Parent Pocket - November 15

G.L.H Johnson Elementary School
GLH Johnson Elementary School hosted their PTA Meeting this week. Families were provided with the opportunity to join the PTA. PTA President JD Edmunds provided families with school fundraiser updates and students as well as staff performed a Multicultural Dance. There was also a turkey giveaway, just in time for Thanksgiving!
O.T. Bonner Middle School
Grandfather and grandson enjoyed their evening out supporting Bonner's Drama Club stage play Order Up! "It's all here!"
O.T. Bonner Middle School
OT Bonner Middle School's Drama Club presented the stage play Order Up! "It's all here!" for their families, school staff as well as community members this week. Bravo, on your wonderful performance!
Park Avenue Elementary School
Park Avenue Elementary School's third, fourth and fifth STEAM+C Enrichment students had a hands-on cooking experience with Mrs. Karen Steinbach Eades.
E.A. Gibson Elementary School
E.A Gibson Elementary School had a record number of BOOSTS! Way to go scholars! Keep up the great work.
George Washington High School
Virtual Science Meetings
Parents! You are invited to participate in discussions about science education in DPS! Please join us virtually for one or more of these virtual meetings.
Tuesday, November 19 @ 5pm
Elementary: Teams Meeting ID: 280 577 571 825
Passcode: MTLczC
Middle: Teams Meeting ID: 237 408 540 55
Passcode: E5hvWd
High: Meeting ID: 245 423 876 672
Passcode: n6hQP8
Virtual School Choice Information Sessions
Need help completing School Choice applications? Attend one of our virtual help sessions and learn more about our 25-26 offerings! View the meeting dates, times, and links below. For more information on our school choice programs, visit our website at danvillepublicschools.org.
Holiday Card Contest is back for 2024!
We will be accepting submissions for our holiday card contest starting November 1! Submissions can be given to homeroom teachers or emailed to ldavis2@mail.dps.k12.va.us. First place will receive $200, and we will use their design for the DPS holiday card. Second place will receive $100. ALL students K-12 are invited to participate!
Please note: to be considered, cards must have covers that can be digitized through scanning. Elements such as 3D items and glitter cannot be digitized or recreated.
Upcoming Events & Dates to Remember
November 15 - GW Varsity Football playoff game at 7 p.m.
November 18 - GW JV and Varsity scrimmage vs Chatham Hall at Bonner, starting at 5:30 p.m.; GW scholastic bowl home match vs. Tunstall at 5 p.m.
November 19 - Bonner Boys & Girls basketball home games vs. Mecklenburg, starting at 5:30 p.m.
November 20 - School Choice Virtual Information Session at 5:30 p.m.
November 21 - Galileo Scholastic Bowl home meet vs. Dan River at 5 p.m.; GW JV and Varsity Girls Basketball home scrimmage vs. Gretna at Bonner, starting at 5:30 p.m.
November 26 - School Choice Virtual Information Session at 10 a.m.; Deadline for Holiday Card Contest submissions; GW JV and Varsity Boys Basketball home scrimmage vs. Jefferson Forest at Bonner, starting at 5:30 p.m.
November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break
*Check out school websites for school-based events!
Family Engagement Survey for Families
As a learning partner in Danville Public Schools, we would like to know how welcomed and invited you feel; not only in our school buildings, but the learning process of your child(ren). Please take a moment to scan the QR code below and complete our survey!
Link: https://forms.gle/ofZF1aEJv9Xo18Bh7