LHS Student Announcements
January 20-24
Lunch Menu
Monday: No School
Tuesday: No School
Wednesday: BBQ Pork Sandwich or Pancakes, Chicken Sausage Patty, Sidewinders
Thursday: Tater Tot Hot Dish or Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Tomato Soup, Green Beans
Friday: Pasta & Meat Sauce, Garlic Bread Stick, Roasted Vegetables, Cookie
Available each day: Pizza, Sub Sandwiches, Fresh Salads, Fruit & Vegetable Bar, Variety A la Carte
Coffee Shop opens at 7 am!
General Announcements
Class Registration for 2025-2026 School Year
All Legacy students will register during the week of January 27th to 31st during free time by the auditorium.
● Monday January 27th Juniors to be Seniors
● Tuesday January 28th Sophomores to be Juniors
● Thursday 30th Freshman to be Sophomores
Snowball is Saturday, February 1. If you are bringing a guest from another school or someone no longer in high school but under the age 21, you must complete and return the guest forms before 3:30 on Thursday, January 30. Forms are linked here or available at the front office.
School Pictures
View and order at https://shop.jostenspix.com/login
- Event Code: FE81624
- Our Customer Care team can help answer any questions families may have after Picture Day. They are available Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm Central. They can be reached by phone (1-877-515-1447, Option 1).
Yearbook Info
Clubs & Organizations
Student Services
Senior Scholarship Reminder
Our office is beginning to regularly receive new scholarships. Please check weekly for updates and apply for any that you meet eligibility requirements.
* https://lhs.bismarckschools.org/student-services/scholarships/home
* 'Rainbow Wall in the LHS entryway
* https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1imt12xE4NMXXSSaj0AuF5Df7zu6a-TfiLtUFAgO4TJ8/edit?gid=0#gid=0
Financial Aid Information Sessions
BSC’s Financial Aid Office will be hosting Financial Aid Information Sessions for seniors and their parents/guardians on Monday, January 27, 2025, and Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 5:30pm in the Multipurpose Room at the Career Academy. These sessions will cover the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form and other important financial aid information. Seniors and their parents/guardians are encouraged to attend one of these sessions. Registration is not required. Email BSC’s Financial Aid Office at bsc.financialaid@bismarckstate.edu with any questions.
Sports Information
Boys Soccer
The wait is over! The championship rings have arrived! If you ordered a ring, you can pick your ring up with Misty D in the office.
Girls Soccer
Any girl that is interested in playing soccer this spring, there will be a short sign-up meeting on Tuesday, Feb 4th in A101 (Coach Lenhardt’s room) starting at 2:30pm and going to 3:30pm. Please come when you have time at the end of the day. This meeting is for ANYONE wanting to play soccer this spring.
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