Pennridge Counseling Resources
Course Selection for the 25-26 School Year
**School Counselors have met with all students who are enrolled in semester 1 English courses and will continue to meet with all semester 2 English courses during the week of January 27, 2025.
Course selection documents are available have been provided to all students:
- Teachers showed this course selection video and handed out course selection worksheets to students.
- Students can view full course descriptions, graduation requirements and various career pathways in the Program of Studies.
Teacher Recommendations: Teacher recommendations for courses level (Academic, Honors, AP) will not be made prior to students selecting courses. Students are encouraged to consider their strengths and interests and select course level(s) in which they have a balance of success and challenges. Teachers will review all course requests in the spring and will conference with students if they have a concern about a selected level. If a teacher is concerned with a student’s course request, a form will be completed to prompt a discussion with the student and their counselor/principal.
Course Selection Deadline: February 7, 2025.
Upper Bucks County Technical School Applications
Upper Bucks County Technical School's application is now open for the 2025-2026 school year.
Upper Bucks County Technical School offers 23 programs in which students can earn industry recognized certifications and college credits through articulation agreements with area colleges and learn their technical skills on the same equipment used in industry. UBCTS Application & Programs
On-Going Academic Support
If students are struggling in a course we recommend:
- Students speak directly to their teacher and Counselor
- Students report to their teacher during flex learning time from 7:15AM to 7:40AM for extra help. Appointments are not needed.
- Students reach out to PHS National Honors Society Free Peer Tutoring Register Here.
- Students attend After School Instructional Support See Flyer
Looking for a quiet place to focus and be productive? The library is open every day after school. Library hours are Monday through Thursday: 2:15-3:30 and Friday: 2:15-3:00. No registration is required to work in the library unless you need to sign up for the late bus.
🎖️Military Summer Programs 🎖️
Looking for a summer experience that will push you beyond your limits, build your leadership skills, and give you a glimpse into a life of purpose and service?
The U.S. military’s summer programs offer motivated high school juniors like you the chance to step into the shoes of future leaders. You’ll forge lifelong friendships, challenge yourself physically and mentally, and discover the pride that comes from working as part of a team.
Whether you dream of serving your country or simply want to grow into the best version of yourself, this program is a launchpad for success. Take the leap—your future is waiting! Check out each opportunity below:
United States Naval Academy (Deadline April 1, 2025)
🌟Session 1 - May 31 - June 6, 2025
🌟Session 2 - June 7-12, 2025
🌟Session 3 - June 14-19, 2025
United States Air Force Academy Application (Deadline January 15, 2025)
🌟Session 1 - June 3-6, 2025
🌟Session 2 - June 10-13, 2025
🌟Session 3 - June 16-19, 2025
United States Military Academy Application (West Point) (Deadline April 15, 2025)
🌟Session 1 - May 31 - June 6, 2025
🌟Session 2 - June 7-13, 2025
United States Coast Guard Academy Application (Deadline April 1, 2025)
🌟Session 1 - July 6-11, 2025
🌟Session 2 - July 13-18, 2025
🌟Session 3 - July 10-25, 2025
🌟Session 4 - July 29-30, 2025 (virtual)
Bucks County Community College 2 + 2 Dual Admission Partners
February 19, 2025 - Visit the Upper Bucks Campus in Perkasie to learn about the benefits of dual admission transfer agreements at Bucks Community College & Register to attend
Juniors and Seniors Interested In Local Government.
Do you live in the Perkasie Borough? If so, you are invited to become a Youth Councilor for the Borough Council. Details and applications are available in the College and Career Center, room 307. Ideally, the Borough would like the position filled by January 20th.
College Entrance Exams
Students who plan to attend a four year college are encouraged to take the SAT and/or ACT college entrance exams during their junior year. Below are the national testing dates. Dates with an asterisk (*) are offered at Pennridge High School. Students must register on-line through College Board and/or ACT.
Financial Aid for College Bound Seniors
PHEAA Update
The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) is now available. Students and families can access the form on StudentAid.gov. Families should create their StudentAid.gov account prior to completing the FAFSA. As part of the two-step authentication, families can also download an authenticator app which can be used to assist families with logging in even when cell and internet service isn’t available. This two-step verification method offers more security than other methods against phishing, hacking, and interception of text messages or email.
PHEAA’s “Before Filing the FAFSA–get your StudentAid.gov account” poster encourages students to create their StudentAid.gov account a few days prior to the FAFSA being completed. Please use our online ordering system to order the poster or any additional materials you may need. If you have a planned event with an Access Partner, we will automatically send you printed materials for your event.
PHEAA has 2025-26 FAFSA completion reports available for you to view. If you already have access, you will be able to log in to your PageCenterX mailbox to see the reports. If you have not used these reports in the past and don’t currently have access, please notify your Access Partner and we will send you a remote access agreement to begin that process.
PA Forward Bridges Tuition Gaps
After the holidays, seniors will focus on their final high school term and begin preparing for college by filing the FAFSA. PHEAA’s PA Forward Student Loan Program can help them pay for college next fall by covering tuition gaps that federal aid doesn’t pay for. PA Forward offers great benefits like competitive rates, no fees, and multiple repayment options for PA residents attending school in or out of state. Have your students visit pheaa.org/PAForward for more information.
Prior Information Sessions
Questions? Reach out to your student's School Counselor at any time!
Grade 9, Student Last Name A - Ln: Mrs. Cuthbert
Grade 9, Student Last Name Lo-Z: Mr. Behrens
Grade 10, Student Last Name A-L: Mrs. D'Angelo
Grade 10, Student Last Name M-Z: Ms. Hall
Grade 11, Student Last Name A-L: Mrs. Plawa
Grade 11, Student Last Name M-Z: Mrs. Pennebacker
Grade 12, Student Last Name A-L: Mr. Henrysen
Grade 12, Student Last Name M-Z: Mrs. Moffett