LEE Counseling Newsletter
Nothing Stronger than the Heart of a Volunteer
Updates and New Information
- Summer School Registration will open April 23, 2025, scroll down for more information
- FAFSA is a graduation requirement seniors! https://studentaid.gov/
- Scholarship Information is just a short scroll down away...see what's new!
- Summa Ceremony is March 20th
- Saturday School Information is below
- Cap and Gown pick up is March 25- during all lunches. Seniors can still order until February 24th to pick up at LEE!
Saturday School Information
Everything Senior 🥰
Things you should be doing this semester
- Complete your FAFSA
- Sign up for the TSI (if needed) contact Mr. Goodwin for more information
- Sign up for Saturday School for attendance (see your AP to confirm)
- Order your cap and gown- delivery is March 25th here at LEE during all lunches
- Meet with Ms. Bustamante in the career center for college deadlines
- Keep your grades up, this is the home stretch!!! Finish Strong!
Dream Major Scholarship
Must be a graduating high school senior (2024 - 2025 school year)
o Completed written application
o Application must be received on time without exception
o 3.0 Minimum GPA overall or progression towards an unweighted GPA of 4.00 over four semesters (For the most recently completed cumulative GPA period in 2024 - 2025
o Official high school transcript. All transcripts must be submitted using the grading policy/GPA scale currently used by their school; additionally, ACT/SAT scores
o Students must reside and attend a high school in Bexar County.
o Acceptance letter from college/university (copy must be enclosed with application)
o Two Letters of Recommendation (LOR) from a high school teacher, counselor, social worker, religious official, or school principal. The letters must include your potential to be successful in college; and have two contact numbers, an e-mail address, and your full name.
Deadline to Apply is March 28, 2025
Randall P Palmer III Memorial Scholarship
Must be a graduating high school senior (2024-2025 school year)
· 3.0 Minimum GPA overall or progression towards an un-weighted GPA of 4.00 over four semesters (For the most recently completed cumulative GPA period in 2022-2024)
· Must show financial need
· Must demonstrate community involvement
Deadline to apply is March 28, 2025
College, Career and Military Readiness (CCMR)
Your Counselor and Administrator Contacts
CCMR- Paul Goodwin
Mr. Goodwin's office is in the Counseling Department- Come by and see him!
Trinity College Advisor
Ms. Elizabeth Bustamante
I can help with FAFSA and all things College
I am in the Career Center, come see me but come with a pass!