EMS Notes from "The Nest"
Eastwood Middle School Bulletin (Beginning of the Year) BOY
From the Principal's Desk 2024-2025
8/7/2024 Beginning of the Year (BOY) Edition
Ready or Not, here comes the 2024-2024 School Year!!
Welcome Back, E.M.S. Families!!!
I hope everyone has had a chance to rest, rejuvenate, revitalize, and visit relatives. It has been an active summer, with some great summertime weather. I know that we are ramping up to hit the ground running on the first day of school: Wednesday August 21, 2024! This is the SMORE parent Newsletter: EMS Notes from 'The Nest". This comes out from the Office Monthly. There will be important information, dates, events, and pictures. Please look over this edition as a preview of what you can expect.
These are VERY Important Reminders prior to the first Day
Monday August 12 from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm is Schedule & Laptop pick-up and Picture Day at EMS
Tuesday August 13 from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm is the same. It is important that you stop in for this to get started on the right foot for the school year.
6th Grade Students ONLY
Tuesday August 13 at 5:45 PM is 6th Grade Open House.
7th, & 8th grade New Students to the Eastwood district
New Student Orientation Monday August 12 @ 1:00 pm
Look at Nest Notes for more Important information Prior to AUGUST 12 & 13 Schedule & Laptop, and Picture Day
Fall Sports Update:
Grades 7 & 8
Thursday August 8 @ 7:00 pm EMS Parent Athletic Meeting (OHSAA Mandate) EMS Cafeteria
All Grades- EMS Parent Advisory Group (EMSPAC)
1st Meeting: Monday September 16 @ 4:00 pm
This is our middle school parent club - We would love to have you come get involved.
Also included in this newsletter:
Nest Notes
*EMSPAC Update from April 15
-Counselor's Corner
-Students We Like To Brag About
-EMS important website links
-Middle School Parent Resources
-EMS Athletics Information
-Upcoming Events Calendar -
-Eastwood's Beliefs, Behaviors & Outcomes
Dwight Fertig
Twitter: Emsdfertig (@DwightFertig)
419-833-6011 Ext. 301
Nest Notes
Eastwood Middle School Parent Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly, most of the time on the 3rd Monday of the Month (mostly Board meeting Nights) at 4:00 pm. There will be some exceptions. The first meeting of the 24-25 school year is Monday, September 16, 2024, at 4:00 pm.
The group will meet to discuss any ideas and events for the coming school year.
Next Meeting: Monday September 16, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
BOY Events
Rachel's Challenge Day - September 17
Link for April 15, 2024 EMSPAC Minutes
Counselor's Corner
Rachel's Challenge Community Program
“Rachel’s Challenge” Community event September 17
Rachel’s Challenge is a powerful presentation based on the life of Rachel Scott, the first person killed in the Columbine High School Shooting on April 20, 1999.
The program encourages students, parents and other adults in the community to show kindness to others with the goal of starting a chain reaction based on these five principals
Dream Big and Believe in Yourself
Be Kind to Others
Practice Positive Gossip
Show Appreciation
Be the Answer
Student presentations for grades 5-8 will be held during the day on September 17. A community event will be held on the evening of September 17 at 6:00pm.
Many community agencies have volunteered to bring resources to this event.
For more information click on the flier to go to RachelsChallenge.org
Students We Like To Brag About
Students We Like to Brag About!! COMING SOON!!!
Ways we like to recognize Students:
Eagle Way T-Shirts
Students are recognized by earning their "Eagle Way" t-shirt for regularly demonstrating our core beliefs, as outlined in the Eagle Way. We are very proud of these students and the examples of Leadership that they are providing for our building.
6th Grade Positive Day Winners!!
7th Grade Awards announced at the end of the 1st Qtr:
- We Do What’s Right:
- We Do Our Best:
- We Treat Others the Way We Want to Be Treated: M
1st Quarter Award: showing growth throughout the year
8th Grade Students of the Month
Important EMS Websites
Eastwood Bands Page
6th-grade Homework page:
7th-grade Homework page:
7th Grade Newsletter:
EMS Community Opportunities and Resources🚌
Important Transportation Notes
Dear Parent / Guardian,
We're very busy in the Transportation Office preparing for the upcoming school year! To help us route efficiently and accurately, please review the information below.
Action may be required for us to properly route your student(s).
Here is a list of categories that require action:
If your child falls into one of these categories, a form is required and must be submitted prior to August 1.
Students attending Penta Career Center
Even if they do not plan to ride the bus, a transportation plan is required.
Students who will have a friend or family member providing transportation
Students who drive
Students using any address other than their home address. Examples below:
Day Cares
Homes of friends or family members
Shared Parenting - using the address of both parents (as long as both parents reside in the District)
Please use the link provided here to review important transportation information, and access the links you need to submit the appropriate forms!
Transportation Links for Eastwood Parents
If you have already submitted the necessary forms for the upcoming school year, we appreciate your attention to this matter; you do not have to submit another form at this time.
This document is also accessible through the Transportation tab in Final Forms, and on the Transportation page of the District website.
Thank you!
Athletic and Extra-Curricular EMS (Click here for EMS/EHS Athletics Newsletter)
EMS Athletics and Activities Notes
Fall Sports Update:
Thursday August 8 @ 7:00 pm EMS Parent Athletic Meeting (OHSAA Mandate) EMS Cafeteria
Calendar - Upcoming events at EMS
Aug 1 - Fall Sports Practices begin
Aug 5 - Middle School Office Opens
Aug 8 - 7:00pm MS Sport Parent Athletic Meeting (EMS Cafeteria)
Aug 12 - 7:30 am-6:00 pm Laptop, Schedule pick-up, and School Pictures
Aug 13 - 7:30 am-3:00pm Laptop, Schedule pick-up, and School Pictures, 5:45 pm 6th grade Orientation
Aug 19 - Opening Day for Staff, 4:15 pm EMS VB vs Fos, 6:00 pm Board meeting
Aug 21 - First Day of School, EMS VB vs Genoa
Aug 22 - 4:30 pm EMS FB vs Edison, 5:00 pm EMS CC @ Lake Invite
Aug 26 - 4:15 pm EMS VB @ Oak Harbor
Aug 28 - SOAR 6th Class Meeting, 4:15 EMS VB @ Rossford, 5 pm EMS CC -Flying Eagle Invite
Aug 29 - SOAR 7th Class Meeting
Aug 30 - SOAR 8th Class Meeting
Aug 31 - 11:00am EMS CC @ BGSU Mel Brodt Invite
Sept 2 - No School Labor Day
Sept 3 - 4:15 pm MS VB @ Maumee
Sept 4 - 5:00 pm MS VB vs Lake
Sept 5 - 4:15 pm MS FB @ Genoa
Sept 7 - MS CC @ Tiffin Carnival
Sept 9 - 4:15 pm MS VB @ Otsego, 7:00 PM Athletic Booster Meeting
Sept 11 - 4:15 pm MS VB @ Fostoria
Sept 12 - 5:00 pm MS FB vs Lake, 7:30 pm 7th gr Back to Band
Sept 14 - 8:30 am MS CC @ Lakota Invite
Sept 16 - 4:00 PM EMSPAC Meeting, 4:15 pm MS VB @ Genoa, 6:00 pm Board Meeting
Sept 17 - Rachel's Challenge Day, 6:00 pm Community Event at EHS Auditorium.
Sept 18 - 2 HR Delay, 4:15 pm MS VB vs OH, 6:30 pm 6th Grade Camp Parent Meeting
Sept 19 - 4:15 pm MS FB @ Maumee
Sept 20 - FFA Chicken BBQ
Sept 23 - 4:15 pm MS VB vs Rossford
Sept 25 - 4:15 pm MS VB vs Maumee
Sept 26 - 4:15 pm MS FB vs Rossford
Sept 28 - 10:00 am MS CC @ Napoleon
Sept 30 - 4:30 pm MS VB @ Lake
These are the Beliefs, Behaviors, and Values that we strive to teach every day at EMS.
Eastwood Middle School
Community updates & announcements are sent out via email by Superintendent Brent Welker and can be found on the district website under the About Our District tab.
Email: dfertig@eastwoodschools.org
Website: http://www.eastwoodschools.org/
Location: 4800 Sugar Ridge Road, Pemberville, OH, USA
Phone: 419-833-6011
Twitter: @emsdfertig