May 2024 Newsletter
Tisdale Middle & Secondary School
Principal's Message
We are officially in the last term of school. Time certainly keeps on ticking despite the weather, sickness, or job actions of teachers. Report cards for term 3 can be found in Edsby. If you have concerns about your child’s grades, then please reach out directly to the teacher to inquire more. We did just complete two evenings of conferences in April, but families are encouraged to communicate with teachers at any time throughout the school year and not to think that only those formal evenings are when you can meet with teachers.
Thank you to all the generous families that donated soup or chili and buns to the teachers over those two conference evenings. Your support of our staff and students is appreciated. In addition, many families stopped to buy raffle tickets for our handmade Tornado quilt at the Rambler Rodeo Trade Fair (the draw is June 1) as we continue to fundraise for our amphitheater. Our middle-year students are also fundraising through our Mom’s Pantry product fundraiser. Check out the online site and order some cooking and baking products to support TMSS.
Our students have been back participating in extra-curricular activities while STF job action is on pause. Archery, badminton, fitness training, along with Grad 2024 and SRC planning have continued. Every week we can enjoy some fun time outside the classroom, we’ll be grateful for!
Thank you for your continued support,
Carmen Messer
TMSS G.R.I.T. Awards
For this month's Grade 6 GRIT, we recognize Kansola Oyinloye for her hard work and dedication to learning. Kansola has grown this year as an independent learner. She pushes herself to improve, invites feedback, and knows her next steps. She is resilient. Even when she knows something is challenging, she digs in and goes for it. She has integrity. Kansola is aware of her goals, and the goals of others, and sticks to the task. Kansola shows togetherness with a smile and often compliments others. Congratulations to Kansola!
This month's Grade 7 GRIT award winner is Macklyn Arneson. Macki has strong leadership skills, participates in discussions, and is willing to help her classmates. She takes pride in her work and strives to do her very best, asking for feedback or clarification when needed. She shows grit each and every day, and is resilient when faced with challenges. Way to go, Macki!
This month's Grade 8 GRIT award goes to a student who is always willing to help others and is always putting in their best effort. She works extremely hard in the shop and showed significant improvement throughout the short time in Woods. She was always one of the last students staying in the shop to make sure it was clean, often doing clean-up jobs that were not hers. Her project turned out awesome, which is a direct result of her skills she learned throughout the term. This month's grade it GRIT award goes to Jade Kapeller.
The Grade 9 GRIT Award goes out to Shaye Woolley for the month of April! Shaye has done great things so far in the sports world this year, winning NESSAC in Volleyball, competing in multiple tournaments across North America for softball, and placing 2nd in her badminton pool and going on to qualify for NESSAC. All while putting her full effort into her schoolwork - making sure to stay on top of her schoolwork, maintaining her top-notch grades, and also lending a helping hand to other students. Shaye exemplifies GRIT in all the best ways. Keep up the good work!
This month’s Grade 10 GRIT winner is Gage Bernard! His work ethic in class is second to none, and he is quick, efficient, and careful in his work. He shows teamwork on the court, whether it’s volleyball or basketball. He showed maturity on the Europe trip and resilience on the flight home, being a champ with the motion sickness! Congratulations Gage!
Our Grade 11 GRIT award for this month goes to Teniesha Lebel. Teniesha is an example of all the characteristics of our school mantra. She shows a growth mindset, resilience, integrity, and how we should all work together. Teniesha is always smiling, which is contagious to others. She has a hello for everyone. She is willing to help others complete “whatever”. She works effectively to get assessments completed even when she has a busy group around her.
The Grade 12 shout-out goes to Scott Kapeller. Scotty is a do-er, he is always willing to lend a hand to help out whether it be in the classroom or in the community where he volunteered countless hours to help out with the Rodeo. His work ethic will take him far in life as he is about to face the real world with graduation only a few short months away. Scotty is also deserving of this shout-out as he will be representing Team Saskatchewan at the 9-man challenge cup against Team Manitoba during May long weekend.
TMSS Playscape Raffle
TMSS is selling raffle tickets as a fundraiser for the TMSS Natural Playscape Project. This gorgeous quilt was made and donated by Chris Keays .
Tickets will be on sale until May 31, with draw date on June 1, 2024. Tickets are $2 each, or 3 for $5. They can be purchased at the TMSS office, or on our online payment portal at https://publicforms.nesd.ca/store/home/ .
TMSS Tornados Athletics
Zenek Chapman was honored at our school assembly in April for his Bronze Medal in Jr. Boys Javelin at the 2023 Provincial Track and Field Championships. His name is featured on this banner, which will hang in the TMSS Gym. Congratulations, Zenek!
Congratulations to Gage Boxall for getting Bronze at NESSAC in Nipawin for boys singles in badminton!
School In The Bush
In April, our Grade 7 students were invited by Nibwakawigamig School at Kinistin Saulteaux Nation to take part in their annual School In The Bush event. Our students were introduced to a variety of land based learning, incorporating First Nations culture and traditions. We are sincerely thankful for the opportunity to learn!
Thank You!
TMSS would like to sincerely thank Erin Lewis for donating formal wear for our graduates to use if needed. We also had a gown donated by the St. Paul's United Church, which was donated to their rummage sale. It was a beautiful dress and they wanted it to go to a good cause! Thank you :)
2023-24 Yearbook
It's time to get your 2023-24 YEARBOOK ORDERS in! Don't miss out!
You can click the order form below and return with payment to the TMSS Office, or pay online at https://publicforms.nesd.ca/store/home/
Yearbooks are $45 each.