Pistor Paw Prints
August 2024
Principal's Message
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year (almost)!
Welcome Students, Parents, and Families,
At Pistor Middle School, we are delighted to embark on another year of growth, learning, and community with you. Our mission is to nurture integrity, perseverance, and collaboration to empower our students as compassionate, responsible global citizens. Through rigorous academics, character education, and community engagement, we strive to create an environment where every student can thrive.
As we begin this new school year, our commitment to providing high-quality education remains steadfast. We are dedicated to fostering a culture of excellence, where each student is encouraged to reach their full potential. Our curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire, while our supportive community ensures that every student feels valued and understood.
We believe in the power of character education and will continue to emphasize the importance of integrity and perseverance in everything we do. By working together—students, parents, teachers, and staff—we can build a collaborative and nurturing environment that supports academic achievement and personal growth.
Community engagement is a cornerstone of our approach, and we look forward to partnering with you to make a positive impact both within our school and beyond. Your involvement and support are crucial to our success, and we are excited to see the incredible things we will accomplish together this year.
Thank you for being part of the Pistor Middle School family. We are excited about the opportunities ahead and are confident that this year will be filled with memorable experiences and significant achievements.
Here’s to a fantastic school year!
Mrs. Kathryn Gunnels, Principal
The ABC and Ds for a Successful School Year 2024-2025
Here are some important reminders and updates to ensure access to a learning environment conducive to student success and to ensure safety while on campus for all students, faculty, staff, and families.
1. Attendance - If you child(ren) are absent or late, please be sure to notify the front office at 520-908-5414 within 48 business hours. Students with excessive unexcused absences (10+ per semester, will not receive credit for their class and may be subject to retention. Please see attached bell schedule.
2. Backpacks - Students will be expected to carry a clear or mesh backpack from class to class while on campus. Students who bring a backpack that is not see-through, will be provided the opportunity to check their bag and have it stored for the day.
3. Cell Phones - Students must have their cell phone (if they have one), turned off and out of sight from the time the first bell rings (8:50 AM) until the last bell rings (3:50 PM/2:50 PM on Wednesdays). This is a zero tolerance policy, no warnings will be given. Students who are observed with a cell phone (or other electronic devices such as ear buds, gaming devices, etc.) will have the device collected, and turned into the office for parent pick up.
4. Dress Code - We are a uniform school. Based on the feedback from students, families, and staff, the Pistor Middle School dress code for this year was revised during the summer to ensure clarity and safety yet still remain flexible for students and families. Here are the main highlights:
Top Garment
- Plain, solid colored shirt in red, black, white, or gray. No logos or print of any kind.
- Shoulders and midriff must be covered. No tank tops, spaghetti straps, crop tops, etc.
Bottom Garment
- Jeans, pants, shorts, or skirts in solid black, blue, or khaki. No rips, holes, tears, or fraying.
- Bottom garment must fit at the waist - no sagging.
- Sweatpants, pajama pants, leggings, bicycle shorts, athletic/basketball shorts, etc. are not allowed.
- Athletic shoes, sneakers, or sandals in any color.
- Crocs, slides, slippers, flip flops, etc. are not allowed.
5. Supplies for Success - All students must bring the following items daily:
- Backpack – clear or mesh bags only
- Laptop, fully charged w/charging cord – checked out to student at the beginning of the year
- Refillable water bottle (no glass)
- Paper, Pens, and Pencils
Please be sure to see the attachment below for more details.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Here's What's Happening at Pistor MS - July/August 2024
- July 8th to July 26th - Office Hours 9 AM to 1 PM Monday - Friday
- Beginning July 29th - Office Hours 8 AM to 4 PM Monday - Friday
Back to School Kick-Off
- Thursday, July 25th - 6th grade families from 9 AM to 3 PM
- Friday, July 26th - 7th and 8th grade families from 9 AM to 3 PM
- Monday, July 29th - for any families unable to attend on their designated day from 4 PM to 6 PM
New Panther Orientation for 6th graders and students new to Pistor
- Wednesday, July 31st from 1:45 PM to 3 PM
First Day of School
- Thursday, August 1st
National Book Lover's Day
- Friday, August 9th
National Tell a Joke Day
- Friday, August 16th
Open House and Principal's Address
- Tuesday, August 13th
- Principal's Address at 5:30 PM
- Meet the Teacher/Open House from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Professional Learning Day for Teachers (no school for students)
- Wednesday, August 21st
Women’s Equality Day
- Monday, August 26th
Back to School Kick-Off - Save the Date
During our Back to School Kick-Off you will have the opportunity to do the following:
- Get your picture taken for the yearbook and purchase picture packages!
- Pick up your class schedule (registration must be complete to receive schedule of classes).
- Get official school ID.
- Update vaccination records.
- Get information about activities and athletics.
- Complete online registration and upload documents.
Thursday, July 25th, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, is for incoming 6th graders.
Friday, July 26th, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, is for new or returning 7th and 8th graders.
Monday, July 29th, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, is for families unable to attend during the daytime.
Families with children in multiple grade levels are welcome to attend whichever day works best for you.
Please contact the front office if you have any questions or concerns. The main line is 520-908-5400. Ms. Kristina and/or Ms. Alejandra will be happy to assist you.
New Panther Orientation - Save the Date
On Wednesday, July 31st, from 1:45 to 3:00 PM we will be hosting our New Panther Orientation event for incoming 6th graders, as well 7th and 8th graders who are new to Pistor. Students will get a tour of the campus, meet their teachers, and participate in fun activities. We request that parents DO NOT attend, as this event is designed specifically for students.
School Pictures with Lifetouch School Photography
For more information about Picture Day, visit the Lifetouch website.
SPARCC Sports Physicals & Base Line Concussion Testing
Fundraiser to benefit TUSD Interscholastics. Friday, July 26th from 9 AM to 5 PM.
Please see attached flyer below.
Don't forget that physicals are required if you plan to participate in after school sports!
IMPACT Tucson - Family and Community Resource Fair
Saturday, July 27th, 2024
10 AM -12 PM
Palo Verde High Magnet School
1302 S. Avenida Vega
• FREE Backpacks (while supplies last)
• Enrollment Ambassadors Available for Last Minute Registration
• Lunch will be provided
• Starbucks Pastries and Drinks, Water, and Snacks
• Entertainment: DJ and Inflatables
Please see the attached flyer.
Additional details can be found on the IMPACT event page.
Badges & Backpacks - Message from SRO Deputy Robinson
The Pima County Sheriff’s Department wants to invite staff, students and families to our upcoming Badges and Backpacks Fun Fiesta!
This event is on August 1st, 2024 from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM. at the Tucson Convention Center (260 S. Church Ave.).
It will include an array of experiences for the children in our community: jumping castles, character interactions, first responder vehicles and backpack giveaways. El Rio Health will be present to provide physicals, dental care, vaccinations and vision tests. Tucson Medical Center will be on site giving away bicycle helmets and providing booster seats.
This event is absolutely free!
In an effort to support our local school partners, the top three schools with the highest attendance at the event will receive pallets of school supplies: paper, tissues, hand sanitizer, dry erase markers, pens and pencils! The school with the top attendance will also receive law enforcements demonstrations for their school: a law enforcement working dog demonstration, helicopter landing and explosive ordinance demonstration.
FREE Breakfast and Lunch for ALL Students
We are a community eligible school, meaning that ALL students will receive FREE breakfast and lunch daily. No need to fill out an application!
Check out the new Food Services website which will be linked on the district website very soon. The website has all the information families and schools need related to school meals, including monthly menus and features a convenient mobile menu app. *Please note August menus will be posted on the website soon!
Panther Athletics
Middle School Interscholastic Sports Offerings and Dates
First Season August 5 – October 3
- Boys Basketball, Girls Volleyball, Boys and Girls Cross Country
- Girls Basketball, Boys Volleyball
- Flag Football Tournament (1-Day)
- Boys and Girls Soccer
- Boys and Girls Track & Field
Athlete Requirements
An athlete needs to have all paperwork and participation fees submitted before they can begin practices, tryouts, games.
- Active Sports Physical (must be dated March 1, 2024, or later) - You MUST have an active completed sports physical prior to try outs!
- Athlete Packet
- Emergency Information Card
- Parent/Guardian Permission
- Athletic Informed Consent
- Activity Specific Parent Permission
- Provisions of Transportation (FT1002)
- TUSD Interscholastic Athletic Transportation Guidelines (ISC1000)
Participation Fees
There is a $30 for middle school interscholastic fee per activity.
- Partial scholarships may be available, please contact Mr. Casillas for more information.
Parent Pick Up and Drop Off
Per Arizona Minimum Standards, we are not allowed to have any vehicle in the bus bay except for buses when loading and unloading students. Our bus bay is located north of the campus on Alaska Street.
Parent Pick Up and Drop Off is on the south side of the campus on Canada Street.
If you need to park and come onto the campus with your student, you may use the parking lot off of Alaska Street.
Arizona Minimum Standards Statute: R13-13-104. Minimum Standards for School Bus Operation, section 9-11 states:
- During loading or unloading of passengers at a designated school bus loading area at a school, the school shall restrict the loading area to school buses, passengers, and school employees assisting in the loading or unloading of passengers.
Contact Information
Email: kathryn.gunnels@tusd1.org
Website: https://pistorms.tusd1.org/
Facebook: Pistor Middle School
Location: 5455 S. Cardinal Ave 85746
Phone: 520-908-5400
Attendance: 520-908-5414