Immokalee Middle School
School Year 2024 - 2025
We are thrilled to welcome students back!
Bus Information
Transportation is for those families living greater then two miles from IMS. Bus information is available in Focus.
For questions or concerns, please contact Transportation Department 239-377-0600 or email transportation@collierschools.com. Make sure to include your name, student's name, student ID number and phone number in your communication.
Click here for bus stop information: https://bus.collierschools.com/default.aspx?load=studentIDStops
Did you know there is an app for that! CCPS has a "Where's the Bus" app to provide parents and students with timely information about the location of your child's bus. Using GPS technology, this app will show you and your child how many more miles your bus is from the bus stop. The app is free to CCPS families who children ride the bus.
On Time Every Day ⏰
Students will need to be in class at 8:55 am
End Time: 3:40 pm
No student pick up after 3:20 pm
Early Release: 12:40 pm
No student pick up after 12:20 pm on Early Release Days
School Supply Checklist
Safety Protocols
Everyone entering our campus must present a valid ID.
IMS Dress Code Policy
The following dress code are requirements to be followed by all students. The Principal shall be the arbiter of student dress in his/her building. Individual Principals in consultation with their School Advisory Council (SAC) may make other requirements to avoid disruption of the educational process.
Tops: Students have to wear solid colored polo shirts. Logs, except IMS logo, must be 2x2 inches or smaller:
- 6th Grade - will wear RED or ORANGE uniforms shirts
- 7th Grade - will wear NAVY BLUE or YELLOW uniforms shirts
- 8th Garde - will wear BLACK or WHITE uniforms shirts
Bottoms: Must be KHAKI, BLACK or NAVY BLUE bottoms:
- slacks, shorts, skirts, or capri pants
Safe footwear shall be worn at all times:
- No Crocs
- No Slippers
- No backless shoes
FRIDAYS are designated dress down days. Students may wear jeans for $2 with a valid badge, with temporary badge $3. Students may wear shirts for $1 with a valid badge, with temporary badge $2.
Jean must be free of rips, and tear. No leggings, jeggings, corduroy, or athletic wear such as but not limited to biker shorts.
Tops must be three inches below the waistband - midriff area is not exposed. No bare skin
should be exposed at the waist or abdomen area. Clothing must cover the chest area to ensure
that cleavage is not exposed.
- No halter-tops, tube tops, short shorts, muscle shirts, midriff, or backless shirts and blouses
No hats, hoods, or other head coverings in the school building except for
approved areas identified by the Principal. Expectations may be made by the Principal.
Clothing shall be free of inflammatory, suggestive, or other inappropriate writing,
advertisement, or artwork, including but not limited to references of drugs, alcohol, nicotine, or
Student Badge
Students will be issued an ID badge and lanyard which much be worn at all times. ID badges must be worn to leave classroom and/or receive any type of service such as going to the restroom, clinic, or media center.
Badges must be free from graffiti. If a badge is scratched off, covered in stickers, chewed, melted, lost, or cut, student must purchase a new badge.
Lanyards are by grade level. No personal lanyards are permitted. Students must use IMS approve lanyard.
- 6th Grade - Blue IMS lanyard
- 7th Grade - Red IMS lanyard
- 8th Grade - Black IMS lanyard
Replacement cost for a lost or defaced ID is $3 and $2 for the lanyard.
Student Schedules
Students can view their schedule in CANVAS, but will receive their schedule on the first day of school.
- 6th Grade Students will report to the cafeteria.
- 7th Grade Students will report to the gym.
- 8th Grade Students will report to the plaza.
*Locations may be subject to change due to weather.
There will be a time frame when students can request for a schedule change. Students will be notify when they can submit their request.
CCPS Portal
Parents can complete the annual Emergency Information Form online! This form is available online. You do not have to wait to receive a paper version of the form. Visit the CCPS Portal and login as a parent, then click on the FOCUS icon and follow the on-screen prompts to complete all sections of the form, including Student Information, Contact Information, and Health Information.
CCPS provides each parent/guardian, with custody of a child in the District, with an individual ten digit Parent Portal login number. Please remember, if you have a student enrolled in CCPS, you already have an account.
Need Assistance?
We are here to help if you forgot your username information. If you do not know your User ID, you may obtain this information by visiting your child's school and retrieving your Parent Portal login information at the main office. You can also call us at 239-377-4200.
You can click here for assistance to CCPS Portal: Contact Form or email our Help Desk helpdesk@collierschools.com.
Immunization Requirements
All students must be up-to-date on all required immunizations BEFORE the first day of school. This does NOT include the COVID-19 vaccine.
Medications: Daily and Emergency
If a student requires daily or emergency medication during the school day, a District Medication Authorization Form must be completed and signed by the health care provider each school year. The parent must bring all medications to the school with the completed medication authorization form. Medication must be in the original container and labels must match the health care provider's order.
Nursing Procedures at School
Please inform the school nurse if your child requires any special nursing procedures such as diabetes care, tube feeding, catheterization, etc. Please have the appropriate form completed by your child's healthcare provider, and bring it to school with any supplies that are needed for the procedure.
Collier County Public School App
The official CCPS app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved.
Easily connect with teachers and staff.
Fortify FL
You can report suspicious activity. This tool allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials. Follow the easy -steps process to submit a tip. Your name and contact information is always optional, just skip it to submit anonymously.
By accessing FortifyFL, students can provide a description of the threat, share pics and videos and optionally submit their contact information.
Anonymous or Non-Anonymous
You can decide whether you want to include your name and contact information.
Submitting a tip is quick and easy using the mobile app or website.
Include Photos and Video
You can also include photos or video with your tip report.