The Buzz
Spring Term 26th January 2023

Message From The Head of School
We have had another fantastic week of teaching and learning here at HISN. I have had the pleasure of spending some time in year 1 this week and have been so impressed with their learning behaviours and the progress they have made since the beginning of the year.
Our principle of the week is ‘excellence’. In assembly we spoke about what excellence looked like during the different parts of our day e.g. lunchtime, PE and after school clubs. I look forward to giving out certificates tomorrow in our celebration assembly.
Please can I impress the importance of reading every day with your child and remembering to tick their reading diary. These are checked on your child’s reading day and lots of praise is given to those who have read every day.
The book sent home each week links closely to the sound they are learning in phonics that week and really consolidates their learning. For example a group of children are currently learning the different ways the ‘n’ sound can be represented in words e.g. kn, gn, n, nn and ne.They will experience the most success if they take part in the daily phonics session and are exposed to these spellings daily when reading the linked text sent home.
Thank you for your continued support in helping our children be the best they can be!
Claire Cook
Head of School
Nursery Admissions
We are now taking Nursery applications for our fantastic new nursery for September 2023 entry, date of birth range 01/09/2019 – 31/08/2020.
To apply, please visit our website under Admissions for further details and to complete the application eform or use this link Nursery 2023 Admissions
The closing date is Friday 3rd March with offers made by Friday 5th May.
The class with the best attendance last week is RC with 99%
The class with the least numbers of lates last week is 2D
w/c 09/01/2023
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of PARTNERSHIP
RC Seth
RDC Jind
RF Violet
RK Bella
1B Jesse
1C Maxwell
1H Flossie
1K Harry
2A Hana
2D Ellis
2J Stanley and Dhruv
2T Poppy-Louise
Focus story: Whatever Next by Jill Murphy
Phonics: In our phonics lessons over the coming weeks we will be working on rhythm and rhyme. We will be continuing to sing lots of familiar nursery rhymes and reinforcing rhyming words through stories and games too. Next week we will play 'Silly Soup' using different ‘ingredients’ that rhyme e.g fox, box and socks to create our rhyming soup. You can support this at home by also singing well known nursery rhymes with your child e.g. The Wheels on the Bus or Hickory Dickory Dock.
Maths: We will be consolidating our learning on the number two and thinking about the part whole model. We will use the following language, 1 is a part of me, 1 is a part of me and the whole of me is 2.
Happy Lunar New Year everyone and best wishes for this Year of the Rabbit! We have had a brilliant week celebrating and learning all about the different traditions. The children have also been making good luck envelopes to which they have been adding Chinese writing to and have loved comparing the Chinese symbols to our own letters. To finish the week, the children loved pretending to be dragons and really put on a show as they created their own Chinese dragon and lion dances.
Story of the Week: Our focus text this week is 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy. We will be travelling into outer space where we will think about some of the things we may see out of our space rocket windows such as planets, stars and maybe an alien or two. We will also be taking inspiration from astronaut Chris Hadfield, as we think about what we may need on our space travels and writing lists to help us remember what to pack.
Phonics: We will continue to recap all the sounds we have learnt so far including our three new sounds: x, y, ck and our everyday words. The children will be using these sounds to read and build words and well as use their listening ears to manipulate sounds to create new words. The children will also be using their phonic knowledge as well as their letter rhymes to help them write sentences.
Maths: This week we are exploring measurement as we think about height, length and time. We start the week by comparing the height and length where we will be using our maths language of 'taller than/shorter than' as well as 'longer than/shorter than' to compare different objects. We will end the week by thinking about time by using lots of different tools to help us measure time to help us discuss all the things we could do in 10 seconds versus a minute.
Year 1
In English, Year 1 have been looking at various texts and deciding whether these are fiction or non-fiction. We then found out lots of facts about lions and used these to write our very own fact files on lions.
In Maths, we have been doubling numbers to 20 and using these to work out near doubles, e.g. if 6 + 6 = 12 then 6 + 5 = 11 and 6 + 7 = 13. We used counters and ten frames to help us and recorded our answers in our books. We have also been using our knowledge of number bonds to help us to subtract one number from another, and using number lines to subtract by counting back.
In Science, we have been identifying features of winter, looking at why the trees are bare, weather patterns and why the temperature drops, and how the days are shorter. We thought about what clothes would be best to wear and discussed what months of the year made up the winter season.
In History, we continue to look at transport and how this has changed over time. We have been understanding how motor vehicles and trains have evolved over time, discussing which we would prefer to travel in and why
Year 2
Year 2 has been exploring monotonal art inspired by Bridget Riley and Charles McGee. We have explored patterns and mark marking with a variety of tones and gradients. In using monotone, we have investigated using different media, such as: sketching pencils, charcoal and oil pastels. We thought about famous London landmarks and created their iconic outlines, then we filled these with patterns.
DATE CHANGE - World Book Day - Wednesday 1st March 2023 📚📚📚
As World Book Day, coincides with any NEU industrial action, we have made the decision to change this to Wednesday 1st March 2023.
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815