Slaybaugh School Complex
Week of February 16, 2020
Student Achievement
Slaybaugh Primary's Kindergarten classes used gym centers to celebrate the 100th day of school! Each Kindergarten class went to the gym and rotated in centers for 100 seconds per center as they watched the numbers count down on the screen!
Ms Webster's 1st grade class combined their celebrations on Friday February 14th by celebrated the 100th Day of School along with Valentines Day. The students created Fruit Loop necklaces using tens frames, string and fruit loop cereal. Everyone had a great time making and eating their yummy necklaces!
Mrs. Stuhltrager's 2nd grade class read 'Someone Loves You, Mr. Hatch' during kindness week. They then studied letter writing and the journey a letter takes during writing time. This week they mailed letters home to their families to spread kindness!
Ms. Nardone taught a 'Blind Hand' writing lesson with Mrs. Guerra's 2nd grade class. They learned, they worked, they collaborated and they had fun!!
Climate and Culture
Slaybaugh celebrated the 100th day of school on Valentine's Day!!
Ms. Milstead's pre-school class was challenged with 'Speaking Kindness' for our February Kindness Challenge!
Ms. Zompa's 2nd grade class wrote notes to the cafeteria ladies to show their appreciation for all that they do! They even made a Valentine's Day poster!!
Mrs. Basdekis and Mrs. McGinnis' class participated in our 'Kindness Challenge' by creating Valentine's Day cards to the Egg Harbor Township Police Department! Keep up the great work!!
Community Pride
Slaybaugh had a great turn out with our 'CAP' (Child Assault Prevention) parent meeting! Our classes for the students start March 7th, 2020!
Contact Us!
Email: Andersek@eht.k12.nj.us
Website: sl.eht.k12.nj.us/
Location: 11 Swift Drive, Egg Harbor Township, NJ, USA
Phone: 609-927-8222
Facebook: facebook.com/EHTNJSlaybaugh
Twitter: @EHTNJSlaybaugh