August 23rd

August 30th
Message from the principal!
Athey families and students,
What a great start to the year! The teachers and staff are excited for a great school year. Thank you for leaning into icebreakers, relationship-building, and name tents! We already have students showing their math skills, talking about data, building things in STEAM, writing in language arts, thinking about themselves as learners, working together on classroom norms, and showing kindness. Thank you for sharing your students with us each day. Enjoy the long weekend; see you Tuesday. Go, Cougars!
A Note from our Counselors!
Hi all!
We are Alisa Doll and Jess Mather, your school counselors! Alisa supports students with last names A-K and Jess supports students with last names L-Z. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns regarding your student this year. Mrs. Doll can be reached at dolla@wlwv.k12.or.us and Jess can be reached at matherj@wlwv.k12.or.us.
You can find more information about our roles and other important student and family resources at our website here. We will post monthly newsletters with important updates and information through this website.
In an effort to best support all students, we have created a wish list of things we would love to have in our offices and available to our students. On it you will find activities, games, snacks, sensory tools, and more. There is no obligation to donate, but anything we receive will be much appreciated and put to good use. You can find that wish list here.
Thank you for your support and collaboration this school year! We are excited to get this year started!
- Alisa & Jess
Important Dates
September 2nd - No School Labor Day
September 12th - Picture Day
September 12th - First day of Cross Country Practice
September 19th - Curriculum Night 6:00pm-7:30pm
September 26th - Cross Country Meet @ Memorial Park
September 27th - No School Staff Development Day
Please make sure your student is setup for success by reviewing and making sure they have the necessary supplies. Here is the supply list
Picture Day September 12th
Our picture day is September 12th. Order forms will be going out with students soon.
Just a friendly reminder, these order forms are just for individual pictures of your student. Yearbooks will be ordered later in the year.
If you would like to volunteer during our picture day on September 12th please sign up Here
2023/2024 Yearbooks
We still have a few yearbook left to purchase. Please stop by the office and see Ashley Johnson to purchase one. They are $20, cash or check.