The Summer Paws
June 2024

Rejoice ALWAYS! -1 Thessalonians 5:16
🐾Our school days may be on "PAWS" for now, but there are still lots of things happening at CCS!
Where is Mr. Yearwood?
READING is such an important skill to learn and PRACTICE!
We hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer so far! We have enjoyed some extra time to do our favorite things. One thing Mr. Yearwood is doing this summer is reading lots of books! He would like to encourage all of our Lions to read this summer too.
One way we will be encouraging students to read this summer is through a series of videos where Mr. Yearwood will be reading around the Cullman community. In these videos he will be at different locations with different guest readers.
We hope that these clips will inspire your child to find their favorite books and spend some time in their favorite reading places this summer!
The summer can be a great time to find fun things to do, neat places to go, and great books to read. We would love to hear and see where you and your child are reading too. Attached below you will find a coloring sheet for your child to color, cut out, and pose in a picture with it at their favorite reading spot.
Send us a picture of where you like to read. We'd love to see it and share it with others!
Where is Mr. Yearwood?
What's been going on in June?
Boys State
The 2024 session of Alabama Boys State was held from May 26th through June 1st. This year's CCS representative was Andrew Jones. Andrew had the opportunity to meet rising seniors who are student leaders from across the state during this week long program hosted at Troy University. While he was there he got to learn about the American political process, the responsibilities of citizenship, the political units of government and their functions, and operating a functional government at all levels.
Great job, Andrew!
Girls State
The 2024 session of Alabama Girls State was held from June 2nd through June 8th at Troy University. Miss Evelyn Griffin was the CCS delegate for this year. During the American Legion Auxiliary Alabama Girls State program, Evelyn had the opportunity to learn about local and state government through a variety of speakers, workshops, and sessions. While there, Evelyn also ran for office which required campaigning and giving a speech in front of the entire assembly of delegates. She was amazing!
Great job, Evelyn!
Summer Bible School Camps
We know that many of our students have been or will be attending summer Bible school programs this summer. We love hearing about the fun they are having as they continue to learn more about our Savior and strengthen their walk with Him.
These girls had a fabulous time at Maywood Christian Camp where they got to see their friend Kira get baptized.
Summer Basketball Practice
Upper school basketball teams have been practicing this summer. Whether it's an open-gym shooting time or full court play date games, we are proud of their progress and their dedication to put in the work to improve.
Building Plans
First note on this subject... PLEASE PRAY!
We are out of physical space for classes and building plans have begun for our school. While this is an exciting dream, it is also a huge undertaking. And, of course, it will not be possible without the Lord! School leaders are working to find economical solutions and are seeking God's will in what is next for CCS. As plans progress, you will hear more about details. In the meantime, please continue praying for our school and for God to lead us in the direction He wants us to go.
It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. -Deuteronomy 31:8
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. -Matthew 6:33
Iowa and CogAT Scores
Iowa and CogAT scores for students who were in Kindergarten through 6th grade are available for pick up at the school.
Each child will receive three reports:
- Iowa Summary - The Iowa score summary shows how the student performed on each subtest. Scores are listed in a few different ways and can be hard to understand. If you would like some extra interpretation, Mrs. Yearwood will be glad to sit down with you.
- Iowa Detail Report - Like the Iowa summary page, the detail report shows overall scores, but also gives some disaggregated data. This is helpful to look a little closer at each subject area to see where a student may be struggling.
- CogAT Summary - The CogAT report, much like the Iowa summary, give an overall look at how the student preformed. The CogAT is a test of ability, whereas the Iowa is a test of academic achievement.
Overall the students did well on their tests!
Great job, everyone!
Basketball Camp
On June 6th and 7th Coach Yearwood, Coach Morris, and the upper school basketball players hosted a Youth Basketball Camp. It was so much fun! 60 campers came to play and learn basketball fundamentals.
Literature and Composition Planning
One example of this was happening the other day when Mrs. Robertson (upper school English teacher), Mrs. Nix (Dual Enrollment English teacher), and Mr. and Mrs. Haynes (curriculum advisors) worked together to review literary selections for upper school classes.
We are so blessed to have teachers who are passionate about their subject areas, who are willing to spend extra time on planing, and more importantly are dedicated to teaching from a Biblical world view.
Cheer Clinic
Coach Brittany and our Youth Cheerleaders are working hard at their summer clinic. They are learning how to be encouragers, student leaders, and how to work together.
Thank you, Coach Brittany for spending time this summer with the kids!
Uniform Yard Sale
PTF will be hosting a UNIFORM YARD SALE on Tuesday, June 25th from 12:00-6:00 PM at the Beech Avenue Campus.
This is a great way to get some great deals on uniforms for your child. All proceeds will go toward campus improvements.
Golf Tournament
Our annual Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, June 24th.
We are so excited to report.... REGISTRATION IS FULL!
Thank you to everyone who registered a team and/or will be sponsoring this event!
New Gym Floor
Thanks to some very hard-working dads, we have a new gym floor! There is still a lot of finish work to be done, but the floor is looking great. Installing a proper wood floor makes the playing surface much safer for students and will be a more appropriate place to host games.
Left to do:
- Floor transitioning around the perimeter.
- Refinishing with CCS logo and school colors.
*If you haven't seen the court yet, you might be surprised to see that the center has a giant green lobster logo! The court was originally designed for the Maine Celtics, a G-league team for the Boston Celtics. It is a beautiful parquet floor. The lobster is actually pretty cool, but it will soon be sanded off to make way for our lion. Be on the lookout for a special way we will be able to remember the lobster. 👕🟩🦞
Coming Up in July
Youth Volleyball Camp
CCS will host a youth volleyball camp for grades 2-6 on July 15th and 16th from 1:00-3:00 PM each day in the CCS Gymnasium.
The camp will include instruction from varsity volleyball coaches and players.
Register to attend by completing the online at https://www.cullmanchristian.org/summercamps.
Registration is $25 per player.
Registration with a t-shirt included is also available through July 5th.
Readiness Days for CCS Preschool & Kindergarten
We are getting ready for a great year ahead! We are so excited to work with you and your child this year.
To help with your child's transition in starting school, CCS will be hosting a special event in July. Our Preschool & Kindergarten Readiness Days event will consist of two special days designed to help with the beginning of school transition.
During the readiness days, students will get to know their teacher, meet classmates, and learn about what a school day will look like. These fun-filled mornings will include engaging activities and a chance for students and parents to practice drop-off and pick-up procedures. The first day will focus on helping the children get to know their surroundings and become more comfortable. The second day will focus more on routines and procedures.
We hope you will consider having your child join us for this event.
The dates and times are:
July 29th and 30th
9 AM - 12 PM
The cost to attend is $35.
Register your child to participate by completing the registration application online at cullmanchristian.org/readiness-days.
The deadline to register is Wednesday, July 18th.
- June and July - New Enrollments, Tours, and Screenings (Offices Open: Monday-Thursday)
- June and July - Teacher Professional Development Workshops
- June 23 - Youth Cheer Clinic Session
- June 23 - Mr. and Mrs. Yearwood Speaking about CCS at Salem Baptist Church (*If your church would like to schedule them to come speak, please email heith.yearwood@cullmanchristian.com or amanda.yearwood@cullmanchristian.com .)
- June 24 - CCS Golf Tournament
- June 25 - Uniform Yard Sale
- July 7 - Youth Cheer Clinic Session
- July 12 - Volleyball Playdate (JrH, JV, Varsity)
- July 15-16 - Youth Volleyball Camp
- July 22 - Volleyball Playdate (JrH, JV, Varsity)
- July 24 - Volleyball Playdate (JrH, JV, Varsity)
- July 26 - Volleyball Playdate (JrH, JV, Varsity)
- July 26 - Commission on Aging Cornhole Tournament
- July 27 (Tentative) - Christmas in July: Pancakes with Santa
- July 29-30 - Preschool & Kindergarten Readiness Days
- August 13 - First Day of School for Students
Items on the To-Do List
Parent Survey
We want to always find ways to improve what we are doing at CCS!
One way we do this is by reflecting on the school year and identifying areas that need some adjustment.
Please help us by participating in the End of the Year Parent Survey.
The information collected will also be used as we renew our accreditation in 2024-2025.
2024-2025 School Calendar
View and Download the School Calendar
The academic calendar for 2024-2025 is available.
The calendar is a great tool to use when planning for the the year. Download a copy using the button below.
A few other things to get excited about....
New Staff Members
With growth comes a need for more help!
We have a few new faces you will see on campus next year. Be on the lookout for introductions to be announced soon.
Enrollment Update
Enrollment season has been a whirlwind! We are still fielding calls and questions from prospective new families. As of right now, we are projecting to have just under 300 students this fall! To God be the glory!
Loving the Lobster
We love the green lobster that is currently on the gym floor so much, that we think we may have to have some t-shirts! Be on the lookout for information coming soon.
Open House Events
We will have open house events prior to school beginning. As soon as the dates and times are set, we will start posting announcements.
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED / Cognia Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu