA's summer meal programs, authorized locations in various communities nationwide provide meals and snacks to youths aged 18 and under without charge. Be sure to share the Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder tool with your families to locate nearby meal sites, along with their operating hours and contact details. It’s important to note that the tool also works on tablets and smartphones, so your families will be able to easily find the nearest site to them. Families can also call the USDA National Hunger Hotline for information:
1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479) (for English) or
1-877-8-HAMBRE (1-877-842-6273) (for Spanish).
The next application period for the National HEP/CAMP Association Scholarship is beginning soon! Starting June 15, students can begin to submit their applications for this scholarship, which helps students cover the costs of attendance at the post-secondary levels. The rolling application period happens three times a year, with this one beginning June 15 and ending August 15.
The HEP/CAMP scholarship offers excellent support for eligible migratory students pursuing higher education. Beyond providing financial aid, these scholarships offer a unique blend of mentorship and guidance to accompany you on your academic pursuit.
Key details at a glance:
Application Period: June 15 - August 15
Purpose: Support eligible migratory students in their pursuit of higher education.
Benefits: Beyond financial aid, enjoy mentorship and guidance throughout your academic journey.
Inform your students of this opportunity to pave the way for a brighter educational future. For more details and to begin your application, head over to the National HEP/CAMP Association website.
Visit the HEP/CAMP Scholarship Page: National HEP/CAMP Association
Mental Health Assistance
One of the most requested non-instructional supports that parents ask for is mental health resources. Texas Health and Human services has a list of mental and behavioral health providers that MEP staff can share with parents, which is also available in Spanish. The list contains the contact information as well as the counties in which each entity serves. This service area map can help individuals determine what local authority is in their area.
Texas Migratory Family Helpline
The Texas Migratory Family Helpline assists families by providing information and support with school enrollment, educational resources, and community services. The helpline is available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Central Time and can also help with providing service referrals to social services, such as legal aid, housing, and health care. You can reach them at (888) 984-6251.
Upcoming Events
Staff/Student Spotlight
This quarter, we are featuring an Al Wright Scholarship winner that received her award at the National Association of State Directors of Migrant Education conference in Portland, Oregon. She was the only recipient of the award from the state of Texas and among a total of 8 recipients nationwide. Her accomplishments inspire and prove that hard work and determination can make any student successful, no matter what their background might be.
Ximena Ventura is from Raymondville, Texas, and is a senior at Lasara High School in the Lasara Independent School District in the Rio Grande Valley.
Ximena is an extraordinary student. She ranks first in her class with a College 4 Point of 4.08 and a GPA of 101.55. Her school uses a 100-point grading system. This excellence is evident even after she has taken the most rigorous courses in her school. She has been the top-ranking student in her class for three straight years.
She is a dual enrollment student earning straight A’s from courses at Coastal Bend College. At the time of high school graduation, in a few short weeks, she will have earned an Associate’s Degree.
She is also a worker, traveling with her family every summer from deep south Texas all the way to Utah to do work in the orchards and fields of that state. She has been working since she was 13 years old.
She has been invited to speak at numerous conferences to share her experiences as a migratory and a successful student.
But there is more! Ximena is a gifted athlete. She is a top track star at her school and has gone on to state competitions (which in Texas is quite a feat!). She also plays on the varsity basketball team.
As part of her extracurricular activities, Ximena was on the school’s University Interscholastic League (UIL) team for Headline and Literary Criticism and the team won at the state level.
One of her teachers cites her strength, determination, kindness, and passion.
Her guidance counselor writes, “You can see that she is a top-notch student, but what I think is more telling is her character. She is one of the sweetest and most caring people that you would ever meet and has a heart of gold.”
Unsurprisingly, Ximena has been admitted to many colleges, including the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Texas A&M, Texas A&M Kingsville, and Texas A&M – Corpus Christi.
Final Thoughts
We would like to thank all the Texas educators who made it to NASDME! It was a successful conference that brought educators from around the country together for professional development in migrant education.
Do you know an incredible member of your MEP family who is making a difference in your region or district? We are thrilled to announce our brand-new program spotlight, where we celebrate the exceptional work of our dedicated Texas MEP staff.
Nominate that standout colleague who is going above and beyond to create a positive impact. Whether they are supporting migratory students and families in the great state of Texas or contributing in other extraordinary ways, we want to hear about it!
Your nomination could mean their moment to shine right here in our newsletter. We want to recognize and honor those who are making a real difference. Do not miss out – fill out the quick and easy nomination form today! MEP Staff Spotlight
Please encourage your migratory families and MEP staff to join the TMEP Listserv to continue receiving TMEP quarterly newsletters and up-to-date information about the Migrant Education Program.