Cougar News
Friday, November 4th
Giving Back
During the month of November, we are taking action through participation. We at Caleb have an amazing opportunity to participate in giving back to the greater Sacramento community. On November 8th, our school is providing breakfast at Loaves and Fishes. As of this afternoon, we are still in need of food donations and servers. Please utilize the QR code to lend your support to this important organization. Refer to information below to learn more about the important work of L&F:
As the largest homeless service provider in Sacramento, Loaves & Fishes is a 501(c)(3), charitable, non-profit organization dedicated to providing warm meals, essential survival supplies and services for nearly 1,000 adults and children daily. To keep our services barrier-free, we do not solicit or accept government funds and are supported instead, by the investment of individual and private donations from the greater Sacramento community. In the spirit of radical hospitality modeled after activist and leader of the Catholic Worker Movement, Dorothy Day, we refer to people seeking our services as “guests” creating a space of welcome, respite, and belonging.
Jog-a-thon Updated Numbers!
Art to Remember :-)
Art to Remember is back!! For our new families, Art to Remember is a creative fundraiser that allows you to purchase keepsake products customized with your child's art. It makes the school money and gets personalized gifts for family with your kiddo’s artwork. Orders are due November 11 to ensure delivery in time for the holidays. Lots of cute, inexpensive gifts!!
Click on the link below and search for your child's name. Then, have fun shopping! You can also share this link with your friends and family so they can buy your child's awesome art for themselves!
If you prefer to pay with cash/check, you should have received an order form from your child's teacher.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact Tricia Riehl or Michelle Lahmon
Cougars on the Run/STRIDE & Flag Football
The CG Cougar Flag Football Team defeated Ethel I. Baker 18-6 on Wednesday.
Parent-Teacher Conferences/Shortened Days
Conferences will be held on the following dates: November 17th & 18th and the week of November 28th-December 2nd.
The schedule is as follows:
AM Kindergarten- No Changes in Schedule
Grades 1-3 8:00-12:10 (Optional school lunch until 12:45)
Grades 4-6 8:00-12:24 (Optional school lunch until 12:45)
Holiday Reminders:
Friday, November 11th- No School- Veterans’ Day
Monday, November 21st-Friday, November 25- Thanksgiving Holiday