Beckham Blast
Update on all things Beckham from Mrs. Dassing-February 2025
February is a wonderful month to celebrate African American History and recognize the significant impacts our ancestors have had on us and the wonderful accomplishments of our community! Please join me in a number of events and celebrations planned across CCSD and at LBHS!
We are also happy to recognize our school counseling staff as we celebrate National School Counseling Week! Whether is helping with a schedule, conducting an IGP, or simply listening, our school counselors are the heart of Beckham! Please join me in thanking them for all they do for us!
Lastly, we are excited to host our newest Bengals at our High School Preview day in February. Our current 9-11 students will also be choosing classes soon for the 2025-2026 school year. Reach out to your teacher or counselors with questions and stay tuned for more details!
Your Very Proud Principal!
Mrs. Dassing
Celebrating Black History Month
LBHS 3rd Annual Black Food Truck Festival
Friday, Feb 28, 2025, 11:00 AM
Lucy Beckham High Schoo, Mathis Ferry Road, Mount Pleasant, SC, USA
National School Counseling Week
LBHS Curriculum Fair
Spring Public Textbook Review
The Spring Public Textbook Review will be held in conjuction with our Curriulcum Night, February 4th. There will be a display open from 5:00-6:00 PM in the atrium. Additionally, sample textbooks are located in the Front Office for public review . Please stop by to complete the Public Review Comment form.
High School Password Changes
Bengal Flex for Extra Help
Mamma Mia-LBHS Spring Semi Formal Dance
Mamma Mia-LBHS Spring Semi Formal
Saturday, Feb 8, 2025, 07:00 PM
Lucy Beckham High Schoo, Mathis Ferry Road, Mount Pleasant, SC, USA
Off and Away During the Day!
College and Career Readiness Matters!
See your school counselor or AP if you have questions about being CCR!
General Reminders
Get your Ambush today!
In order to ensure you are able to get a yearbook for the 24-25 school year, please purchase your yearbook by March 1 through Jostens.com. After this point, copies for purchase will be limited and likely sell out sometime this spring.
Safety First
Student parking is a privilege and can be revoked for driving too fast in parking lots or disregarding parking rules. Anyone without a valid parking permit or who parks in an unauthorized area can be booted, fined and privileges could be suspended or revoked. Please also remember to be respectful of our neighbors both residential and commercial and understand that they can involve law enforcement if there are issues.
Pay your Fines and Fees!
Notices for 2nd semester fees and any accumlinated fines for temp IDs, lost textbooks, calculators, etc. have come out! Please be sure things are turned in or paid to avoid a large bill at the end of the year. Seniors, remember that you cannot check out with unpaid fees or fines. This includes cafeteria accounts. Please contact rachel_bottone@charleston.k12.sc.us for school bills and james_simpson@charleston.k12.sc.us for cafeteria accounts.
LBHS is a closed campus!
Students must have permission and a pass to leave campus for any reason. Students are not allowed to leave for lunch or ILT. If a student leaves without permission, they are subject to disciplinary consequences. Any student that is allowed to leave that takes any one without permission also risk disciplinary consequences. If a student needs to leave for any reason, they must have a pass. See this page for all attendance related forms. https://lucybeckham.ccsdschools.com/parentsandstudents/attendance-office
No Food Delivery Services Allowed!
Food delivery services are not allowed at LBHS due to safety concerns. Also, food cannot be delivered by family members or friends unless prior arrangements have been made. Forgotten lunches can be dropped off but students will not be called out of class to retrieve them. If something is dropped off, you must email your student to come and get it.
Testing Tidbits
You can find all the dates for Spring testing here! It will be updated regularly so check back for any changes! https://secure.smore.com/n/52mcd
Thank you to our wonderful parent groups!
Lucy Garrett Beckham High School
Email: claire_gatlin@charleston.k12.sc.us
Website: https://www.ccsdschools.com/lucybeckham
Location: 1560 Mathis Ferry Road, Mount Pleasant, SC, USA
Phone: 843-953-2900
Facebook: facebook.com/LucyBeckhamBengals
Instagram: @beckhambengals