Pine Street Press
February 2025
Upcoming Dates
February 12: Student Count Day
February 14 - 17: Mid-winter Break - No School
February 21: Fun Friday
March 14 -17: No School
Fun Friday
Our next Fun Friday will be February 21st! Volunteer sign up information will be sent home soon!
Spelling Bee
Pine Street School held its annual Spelling Bee on January 29th, and we are excited to announce the winners! Fifth grader Emmet Katje claimed the title of Spelling Bee Champion, with fellow fifth grader Lorelei Miller finishing as the Runner-Up. The top four spellers from the competition—Phoebe Snyder, AJ Winters, Emmet Katje, and Lorelei Miller—will move on to represent Pine Street at the Allegan County Spelling Bee on February 25th. We wish them the best of luck as they prepare for this exciting competition!
Staff Recognition
Please tell your teachers or staff members why you are thankful for them by following the link below! We will print out your message and deliver it to our teachers and staff!
A Message from Mrs. Oostdyk - Music Class
Hello Pine Street Family,
The 4th Graders will be playing the recorder in music class in a few weeks. I will be able to give you an exact date once I know when they will be available on RevTrak, so please watch for this in Infinite Campus email. Please be sure your child comes to music class on their day of the week with the book Be a Recorder Star by Macie Publishing, and a recorder once this is underway. You will be able to purchase these from the school by going to the website waylandunion.org. Scroll down near the bottom and you will find the RevTrak store. Choose Elementary Schools, Pine Street and you will find the option to buy a recorder, a book, or both. The cost is $4.95 for a recorder, $5.95 for a book, or $7.95 for a package of both. It is fine to purchase your own recorder, but please do not buy a toy recorder such as those found at a dollar store. It is also okay for students to use a sibling's Be as Recorder Star book.
The 5th Graders will also be playing the recorder in music class also after their musical on March 4th. It will not be necessary for them to bring a book. If they do need a recorder you can purchase these from the school by going to the website waylandunion.org. Scroll down near the bottom and you will find the RevTrak store. Choose Elementary Schools, Pine Street and you will find the option to buy a recorder, a book, or both. 5th grade students only need a recorder. The cost is $4.95 for a recorder. It is also fine to purchase your own recorder, but please do not buy a toy recorder such as those found at a dollar store.
These materials are not available on RevTrak yet, but will be soon. Once it is up and running, you will receive an email with more details and an exact date that these materials will be needed in class. Thank you.
Mrs. Oostdyk
January ROARS Winners
Congratulations to our January ROARS winners! These students were nominated by their teachers to Recognize Outstanding Achievements in Respect, Responsibility and Safety. Congratulations to Carter Leedy, Amelia Patterson, Mia Berens, Dallas Avery, Eliza Stewart, Savannah Dale, Nova VanWagoner, Grace Smith, Bret Blasen, Caleb Ferguson, Rosalie Longnecker, Madisin Custer, Elsie Sovia, Addisyn Weber, Briar Wooten, and Cam Harris!
Yearbook Order
If you didn't order a picture package this fall, don’t worry—you can still order a yearbook! This is your chance to secure a keepsake of this school year. Yearbooks are a great way to capture memories, and we don’t want anyone to miss out.
Order Deadline: March 7, 2025
Please click the link below to place your order today!
Let us know if you have any questions. Thank you!
Paper Gator Contest
Did you know the Paper Gator at Pine Street is public access for recycling? Scrap paper, newspapers, magazines, books, notebook paper and more can be recycled at our Paper Gator located on the east side of our building before you reach the entry of the playground. Help us in this contest to achieve an increase in percentage from last year’s materials recycled to this year’s amount for the potential to reach some extra funding!
Nurturing Our Readers
Capturing Kids' Hearts
This month our Capturing Kids' Heart theme is kindness! Students will be learning about kindness and will be practicing different ways to be kind at school, home, and in the community!
If you'd like more information from Capturing Kids' Hearts about kindness, please follow the link below!