October 21st AMSHS Weekly Update
Building independent lifelong learners.
Principal's Corner
Next week is has multiple opportunities for our students to get involved and make a difference in their lives and school community.
Parent/Teacher Conference is on October 24th from 12-7PM. We invite students and parents to come and talk with teachers about student growth and progress. The class with the highest attendance percentage earns a Sonic Drink Party. Parents who attend and conference with teachers, can also enter to win a GRC conference pass.
Red Ribbon week is October 25-28th. Students participate in dress up days and pledge they will be drugfree. We also will have a special pep assembly on Friday to celebrate Halloween and Red Ribbon Week.
Trick or Treat at AMSHS on October 28th! Students can dress up in school appropriate costumes and trick or treat between classes. There will also be a costume contest sponsored by the Warrior Store but students must dress up to participate and trick or treat. Remember no, blood, gore, or inappropriate costumes. No face paint, masks, fake weapons, or large costumes that cause a classroom disruptions. Costumes should follow dress code policies.
Next week is going to be great and the AMSHS staff is excited to welcome you to our building and discuss your child's growth and progress.
Mrs. Barbara Terry
Middle School/ High School Principal
Albany R-3 School District
AMSHS Cell Phone Policy
Cell Phone Policy
In order to address the growing parental concerns about student safety and well-being while traveling to and from school, student activity during the school day, and the teachers’ concerns for cheating and distractions during classes, the Albany R-III School District will allow students to possess cell phones provided the following rules are strictly adhered to:
Student cell phones and other communication devices are kept on silent to not distract others throughout the day.
Students are not permitted to take photos or videos of teachers, staff, or other students without their knowledge.
Student cell phones are stored in lockers and are not permitted in classrooms, locker rooms, restrooms, gyms, or lunchrooms.
Students are permitted to check cell phones at their lockers during transition times as long as they are not tardy to their next class.
Students who abuse cell phone usage or fail to adhere to the cell phone policy will face the following consequences.
1st offense- Cell phone is confiscated by the teacher/ staff member and taken to the office. Students may collect from administration at the end of the day.
2nd offense- Cell phone is confiscated by the teacher/staff member and taken to the office. Building administrator will notify parents to come and collect cell phones.
3rd offense- Cell phone is confiscated by the teacher/staff member and taken to the office. Students will serve a scheduled lunch detention. The student cell phone will be returned following detention served and/or at the end of the school day.
Any further offenses will be subject to consequences by administrative discretion.
Students should use adult etiquette and refrain from using cell phones while participating in contests, concerts, games, etc. A student who uses cell phones excessively or who doesn’t follow adult etiquette, may have limitations placed upon them. Usage of cell phones and other electronic or communication devices when not approved will result in disciplinary actions. IPods, MP3 players, and other electronic devices are at the discretion of each teacher.
Albany R-III High/Middle School and the Albany R-III School District are not responsible for recovery, reimbursement, or replacement of lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones or electronic devices. No camera or video-capable personal electronic device may be used in locker rooms, restrooms, the lunchroom, or any classroom at any time. Photo, video, and/or audio recording without explicit written permission of subjects will result in disciplinary action.
Counselor's Corner
Hey Warriors! It’s been a great week. Here are a few things coming up for next week!
Next week, 10/25-10/28 is Red Ribbon Week. We have dress up days to celebrate and students can also pledge to be drug free by signing a banner.
Here are the dress up days:
Tuesday, Oct 25th: Use Your Head, Wear Red! Wear red to kick off red ribbon week.
Wednesday, Oct 26th: Hats off to Good Choices! Wear your favorite hat
Thursday, Oct 27th: Team Up Against Drugs! Wear your favorite sports shirt/team jersey or school colors.
Friday, Oct 28th: Say BOO to Drugs! Wear orange and blank for Halloween
***Students are also allowed to wear a school appropriate Halloween costume and enter the costume contest.
We will be celebrating red ribbon week by pledging to be drug free! Students may sign a banner that is hung up in the commons.
Mosaic Career Day:
I am taking a group of students to Mosaic Career Day on Thursday, Oct 27th. Those who have signed up have received paperwork and letters regarding the event. They may also check their email for more information. There is a dress code for the day including closed toed shoes with no heel and dress pants are preferred but jeans without holes are also acceptable. If they wear jewelry, it needs to be minimal and not distract from the day.
These students should have brought home a letter regarding a covid vaccine or covid negative test requirement. I want to apologize again for this inconvenience as I did not know until yesterday of this requirement. It is completely up to you and your student if they still wish to participate in the career day. I think it will be a fun, engaging, and educational experience for students wanting to go into health care so I hope this requirement does not turn anyone away.
New scholarship opportunities:
These have both been posted on google classroom and the high school counseling page on the website. There are also additional links posted where students can search for more scholarships. I will have scholarship information to hand out during parent teacher conferences as well.
SOY Scholarship:
This scholarship is available for students pursuing a career/education in agriculture. It is $7,000 (3,500 each semester of 2023-2024) and the deadline is Dec 31, 2022. I've included a link to the website with information as well as the application.
FCS Financial Scholarship:
Here is a link for the 2023 FCS Financial Scholarship. The deadline is March 1, 2023. You must be a child or grandchild of an FCS Financial customer to be eligible for this scholarship.
Important Information About Student Academics
Parent/ Teacher Conferences are October 24th from 12-7PM in the gym. Teachers will be at tables and be available to talk about student concerns and celebrate student successes. The class that has the highest rate of attendance to conferences will receive a Sonic Drink party. Parents who attend can also enter to win a free GRC season pass.
We would love for every student to have a parent or guardian come to conferences. For planning purposes, we ask you give us an approximate arrival time. Please take a moment to reserve a time using the link below.
Attendance is an important part of academic success. We require 90% attendance to be eligible but there is an appeals process if something unforeseen were to occur. Letters were sent home today for students who are not eligible because of attendance. For more information on this, please talk to your child's coach or call the office.
The following dates 1st semester. You will be notified if there are concerns. There are tutoring options available. If you have any questions about grades, please contact your child's teacher.
November 4th and 25th
December 9th and 21st
Per our handbook policy, after the 6th tardy, students will serve an after school detention. Please see the disciplinary section of the handbook for more information about our tardy policy.
1st Quarter AR Glow Pizza Party!
Important Upcoming Dates
10/24 Parent/ Teacher Conferences
10/25-28th FFA National Convention
10/27 Mosaic Career Day
10/28 AMSHS wear costumes and trick or treat in classrooms
10/29 AMS Halloween Dance
11/11 Veteran's Day Assembly
Don't forget about weekly Friday 7AM Booster Club meetings at Deb's Diner
Albany Middle and High School (AMSHS)
Email: bterry@albany.k12.mo.us
Website: https://www.albany.k12.mo.us/
Location: 101 West Jefferson Street, Albany, MO, USA
Phone: (660) 726-3911
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Albany-R-III-Warriors-1089316697861329/