"Knightly" News
Washington Street Elementary - May 3, 2024
Upcoming Events
- 6: Teacher Appreciation Week
- 6: Public Forum: Health Curriculum Proposals (see below), OMS Media Center, 7 pm
- 14: 5th Grade Field Day, Bulldog Stadium - 10 am - 2 pm
- 15: Last Delayed Start
- 17: 1st Grade Program, OHS Auditorium - 2:30 pm
- 23: Warriors 5k Ultimate Triathlon
- 27: Memorial Day - No School
- 29: 5th Grade visits OMS
- 29: 4th Grade to Yankee Springs for Nature Awaits Program
- 29: Kindergarten Celebration, OHS Auditorium - 2 pm
- 30: 1st Grade to Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park
- 4: 3rd Grade to John Ball Zoo
- 6: Field Day - 10 am - 2 pm
- 7: 5th Grade Recognition, WSE Gymnasium - 2 pm
- 12: 1/2 Day
- 13: 1/2 Day/Last Day of School - Awards Assembly, WSE Gymnasium, 9 am
Next Week is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Our PTO would like to provide appetizers and desserts to the Washington Street Elementary staff on Thursday, May 9th in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. Please click below to sign up if you can help!
Window open on annual OPS perception survey
* What are the strengths of Otsego Public Schools?
* What do you love most about our district?
* Where do you think we can improve?
On Monday, you received an email from OPS asking you to complete our annual perception survey. The survey asks a series of questions centered around the district’s four main focus areas:
- School Culture and Climate
- Individualized Student Success
- Career Exploration and Engagement
- Student Well-Being
It’s vital that we get as much participation as possible so we can build upon our strengths and what’s going well, but also address those areas that could use improvement. Thank you!
Public Forum Notice
Two proposed changes to the 6th grade reproductive unit will be the topic of public forums on May 6, 2024.
The Otsego Public schools Reproductive Health and wellness team is proposing two changes to the 6th grade reproductive health unit. The State of Michigan requires Reproductive Health be taught but allows parents to opt out of that unit of Health class before it happens. Parents can review the unit in its entirety before deciding.
The proposed changes are:
1) to replace a video on puberty, that is over 20 years old, with a newer, more up-to-date video.
2) to add four new definitions to the unit.
Check out the article on the district website for additional info
Counselor's Corner
Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mentally healthy students are more likely to go to school ready to learn, actively engage in school activities, have supportive and caring connections with adults and other children, use appropriate problem-solving skills, and have non-aggressive behaviors. The following video has a few tips on helping your child maintain good mental health. Of course, if you are ever concerned about your child’s mental health, please speak to the school counselor or seek an outside professional for help.
- 5th Grade (Math) - Tuesday, May 7
- 4th Grade (ELA) - Thursday, May 9
- 3rd Grade (Math) - Thursday, May 9
2024-2025 Class Placements
Spring is the time of year when we begin planning for the 2024-2025 school year. Placement of children in classes is a part of that planning and a most difficult task. Responsible placement decisions take time and many consultations among staff members. Our goal is to make the best match between student, teacher, and learning environment. Many factors must be considered such as gender ratios, academic ranges, social behavior, personalities, special needs, and learning styles. If you feel you have special insights regarding your child that could assist with our selection, it is certainly welcome. We ask parents to adhere to the following guidelines:
• Provide information about your child’s needs.
• Do NOT request a specific teacher or friendship group. A detailed description of your child’s learning style and individual needs is more helpful.
• Information must be in writing-please complete this FORM -- or fill out a form in the office on or before May 3rd.
Remember that due to the many factors involved, we are unable to make any guarantees, other than the fact that we will put much thought, consideration, and individual attention into each and every placement. We hope you will rely on our expertise and know that the best possible placement will be made for your child.
Bulldog Buddies - LINK of the Week
Bulldog Buddies is the name of Washington Street’s LINKS program. LINKS is an evidence based peer partner program that promotes inclusion and belonging of all students. Through Peer-to-Peer, we are able to build intentional opportunities for connection between our general education students and our students with disabilities. Many think that Peer-to-Peer only benefits our students with disabilities however; research shows that it benefits all students! For more information on Peer-to-Peer, check out this LINK.
Big Dawg Summer Sports Camps
Bulldog PRIDE
Congratulations to the following students for being selected as their classroom PRIDE winner for the week!
P - Positive Attitude
R - Responsible Actions
I - Integrity Within
D - Determination to Succeed
E - Expect Excellence
Kindergarten: Norah Burris, Solomon Hoffman, Koda Null, Blake Montague
1st grade: Hannah Sabatke, Kaydence Wrobleski, Aria Granger
2nd grade: Aidan Natzel, Braylin LeGrow, Rowan Trolard
3rd grade: Ahnicka Brown, Lucas West, Gabby Froelich
4th grade: Brynlee Cuddington, Wyatt Berner, Knox Leonard
5th grade: Sam Meyer, Keaton Mckeown, Brady Pfefferman
Watch D.O.G.S.
Our WatchD.O.G.S. program is in full swing! “Dads” (or dad-like figures) who are interested in signing up to volunteer for a full or half day should contact Angela Bender (abender@otsegops.org) or Jen Knight (jknight@otsegops.org) via email to schedule a date.
When you volunteer, you will receive a schedule for the day that allows you to help out in different classrooms doing a wide range of activities (reading a story, working with a child 1:1, playing a game with a small group). You will also have scheduled time on the playground and lunchroom to interact with students and be a positive role model for them. We need a current background check on file before you can volunteer.
Sign up for Mrs. Knight's Remind!
Washington Street Elementary
Attendance Line: (269)694-7880
WSE BASE: (269)694-7835
Email: jknight@otsegops.org
Website: http://wse.otsegops.org/
Location: 538 Washington Street, Otsego, MI, United States
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wseparents/?rf=371830666323356
Twitter: @otsegoschools