Principal's Update

Principal's Update
November 10, 2024
Apple Pie Making
Letter from the Principal
Happy Sunday Families!
Uniform Update: Students wearing pants with belt loops (girls or boys) must have a belt on. Only the school approved tie is appropriate for Mass - there are two versions the PLAID (yay) and the striped (being phased out so please don't purchase) allowed. Miss Melanie has some or can get some in the office for purchase. Students should be clean and pressed for Mass (shirts are so wrinkled).
November brings Turkey Bingo, raffle sales for teacher Auction tickets, first quarter report cards, book fair, apple pie take and bake, Auction solicitation push, and preparing for our 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Feast.
- 1st Quarter Report cards went home last week for students in grades 1 - 8. The report card came in a brown envelope. Please sign and return the brown envelope tomorrow if you have not already.
- Books are S'More Fun book fair was a HUGE success - thank you to everyone that stopped by to browse and purchase items for yourself, your child(ren), your teachers and/or the school! We appreciate it!
- Apple Pie Sales - Thank you to our 4th grade students, the Manning family, parents and other volunteers that helped make our annual Apple Pie Take and Bake such a success! We sold 145 pies!
- This past Friday began our "It's a Great Day to Be A Saint" Christmas Basket raffle with proceeds going to purchase Auction tickets for our teachers. This is a Choir competition and the Choir that sells the most tickets will win a Free Dress Day.
- Auction Solicitations - We need you to get in the Auction frame of mind. We need those solicitations as soon as possible so that our 50th Annual Blue & Gold Gala is a SUCCESS! More information below.
- TURKEY BINGO - Quite possibly the best Fridays of the year! Hosted by the Knights of Columbus, this two night event is loads of fun with bingo games, raffles, and food. It is great night for the WHOLE family. Join us! More information below.
- THANKSGIVING FEAST - Our school family comes together at 11:30 on Tuesday, November 26th so the we can show you how grateful we are that you chose St. Matthew's Catholic School. Rosa and Stephanie cook up all the Thanksgiving Dinner fixins', 8th graders serve our guests, and we join as one to celebrate the season. More information and RSVP opportunity below.
If you plan on coming in to school to eat lunch with your child(ren) and need a hot lunch, please call the office to let us know so that Rosa and Stephanie can prepare enough lunch for everyone. The charge is $3.00 for a hot lunch. Remember, outside food cannot be dropped off for your student but you can come eat with your student.
Students are not allowed to have coffee/Moonshines, sodas, energy drinks in school or at lunch.
Mount Lost Not Labeled continues to grow - please stop by to claim your items. Anytime you are at school, please stop by Lost & Found. Items are being sent to Goodwill over Thanksgiving break. Please label all of your child's belongings.
Blessings for a fantastic week!
Dr. Susy Peterson
Saint and Virtue of the Month
Each school month, we learn about a certain saint and virtue. Please learn, discuss, and teach your child(ren) about these two very important aspects of our school. We want our students to learn how to be a saint from other saints and how to live the virtues.
Our saint of the month is Saint Teresa of Avila
Learn more about St Teresa of Avila HERE! or HERE!
Our virtue of the month is GRATITUDE.
Learn more about gratitude...
Watch a VIDEO 1 (for young children) or
VIDEO 2 (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
8th Grade Frog Dissection Lab
Teacher Luncheon provided by Parent Association and Kopper Kitchen - Thank you!
5th Grade Girls Rotary Basketball - 2nd place finishers - Way To Go Girls!
We need your solicitations!
Our auction is only as successful as the items we have for guests to bid on. The earlier we have items, the earlier we can create top notch packages that will draw top dollar. Get those solicitations!
50th Annual Blue and Gold Auction
February 22, 2025
Hilton Garden Inn
October Choir Meeting with the focus on Friendship and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frasseti.
Choir Competition - October 30th thru November 30th - Hurricane Relief!
7th Grade Boys Basketball Team showed grit, practiced good sportsmanship and teamwork, and made watching them play exciting and fun! Way to go Boys!
Zach Driear, Eddie Joy, Xander Levengood, Danny Manning, Andrew Melnick, Ben Nguyen, Tristan Robbins, Knoz Salois, Tucker Venche
It's Raining Three's for Ben N.
3rd Place in the 7th grade Tourney at Stillwater.
Moving the ball around!
Starlight Market
We are absolutely thrilled to announce the upcoming Starlight Market, which will take place on December 6th, from 5 to 8 PM! This is not just any event, but one that promises a delightful evening of festive cheer and fun for the WHOLE family!
Join us for a night filled with an array of amazing activities:
- **Festive Crafts & Gifts:** Explore a variety of unique handmade items and seasonal decorations that are perfect for holiday gifting.
- **Seasonal Food:** Indulge in delicious seasonal treats that are sure to tantalize your taste buds.
- **Carnival Games:** Enjoy fun games and activities for kids of all ages, designed to bring out your inner child.
We are excited to share that all profits from this event will directly benefit our classrooms, sports teams, and community groups! Your participation is vital in fostering an enriching environment for our students and enhancing community bonds.
If you would like to host a booth, concession, or game, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out to your child's homeroom teacher for more information. Last year was a fantastic success, featuring activities such as a cake walk, basketball challenge, hot chocolate stand, and face painting. We can’t wait to bring even more joy and excitement this year with your valuable participation!
Grade Specific Information
Mark Your Calendars
Monday, November 11th, Veteran's Day Remembrance - we will pray and make cards to deliver to the Veteran Center, Boys Basketball at Smith Valley
Tuesday, November 12th, School Advisory Council meeting at 5:30
Wednesday, November 13th, Mass hosted by 3rd grade, Starlight Market meeting
Thursday, November 14th, Boys Basketball at home against Kila
Friday, November 15th, TURKEY BINGO, 6pm in the Cafeteria.
Tuesday, November 26th, Thanksgiving Feast, more information
Friday, December 6th, Starlight Market, 5 pm to 8pm, more information to come.
December 19th, Christmas Concert, 6pm
Lunch are accounts can be prepay (put money in and each lunch takes it out) or paid when charged.
Hot Lunch is served with milk, fruit or vegetable and salad bar for $3.00. Milk only is $.60 and Salad Bar only is $1.20.
Monday, 11/11: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup
Tuesday, 11/12: Meatball Sub
Wednesday, 11/13: Turkey Sandwich and Rice Soup
Thursday, 11/14: Beef Enchilada Pie and Spanish Rice
Friday, 11/15: BBQ Pork Sandwich
Click here for the Free and Reduced Lunch form - ALL families should fill this out.
Thanksgiving Feast 2024
All School Thanksgiving Feast
Tuesday, Nov 26, 2024, 11:30 AM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
In the RSVP box, you can either enter names of both guests in one entry (ex: Bryan & Susy Peterson and one email), add your name with + 1 (ex. Susy Peterson +1) or each guest can enter their own name from their own email.
Knights of Columbus Crab Boil
Children's Choir
Violin Lessons and Strings Ensemble
Any child can sign up to receive 1:1 lessons from JiaJia Farr on Mondays after school ($15 to $20 per lesson) or join Leo Chen on Wednesdays for Strings ensemble (no charge). Let's continue to grow our strings program.
Purchase tickets at the school office, parish office, or from a Knight!
NEW SCRIP CONTEST UPDATE- Click Button Below For More Information
Did you know ... our families earned almost $5,000 in scrip rebates during the month of September alone! This was done through in-person sales at the school office and through the RaiseRight app.
Start earning TODAY to offset next year's tuition!
If you are receiving tuition scholarships, please use SCRIP and/or Raise Right to help offset 2025-26 tuition costs as scholarships are NOT guaranteed from year to year.
Earn money for tuition by using this program for the things that you buy everyday - gas, groceries, home repair, eating out, gifts, etc. You CAN do this and so can family and friends.
You MUST use Scrip or RAISE RIGHT to receive tuition assistance and/or scholarships for the 2024-25 school year.
Changes to 2024-25 School Calendar
- Three more early release days (1:30 dismissal): Jan 8, Mar 5, & May 7
- Holy Hoops, March 9th - 13th
- 8th grade graduation moved to Thursday, May 29th to accommodate High School graduations.
About us
Email: office@stmattsaints.org
Website: www.stmattsaints.org
Location: 602 South Main Street, Kalispell, MT, USA
Phone: 406-752-6303
Facebook: facebook.com/StMattsSaints
Instagram: St. Matthew's
Raise Right App
Use this link for a video on how to use the APP.
St. Matthew's App on Your Smart Device
Theology of the Body
We are teaching our children to be proud of who God made them to be - unique children born in the image of God.
Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for their support!