Building BRAVES
July Newsletter
News from the principal's desk
Online registration is now open for families. You can access this from the North Adams Community Schools homepage. Please make sure you register your students. All students attending North Adams must be registered prior to the first day of school to ensure their schedule is built and ready for them the first day.
We are asking all families to enroll in Zoom Q even if your student is normally a bus rider or car rider. If your student was enrolled at the end of the 23/24 school year you should have an account in Zoom Q already using the email provided to the school upon registration last year. There are some directions in the registration process that will walk you through enrolling in this program.
Student schedules have been built based on the requests they submitted in the spring via an online request form. There were some students who did not get all of the classes requested due to limited space in the class or their individual needs for classes. Please know that we did the best we could to fulfill all of the student requests as they sent them in.
We have had some changes in the front office staff over the summer. We have three new secretaries joining us and a new elementary principal. We want to welcome them to the BES/ BMS family!
Mrs. Renee Hutter: BES Principal
Mrs. Kari Butcher: K- 8 Guidance/ Student Enrollment
Ms. Lily Hunt: K- 8 Attendance Secretary
Mrs. Marnie Shaffer: BMS Athletic Secretary
Below you will find school supply lists along with updates to attendance and cell phone policies. These can be found in their entirety on the Bellmont Middle School page.
Supply Lists by Grade Level
6th grade
1. At least 20 sharpened pencils (mechanical or #2 yellow)
2. At least 2 packs of loose leaf paper (100 or more sheets each)
3. Erasers (at least 20 pencil caps or 2 pink)
4. Supply bag with zipper or box to hold all supplies
5. One large box of facial tissues (given to SRT teacher)
6. Small pencil sharpener (no electric)
7. One small pack 3x3 post-it notes (given to SRT teacher)
8. One composition notebook for science
9. Small book bag (no wheels...they will not fit in the lockers!)
10. Earbuds in a baggie (inexpensive to be kept at school)
11. Two highlighters (each a different color)
12. Stylus to use with your IPad (optional)
13. Colored pencils (Crayola work best)
14. Scissors (they must be able to fit in your supply bag/box)
15. Two Expo dry erase markers any color (given to SRT teacher)
16. Lysol wipes (given to SRT teacher)
17. Drawstring bag for PE clothes
**Please no trapper keepers!!! Since the students will keep their supplies in their lockers, they will have a limited amount of space. It would be beneficial to write your name on the items before bringing them to school.
**Students will be supplied folders for reading, ELA, math, science, and social studies.
**Additional related arts class supplies will be needed.
**Any additional supplies for general education classes will be supplied by the teachers. supplies are sent to school.
7th grade supply list
Colored Pencils (used often)
Pencil Sharpener
Black Sharpie
Pencil pouch
Folders – 2 (for math and ELA)
One package of loose-leaf paper
1 pack of index cards
At least 1 Box of Kleenex, 2 preferred
One math folder or binder
Drawing compass
Expo markers
8th grade supply list
4 packages of wide/college ruled paper
1 package of graph paper
2 red pens
24 pack of pencils
Mechanical Pencils
1 Green folder with prongs (ELA)
1 Yellow folder with prongs (Science)
2 Red folders (Social Studies)
1 Binder (Math)
4 highlighters (any 4 colors will do)
Expo markers
Colored Pencils-give to your SRT Teacher
Markers-give to your SRT Teacher
2 boxes of Kleenex-give to your SRT Teacher
Handbook Updates
Attendance policy
North Adams School Corporation has approved an attendance policy that asks and expects parents to report a child’s absence to the school at the earliest possible time but in no event later than 9:00 A. M. the day of the absence. When reporting an absence, a 24-hour automated attendant can be reached by calling 724-3137. After dialing, follow the instructions for leaving a message. Verification of the absence is the responsibility of the parents (IC 20-33-2-27; as hereinafter amended).
Every day of attendance at school is important. Research demonstrates that students who regularly attend school achieve high grades, enjoy school more, and increase their chances of becoming functional, responsible adults. In addition, when students are to attend school and be on time for classes, they develop self-discipline and responsibility. Attendance and participation in class are essential if the student is to gain the maximum benefit of the educational program. Students who miss a class will never be able to retrieve completely that learning experience. The interaction with the teacher and fellow students can never be duplicated.
Accordingly, if students are to receive maximum benefits from the educational programs at Bellmont Middle School, students need to be in attendance on all prescribed school days except those excused by policies of Bellmont Middle School approved by the North Adams Community School Board or exempted as mandated by the State of Indiana. Regular and punctual school attendance is expected, encouraged, and enforced. School attendance is an area of cooperation between the school, the parents, and the student so the whereabouts of each student will be always known during the school day. If a student is ill from school, he/she may not be allowed to attend any school function (extra or co-curricular) that day or evening.
A verified absence is an absence that has been reported to the school by phone or email by a parent or guardian before 9:00 A.M. on the day of the absence. Failure to report an absence by 2:00 P.M. on the following day will result in the absence being recorded as unexcused. Phone calls should be made each day during an extended illness unless otherwise arranged with the Assistant Principal. Parents who find it necessary to call before regular business hours (7:30 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.) may call the automated attendant and leave a message concerning the absence.
Verification of all absences, including healthcare appointments, is required, and will be kept on file. The verification statement must be from a parent/guardian, a physician, or an appropriate official, and must include the dates of the absence. Please have healthcare providers’ offices fill out our North Adams Medical Form, available on the North Adams website, for verification, and have your student bring it into school upon return. If access to the district document is not available, the note from the healthcare professional must have the following information minimally to be considered: dates and times (check-in/check-out) child was seen, how long child should be absent for the diagnosed condition, and if this is an on-going medical issue that may require additional absences. In the case of the last item, a Release of Information (ROI) may be required to corroborate the accommodation needed.
Notes from doctors’ offices will be reviewed in the determination as to whether an absence due to illness or injury is excused or unexcused. Please understand that State law provides school administration discretion as to whether to accept medical notes or not, and, as such, notes from healthcare providers occasionally may not equate to excuse absences. Notes from doctor’s offices wherein the student was not evaluated directly by a healthcare professional will not be considered as verification of absence.
Students who have reached five (5) non-exempt absences per class period per semester will have reached the limit of allowed absences that BMS students may miss without penalty. Doctor’ appointments will not count towards the Five (5) Day Limited Absence policy if the student returns a North Adams Medical document completed by a certified healthcare provider, or note from a certified healthcare provider with the same information requested on that document, within two days of returning to school. Please note that medical notes may or may not be accepted due to insufficient information. Additionally, a request of an ROI (Release of Information) may be made if the student has more than ten absences at any point in the year without sufficient verification from a certified healthcare provider of a diagnosis that would require a modification of a student’s attendance plan.
Also, if a physician has completed a Certificate of Incapacity (CI) that verifies the student should not be in school attendance if their medical diagnosis considers them incapable to continue their education in the normal school setting, then those absences associated with the CI will not count toward the five (5) Day Limited Absence policy.
For consequences after 5th absence (per semester, see the Attendance Disposition Chart for Grades 5-8 below:
EXEMPT ABSENCES (counted as present)
Exempt absences are those absences allowable by State law. Students must not be marked absent, are allowed to make-up classroom work, and will receive an opportunity to earn classroom participation credit. These absences do not count toward the Limited Absence Policy. Exempt absences are:
• Service as a page/honoree of the Indiana General Assembly (IC 20-33-2-14)
• Service on precinct election board/political candidates/parties (IC 20-33-2-15)
• Witness in judicial proceeding (IC 20-33-2-16)
• Parent to produce certificate of child’s incapacity on demand (IC 20-33-2-18)
• Public school children; religious instruction (IC 20-33-2-19)
• Public school children; religious instruction (IC 20-33-2-19)
• Student or a member of the student’s household participates or exhibits in the Indiana State Fair for educational purposes, as evidenced in writing by the student’s parent and as approved in writing by the student’s school principal. (Maximum 5 days) (IC 20-33-2-17.7)
Recognized Bellmont Middle School Exempt Absences:
• School sponsored/authorized activities
• Deaths and funerals of members of the household or immediate family: mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother, sister, child, aunt, uncle, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and grandparents.
• Serious illness in immediate family (those living in the same home).
• Extenuating circumstances must be approved by the building principal.
EXCUSED ABSENCES (per semester)
Excused absences include the preceding exempt absences plus those absences that occur with parental knowledge and the school’s approval. Students will be allowed to make-up only classroom work. Participation credit is not included. These days count toward the Five (5) Day Limited Absence Policy (per semester).
• Personal illness not requiring a doctor’s treatment.
• Medical and dental appointments.
*If a student misses three (3) or more consecutive days due to illness, a doctor’s verification may be required. Failure to provide documentation upon request and within six (6) business days may result in recorded absences being marked as unexcused.
UNEXCUSED ABSENCES (including arrival after 10:29AM )per semester) Any absence that is not exempt, excused, or any tardy with arrival time after 10:29 A.M. with no parent contact made prior to the tardy will be coded as unexcused and may result in disciplinary action*.
*Clause for Disciplinary action: Consequences from multiple tardies and unexcused absences may be interchangeable when issuing discipline and may not be viewed as multiple accounts and may result in a more severe disciplinary action.
Students will not be allowed to make-up classroom work or receive participation credit. These absences count toward the Five (5) Day Limited Absence Policy.
Examples of unexcused absences are
• Failure to provide a note or parent phone call within 24-hours of prior absence
• Vacation days that conflict with school being in session. When school is in session, students are required to be here.
• Vacation days conflicting with district-wide and state achievement testing dates
• Car breakdown/repair
• Oversleeping/alarm did not go off
• Hair appointments
• Any absence which is not exempt or excused
For consequences for Unexcused Absences to School (per semester), please see the Attendance Disposition Chart for Grades K-4 below.
Five (5) or more unexcused absences within a 10-week rolling period will result in a mandatory parent meeting during which a plan will be put in place to get students to school. Contact with Prosecutor’s Office may be made, as well.
ol (per semester), please see the Attendance Disposition Chart for Grades 5-8 below.
truancy prevention policy (per new 2024 Indiana Code 20-33-2.5 )
This legislation requires school boards to adopt a policy that will apply to students in grades k through 6 who are absent 5 unexcused days within a 10-week period. When a student has five (5) or more unexcused absences within a 10-week period, the school must:
· Provide written notification to the parent of the student’s attendance record and the parent’s responsibilities to comply with Indiana compulsory attendance laws;
· Hold an attendance conference with the parent to review and develop a plan to prevent future absences of the student within five (5) school days. The conference must be scheduled at a date/time convenient to the parent, but also within five (5) days of notification.
o The school must hold the conference even if parent does not attend and must develop a plan to prevent future absences, which may include various options (i.e., wraparound services, referral for counseling, mentoring, disciplinary or legal actions the school will take) as well as the period the plan will be in effect (no longer than 45 school days)
If the student meets the definition of habitual truant, the Superintendent or attendance officer is required to report the student to the county prosecutor or DCS in accordance with I.C. 20-33-2-25. The juvenile court may determine the child to be a delinquent under I.C. 31-37-2-3 or that the student’s parent(s) may be subject to prosecution under I.C. 35-46-1-4.
TARDY to SCHOOL (PER SEMESTER) (sTudent ARRIVES between 8:01AM- 10:29AM)
If a student is late arriving to school, it is the student’s responsibility to report directly to the Attendance Office to sign in. When a student arrives, the time will be documented, and it may be considered an unexcused absence (circumstances may vary) (see unexcused absence policy above).
For consequences for Tardies to School (per semester), please see the Attendance Disposition Chart for Grades 5-8 below.
Parents and students are reminded that because bus service is provided for students, problems such as, but not limited to, missing the bus, oversleeping, car trouble and problems related to driving are not excused reasons for tardiness.
Any absence from one class, a portion of one class, or more than one class without permission from a parent and/or the school is truancy. Failure to report to an assigned area, being more than three minutes late to class without permission or being outside the building without authorization is considered truancy. Unexcused absences will be considered truancy if proper notification is not received within 24-hours of absence. If the student is declared by the school to be a habitual truant and is under the age of 18, the State shall, upon notification of the school, deny the student any permit or license to drive until such time the school notifies the state of the student’s change in attendance, or the student reaches 18 years of age. (IC 20-33-2-11; as hereinafter amended)
For consequences for offenses of truancy per school year, please see the Attendance Disposition Chart for Grades 5-8 below.
Under I.C. 20-33-2-25, the “Superintendent or an attendance officer having jurisdiction shall report a child who is habitually absent from school in violation of this chapter to an intake officer of the juvenile court or the department of child services. The intake officer or the department of child services shall proceed in accord with IC 31-30- through IC30-40.
To qualify for the extended illness policy, a student must meet one or more of the following guidelines:
· In-patient or outpatient hospital treatment
· Infectious illness or disease, which by Indiana State Board of Health regulations requires exclusion from school.
· Other long-term illness or injury that results in being under a physician’s care for three or more consecutive days.
· If one of these guidelines is met, the student must present verification as described previously from a healthcare provider.
In the event of school cancellation and e-learning day, students are expected to log-in to Canvas and follow the procedure for checking in for attendance purposes. Students without Internet access are to call in to school and leave a message stating that they are unable to log-in to Canvas. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence. Students are expected to complete all e-learning assignments by the due date given to them by their individual class teachers.
If a parent wishes to explain their child’s attendance issues, a meeting may be scheduled with an administrator and guidance counselor.
A student risks expulsion if the attendance policy is violated more than once while in attendance at BMS.
NOTE: The above guidelines were developed with and based on Indiana’s Compulsory Attendance Laws (IC 20-33-2 et seq, as hereinafter amended).
1st, 2nd, 3rd
4th, 5th, 6th
Lunch/recess detention (LRD); Letter mailed home to parent
7th, 8th
1 HR After-School Detention (ASD); Meeting with Administration
Friday Night School (FNS); Meeting with Administration
1 ISS; Meeting with Administration
3RD, 4TH
THURSDAY Night School; Contact Parent;
1 ISS; Contact Parent; Meeting Scheduled to Create Truancy Prevention Plan
3 ISS; Letter Delivered to Home; Report Filed with Prosecutor’s Office for Failure to Insure Attendance
3 RISQ; Update report to Prosecutor’s Office; Report filed with DCS
5 RISQ; Update reports to Prosecutor’s Office and DCS
9th +
Recommendation for Expulsion; Update to Prosecutor’s Office and DCS
*Remember that after five excused absences, all subsequent absences in that semester are considered unexcused unless the child is sent home by the nurse, has a modified attendance plan in an IEP or 504, has a CI, or has the approval of administration (some examples of which are described above).
(Included but not limited to)
Please refer to the Indiana laws below. For a full listing of Indiana laws, please go to the following web site: http://www.in.gov/legislative/ic/code/title20
IC 20-33-9 et seq, as hereinafter amended “Reporting Requirements”
IC 20-33-2-9; as hereinafter amended; Exit interviews; withdrawal requirements
IC 9-24-2-1; as hereinafter amended; Suspended and expelled students and dropouts
IC 20-33-8-1; as hereinafter amended; “Principal”
IC 20-33-8-10; as hereinafter amended; Disciplinary powers of principals
Cell Phone updates
Appropriate use of digital devices and social media is part of being a responsible citizen in today’s society. It is the goal of Bellmont High School to educate students on digital citizenship, positive communications, and possible legal ramifications of inappropriate digital conduct.
· With administrative approval, students may be permitted to use cell phones before school, after school, and during passing periods.
· Students who are in the nurses’ clinic will leave their cellphones and iPads with the nurse.
· Students are prohibited from using personal communication devices or any device that has the capability of taking still pictures or videos in any school situation where a reasonable expectation of personal privacy exists (i.e., locker rooms, restrooms, pools, changing area). If students need to use a personal communication device to manage their health care needs or in the event of an emergency, the students show go, when possible, to an area with a reasonable expectation of personal privacy.
· Recording video or audio or taking pictures of any student, staff member, or other person as well as any events during the school day, before or after school hours, on Corporation property, during school-sponsored activities, or on Corporation transportation that involve the breaking of school rules, violating State/federal laws, or portraying someone in a situation that could be perceived as embarrassing without proper consent is consider an invasion of privacy and is not permitted. Additionally, posting or sharing those videos, audio clips, or pictures with the perceived intent to bully, harass, or embarrass students or staff is prohibited. Any unauthorized use may result in a punishment up to and including suspension/ expulsion.
· If there is reasonable suspicion that violations of these rules, North Adams policy, or State/federal law involve illegal activity, administration will refer the matter to local law enforcement and/or DCS. The phone may be turned over to law enforcement depending upon the situation and content on the phone.
· Failure to comply or an attempt to hide and/or use a device is insubordination and subject to disciplinary action. Additionally, failure to provide school staff with the personal communication device when confiscation is warranted for failure to comply with these rules is considered gross insubordination.
· Students are prohibited from using a personal communication device to capture, record, and/or transmit test information or any other information in a manner constituting fraud, theft, cheating, or academic dishonesty. If a student receives such information on his/her personal communication device, he/she should immediately report the communication. Failure to do so may result in being considered involved in fraud, theft, cheating, or academic dishonesty.
· Large, over-the-ear headphones are prohibited unless otherwise arranged with administration.
· Temporary seizure of a cell phone or personal device is allowable when possession or use of said device is disallowed. Search of a cell phone is only allowable if school officials possess credible evidence that the device was being used for an unlawful activity or other student misconduct. Search is not allowable simply for possessing or using the device when disallowed.
Cell Phones, Smart Watches and Electronic Media
Possession of a cell phone, smart watch, or other electronic media (iPods, MP3 players, etc.) by a student is a privilege, which may be forfeited by the student if he/she uses the device during teacher defined prohibited times throughout the school day. No other electronic devices besides the school issued iPads are permitted in classrooms. Cell phones are prohibited in the locker rooms, restrooms, or classrooms at any time during the school day. Prohibited uses of these devices during these times includes, but is not limited to, making and/or receiving calls, sending/receiving text messages, taking/sending pictures, making recordings, listening to music, etc. E-Readers are to be used for reading only. This includes any activity off school property which may negatively affect the educational process at the school, or while engaged in school sponsored activity.
Any student who is in violation will be subject to discipline according to the rules for prohibited objects. If a student has their phone outside of allowed times a teacher will ask the student for the phone, and it can be picked up in the main office at the end of the day. If this happens a second time a parent or guardian will be asked to pick the device up from the front office. If a student continues to have their cell phone on them during prohibited times, it will be considered insubordination and the student will be subject to further disciplinary actions. Additionally, the use of any cell phone, smart watch or electronic media device in a manner which could endanger another or in a way that could be considered a disruption to the educational process of others could be subject to suspension/expulsion/prosecution depending on the severity of the offense as determined by school officials and/or law enforcement.
Parents are asked to refrain from calling or texting your sons/daughters on their cell phones or smart watches during the school day. Additionally, please encourage them to follow appropriate school procedure for contacting you as well by not using their device. If a parent needs to be in contact with their son/daughter, please call the school and leave a message that will then be delivered to the student at an appropriate time so that valuable class time is not lost. If the call is an emergency, students will be called to the office to take the call.
A phone is available for student use in the BMS main office. Classroom phones are not for student use under any circumstance. Because students do have a phone available in the main office, use of cell phones and/or smart watches during the school day (talking or texting) is prohibited. Although cell phones, smart watches and electronic media are allowed at BMS, they are to be in each student’s locker and turned off from 7:45-3:00 each day. For further explanation, please see Electronic Communication Devices (ECD’s)/Prohibited Objects.
Important Notice to Students and Parents Regarding Cell Phone and/or Smart Watch Content and Display
• The Child Abuse/Neglect Law requires school personnel to report to law enforcement or child protective services whenever there is reason to believe that any person/student is involved with “child exploitation” or “child pornography” as defined by Indiana Criminal Statutes.
• It is “child exploitation,” a Class C felony under I.C. 35-42-4-4(b), for any person/student (1) to exhibit, photograph or create a digitalized image of any incident that includes “sexual conduct” by a child under the age of 18; or (2) to disseminate, exhibit to another person, or offer to so disseminate or exhibit, matter that depicts or describes “sexual conduct” by a child under the age of 18.
• It is “child pornography,” a Class D felony under I.C. 35-42-4-4I, for any person/student to possess a photograph, motion picture, digitalized image, or any pictorial representation that depicts or describes “sexual conduct” by a child who the person knows is less than 18 years of age or who appears less than age 18.
• “Sexual conduct” is defined by I.C. 35-42-4-4(a) to include sexual intercourse, exhibition of the uncovered genitals intended to satisfy or arouse the sexual desires of any person, or any fondling or touching of a child by another person or of another person by a child intended to arouse or satisfy the sexual desires of the child or other person.
• The Indiana Sex Offender Registration Statute at I.C. 11-8-8-7 and the Sex Offender Registry Offense Statute at I.C. 35-42-4-11, as of May 2010, require persons convicted of or adjudicated as a juvenile delinquent for violating the Child Exploitation Statute at I.C. 35-42-4-4(b) to register as a sex offender.
• Because student cell phones have been found in several Indiana school districts to have contained evidence of “sexual conduct” as defined above, it is important for parents and students to be aware of the legal consequences should this occur in our school system.
For information on exemptions to these felonies, see I.C. 35-42-4-4(f).
Digital devices (e.g., cellphones, laptops, etc.) thought to contain illicit material may be confiscated by law enforcement.
🗓 Coming Up!
July 29th: Backpack Bash 5-7p.m. outside the main entrance of BES/ BMS
August 1st: Bellmont Elementary back to school night
August 5th: high school open house 2-6pm
August 6th: Bellmont Middle School Back to School night 4:30 -6:30
August 7th: 1st student day, classes start at 7:55.
August 9th: Picture day at BHS
August 13th: Picture day at BES
August 14th: Picture day at BMS