Angel Express
January 2025
Please meet our New 5th Teacher & School Counselor
🌨️ Weather-Related Updates 🌨️
- Please make sure that all students jackets and sweathers are marked with their names in them.
- Reminder that sweaters or zip ups that the students keep on during the day need to be Navy. If you need to use a larger coat nor girls stockings for the next few very cold days the color does not matter.
- If we need to close due to severe weather we will use the Group Me App & email to notify parents.
- Depending on the length of bad weather we may move to a remote instruction model so that we are not having to make up so many days at the end of the year. Info will be shared via an email to parents if this occurs with all vital information and details.
Upcoming Events
- 1/10 Mass 8:30 am St. Andrews
- 1/14 Advisory Council Mtg 6:00 pm Church Portable
- 1/15 Casino Night Parent Meeting 6:00 pm
- 1/17 Mass 8:30 am Honor Roll Awards St. Andrews
- 1/20 No School MLK Day
- 1/21 ZOOM Casino Night Mtg 6:00 pm
- 1/24 Mass 8:30 am 3rd Grade St. Presentation & 100 Day of School
- 1/26-2/1 Catholic School Week
- 2/1 Khaki and Plaid Gala
- 2/8 Casino Night