Tiger Times
Gunter ISD Online Newsletter

The best resource for activities taking place in our district is the District Calendar.
For the full school year, click here to download the 2024-25 Academic Calendar.
Keep scrolling in this newsletter to find announcements, sports updates, reminders, highlights, and much more! There is a Table of Contents to the left for quick scanning.
Important September Dates
9/2 - Labor Day Holiday (No School)
9/16 - School Board Meeting 6 PM @ Admin Bldg
9/16 - Jr. FFA Kickoff Night
9/11 - Patriot Day "Never Forget"
9/22 - Cheer Bingo Fundraiser
9/22 - Official start of Fall (Autumnal Equinox)
9/26 - National School Parent Group Day - Thank you to all of our parents who serve on the committees that support our district!
9/30 - GMS Book Fair Begins
* Events can change in an instant! Be sure to use the Event Calendar for the latest updates.
Gunter ISD Board Briefs
GISD Board Briefs - August 2024
Visit the GISD Board of Trustees page on our website for more school board information.
* We love our school board at GISD. Please be sure to thank them for serving in these very important roles.
Thank YOU!
It was a great start to the 2024-25 school year! Inservice days are always made much sweeter by the gifts we receive. Thank you to everyone who donated something to help our faculty get back into "school mode".
- The cafeteria staff came in earlier than everyone else to make sure we had a wonderful breakfast on our 1st day back for convocation.
- Vickie Jones from Sonic organized a car show and collected school supplies to donate to teachers.
- GIFT sponsored a district-wide BBQ lunch by Poppa's Pit BBQ and gave away so many wonderful gifts.
- Angela Yosten - Design, Print and Promotional Products donated pads of paper and pens for note taking.
- Lamar Bank sponsored a Chubbs Taco lunch for the district.
- Wes Roberson from Grace Bible arrived early to the elementary campus to pray blessings over the building before school started.
- Gunter Brew House provided coffee to keep our staff energized and awake during staff development week.
- Gunter Baptist Church sent "school festive" cookies to the high school which brought a smile to our faces!
- Our wonderful PTO family spoils us rotten!
Thank you to the campus PTOs who spoil our teachers all year long!
- The campus PTOs always do a great job sponsoring and organizing meals. It is very much appreciated, especially this past month when teachers had to stay late for Meet the Teacher.
- Cody Paxman partnered up with the GHS PTO to provide a wonderful breakfast by DB Events and Catering at the high school.
- The GES PTO and community sponsors generously gave the GES staff lounge a face lift! Thank you to Smalltown Sweet Tooth, Chubbs Tacos & Mama Trucker Hat Co for sponsoring the amazing transformation!
Join your campus PTO
Each campus has a wonderful group of parents who work together to help bring smiles to the teachers and students. Check out their Facebook page or contact information below to join them.
- Email your name, cell number and email address gunterhighschoolpto@gmail.com.
- Click the following link to join the GHS PTO Parent Square Group - https://www.parentsquare.com/groups/join/flahz37kx2
GMS PTO - Contact us through our Facebook page @guntermiddleschoolpto
GES PTO - Contact us through our Facebook page | @gunterelementarypto
Text @gespto1 to 81010 to join
Food Services - Free & Reduced Meals
You must reapply for the Free & Reduced program every year. Students who qualified last year, but don't have a new application submitted for this year will go to full priced meals on September 30, 2024.
2024-25 Application
English | Spanish
2024-25 Media Release
English | Spanish
Read more about the National School Breakfast & Lunch Program for Texas
** Return all applications to Mrs. Rogers at the high school campus.
Safety and Security
From the Desk of Chief Satre
During a recent in-service refresher, I showed the staff a few video's pertaining to Active Shooters. I feel they each have a good message and would ask that you watch them with your students and discuss (if you deem appropriate).
North Texas Fusion Center - Safety Bulletins
NTFC Safety Bulletin - August 14 - Identify triggers and de-escalate the situation
NTFC Safety Bulletin - August 24 - Peer to Peer Sexual Harassment
Verkada Guest Security Check In
We have upgraded security at our campuses. When entering a Gunter ISD Campus you will need to bring your State Issued ID, Driver’s License, OR Passport.
Verkada Guest is a visitor management system that provides guests with a seamless experience from arrival to departure, while also strengthening our building security. This will be a more efficient system for campus visitors. It is replacing the RAPTOR system and will speed up the check in process.
Upon arrival, you will find a kiosk in the atrium of each building. Use that kiosk and follow the prompts. The system will take your photo. Once you have completed your check in on the Kiosk, you can ring the office on the intercom. You will be granted access to the office once your badge prints.
Part of keeping students safe is knowing who is in the building at all times, and this system will help us with that.
🚧 Construction Zone - Please Respect the Fenced Areas 👷♂️
Construction Zone: Fencing has been placed between the middle and high school. Construction on the Gunter Bond 2022 projects is continuing and that area is not accessible to you. For your safety, please DO NOT enter that area.
Free English Classes Available
¡Clases de inglés gratuitas disponibles!
Ven a 601 S Ohio St. en Celina (Iglesia Presbiteriana de New City) el 3 o el 5 de septiembre a las 6:30 para inscribirte y recibir clases de inglés gratuitas. Debes venir en persona para inscribirte.
Las clases se llevarán a cabo los martes y jueves por la noche de 6:30 a 8:15. Para obtener más información, llama al 972-754-4237.
Free English classes available!
Come to 601 S Ohio St. in Celina (New City Presbyterian Church) on September 3 or 5 at 6:30 to sign up for free English classes. You must come in person to sign up.
Classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:15. For more information, call 972-754-4237.
Elementary Campus
True Grit!
The theme for the elementary school this year is True Grit, and Superintendent, Mr. Martindale helped the students see that there is an "I" in GR"I"T! Someone with "True Grit" will say, "I" CAN do that!
We are excited to announce the GES Students of the Month for August!
- Kindergarten - Joshua Alphin
- Cason Shearer
- Rosey Stone
- Emily Stanford
- Tania Rodriguez
Summer Reading Challenge
Our GES students may be back in school, but we need to backtrack just a bit... We wanted to give a shout-out to our "Summertime Readers" who completed the Summer Reading Challenge.
We had the following number of students in each grade level complete the challenge, and we are so PROUD of them! Each of them received a book for completing the challenge.
Kindergarten - 4; First Grade - 8; Second Grade - 8; Third Grade - 16; Fourth Grade - 11
In the Classroom
Our year has started out strong with so many great things happening in our GES classrooms!
- Students have been involved in tactile learning activities. The sense of touch is so important in learning, and we also love to see our students learning through play!
- Students engaged in team building and collaboration to get back into the learning mode after a nice long summer break!
- We loved hearing their stories about all of the summertime adventures!
Spaghetti on a Hot Dog Bun - It may be different, but don't knock it until you've tried it!
Our third graders had the opportunity to try something new after reading "Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun" by Maria Dismondi. Lucy, the main character likes different things, and is often made fun of for it.
This story teaches us to celebrate differences, be proud of who we are, and to remember we all have a heart with feelings on the inside. Let's all add kindness to our menu this year!
No Worries! Fred is Safe!
STEM Friday is always exciting in our 3rd grade classrooms. Students had to SAVE FRED! This activity involves students working together as a team and strategizing to save him from his boat wreck. It was a fun day working cooperatively!
Middle School
Students of the Month - August
In two short weeks, these students have made a significant impact on our campus for being great leaders and showing all of the positive values we possess at GMS. Way to go!
- 5th grade - Kamora Smith
- 6th grade - Maddox Verden
- 7th grade - Bo Martin
- 8th grade - Gracie Phelps
Science and the Texas Heat - What a Sweet Treat!
Our GMS Stem students were hard at work creating pizza box ovens with a sweet treat inside! Thank you to Ms. King, Coach Simmons, and Mrs. Hoel for teaching these courses.
Penny Drops? Who Knew?
How many drops of water will fit on a penny? More than you'd think! The 5th grade scientists had fun learning about lab procedures with Mrs. Bon! Some pennies were holding 30 or more drops of water :)
STC Micro-Enterprise Business
Mr. Small's students are offering soda's on ice, iced tea, or iced coffee to the staff at the middle and high school to purchase each Friday. The students will deliver every order with a personalized note and a huge smile! This endeavor will give the students opportunities to learn social skills, job skills, and earn money for their trips, activities, cooking club, and class store.
GMS Book Fair Coming September 30-October 4
Mark you calendar for the GMS Book Fair. It will be held September 30th - October 4th.
Every purchase benefits our school.
Use this link to sign up for notifications before the fair begins, and then use it again to go shopping when our fair opens: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/guntermiddleschool1 You can also browse some books that will be available for purchase.
High School
It's been a great start to the 24-25 school year! We've spent some time getting reacquainted with our returning students and acquainted with our new ones. We loved the summertime stories, vacation pictures, high fives, and ALL of the smiles!
GHS - In the Classroom
Have you ever seen students more excited about Geometry than this? We don't think so!
https://youtu.be/aJ8rUqL0kek Great job, ladies!
Measurements are so important when conducting experiments. With this lab, Mr. Moore's students learned to accurately measure items and volumes in order to get the correct results.
We found Mr. Eaton's students in the hall measuring the distance their cars traveled before stopping.
FFA / Agriculture
Junior FFA Kickoff
Are you interested in Junior Gunter Junior FFA? Mark you calendar for Monday, September 16th | 6-7 PM. We will meet in the GES cafeteria to learn all about the program and all of the opportunities.
Our Gunter FFA Ag teachers and chapter officer team will be there to welcome you as well!
Click here to join the Gunter JR. FFA Parent Square for updates: https://www.parentsquare.com/groups/join/i9mknppyd4
High School FFA Announcements
If you are interested in showing Rabbit or Chicken Projects through Gunter FFA, reach out to Jordan Kimbrell by the following dates!
- Rabbits - September 15th
- Poultry - October 15th
Join our GHS FFA Group on Parent Square!
Click the following link to get all of the FFA updates! https://www.parentsquare.com/groups/join/aceudp2ip9
GHS Floral Wants Your Old Mums!
Do you have old homecoming mums? Gunter HS Floral would love to have them to repurpose. Please drop them off at the high school. Recycling at its best!
Fundraisers and Mark Your Calendar
Battle of 289 Shirts - ***DEADLINE 9/2
GHS Cheer wants to see our fans ready for BATTLE in the stands at our game vs the Celina Bobcats! Order your shirts (designed with Rubys Rubbish) by 9/2 to show your Gunter Tiger Pride! https://www.guntertees.com/
Join us for an evening of family fun for a night of BINGO!
All benefitting the GHS Cheer Program. Saturday, Sept 22 4:00pm to 6:00pm Five Fun Games of Bingo GREAT FUN PRIZES!! Don't worry about dinner we got you covered! Extra play cards and daubers available with donation. **Benefitting the GHS Cheer Program and Hosted by Cheer Parents
Gunter High School - 1102 N. 8th Street, Gunter TX
Adults - $20 Donation (Includes 5 cards for all 5 games)
Children (Under 12) - $5 Donation (Includes 3 cards for all 5 games)
Top Prize for last round: 1.5-ctw Diamond 14K White Gold Studs
Pizza by the slice, bottled water and canned drinks, popcorn and dessert available!
Cash & Card accepted for donations.
Hey Gunter! The GHS PTO is currently running a fundraiser and we would be thrilled to have your support! Senior parents, order your custom yard sign now! No seniors in the house yet? Don’t worry, we’ve got a Gunter Tigers yard sign perfect for you too!! Need another fun way to show your support for GT? Slap a sticker on your laptop, lunch box, water bottle, etc with our new sticker sheets!
HOSA - Pink Out Fundraiser
Get Ready! You loved the items last year! HOSA members will set up before school on Friday mornings at the middle school and elementary school campuses during the month of October. All of our items are $1 or less!! SUCH A BARGAIN!
Mark you calendar to send a dollar or two with your GES or GMS student each Friday during the month of October. All of the proceeds we collect will be donated to a local breast cancer outreach, Women Rock.
Happy kids, Happy HOSA members, and a Happy Outreach... EVERYONE is a Winner!
Blood Drive - October 23rd
Mark your calendar early for the annual HOSA Blood Drive in the high school parking lot from 9 AM - 3 PM. Every donation saves a life!
Fall Sport Schedules
Schedules change due to a variety of factors, be sure you have the latest information by checking our Event calendar on the website for last minute changes.
Find your favorite photos from our photographer friends!
📸 Marion Cole and Renee Marler with OurGunter
Cross Country - Cross Country | Gunter ISD
Football - Football | Gunter ISD
Volleyball - Volleyball | Gunter ISD
All events are placed on the District Calendar located on our GISD website. This is the best place to look for schedule changes during the year.
Themes for Games!
Show your spirit by dressing in the theme for each game! Themes are set by the Gunter Cheerleaders and we hope to see you participating!
8/31 vs Kinkaid - Bikers vs Surfers (Home)
9/6 vs Anna - USA/America - State Champ Showdown (Away)
9/13 vs Celina - Camo Day - Battle of 289 (Away)
9/20 vs Sanger - Superheroes (Home)
9/27 vs Bells - Construction (Away)
10/11 vs Callisburg - Homecoming "Eras of Champions" Theme details coming soon
10/18 vs Howe - Country (Away)
10/25 vs Blue Ridge - Pink Out (Home) (Youth Night)
11/1 vs S&S - Jersey Out (Away)
11/8 vs Leonard - Blackout (Home) Senior Night
The Annual Fall Meet the Tigers had a great turnout, thank you for coming! We introduced you to our Band, Football teams, Volleyball teams and cheerleaders.
📸 Marion Cole and Renee Marler with OurGunter captured the moments beautifully! Check out the photos on their links.
8/24 - TCS Sherman
Varsity Boys: (Top 5) - Team (11th)
- Brody McDonald (18th) 16:53 (New School Record for the 5k)
- Justin Kriekbaum (68th) 19:25
- Raiden Windlow (102nd) 20:46
- Tucker O'Daniel (129th) 22:42
- Jacob Endsley (131st) 23:03
Varsity Girls:
- Micah Fisher (10th) 14:11
MS Girls:
- Stella Fuller (13th) 15:40
- Madie Endsley (44th) 17:52
MS Boys:
- Bo Martin: (37th) 15:03
- Silas Turner: (40th) 15:09
Photo Credit - Cross Country X Page
- 8/30 vs Houston Kinkaid- 23-14 (WIN)
- 8/29 vs Plano HS JV 43-20 (WIN)
- 8/29 vs Plano HS JV 44-7 (WIN)
Photo Credit: OurGunter
8/13 - Denton/Centennial Dual
- vs Denton 25-18, 25-15 (WIN)
- vs Frisco Centennial 25-27, 19-25 (LOSS)
8/15 & 17 - Duncanville Tournament - 2nd in Consolation Bracket
- Beat Longview: 25-17, 22-25, 15-10
- Beat North Crowley: 25-20, 25-11
- Beat Sherman: 25-13, 25-18
- Lost to Ovilla Christian; 26-24. 20-25, 16-18
- Beat Crandall: 19-25, 25-9, 15-5
- Lost in Championship to Lake Belton 22-25, 22-25
8/20 vs Aubrey 22-25, 29-27, 19-25, 25-19, 14-16 (LOSS)
8/23 & 24 - Glen Rose Tournament
- Coram deo Academy: 25-8, 25-7 (WIN)
- Alvarado: 25-8, 25-17 (WIN)
- Ponder: 12-25, 22-25 (LOSS)
- Wimberley: 13-25, 20-25 (LOSS)
- Crowley: 25-14, 25-12 (WIN)
- Midlothian Heritage: 20-25, 25-20, 23-25 (LOSS)
- Monaghan’s: (Won in 2 games)
8/27 vs Panther Creek - 25-20, 25-22, 25-22 (WIN)
8/30-31 Forney Tournament
- Denton Ryan: 25-10, 25-23 (WIN)
- Greenville: 25-14, 25-15 (WIN)
- McNeil: 25-10, 25-17 (WIN)
Gold Bracket
Longview 25-15, 25-17 (WIN)
North Forney (Quarterfinals): 19-25, 21-25 (LOSS)
8/13 - Denton/Centennial Dual
- vs Denton 25-21, 27-25 (WIN)
- vs Frisco Centennial 14-25, 8-25 (LOSS)
8/20 vs Aubrey - 19-25, 25-15, 18-25 (LOSS)
8/23 vs Van Alstyne (Two Games) - 25-12, 14-25, 7-15 (LOSS) | 26-28, 16-25 (LOSS)
8/27 vs Panther Creek - 25-22, 25-21 (WIN)
Photo - Marion Cole
Connect with us!
Website: www.gunterisd.org
Location: Gunter, TX, USA
Phone: 903.433.4750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gunterisdschools
Twitter: @Gunter_ISD