Pirate Positive Press
Did You Know...?
Facts About Our 🌟 Students
Congratulations to THE PHS MESA CLUB!
1st place Presentation and Pitch (EcoSorters)
1st place Human-Centered Design Excellence (TechThinkers)
1st place Innovation Impact (TechThinkers)
Angeline Garcia
Dylan Matthews
Lauryn James
Alexis DeBona
Ethan Aayan
Jorge Dominguez
Jason Sherman
Christian Martinez Pacheco
Congratulations Brody Switzer!
3rd Place State Finisher
PHS Speech and Debate Team
Thumper Morton, 9th grade, competed in a the statewide FCDI Online Tournament last Saturday. He won 2nd Place in Lincoln Douglas Debate with 3 wins!
Congratulations Pasco Band of Pirates!
Rated Superior at MPA!
Students in Action-Marine Science
Constructed Models of Marine Polyps
2nd Edition
Smore Templates
Smore is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters