August 31, 2017
Vanguard Agreement
Please do this as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding the form, please reach out to one of your Learning Community Leads.
Missed the Kick-Off?
iPads that were not picked up will be taken to a lead within each Learning Community. If your school did not have a representative on site, the LC Lead will also be given your window decals, school lead water bottle, and We Connect Cards.
The Learning Community Lead will contact individuals directly to coordinate a drop-off or pick-up. Please wait until you've heard from someone before reaching out.
GaETC 2017 Registration is Now Available!
As a member of Vanguard, your attendance is paid for and your substitute is paid for!
You can attend 3 days, 2 days or 1 day. All you need to do is: Discuss with your Principal. Secure your Sub. Register for GaETC before Oct. 13th.
Chris Olateru will communicate with your school bookkeeper concerning the substitute reimbursement.
We must have a completed registration for each person attending the conference. (If you were accepted to present and are listed as the MAIN PRESENTER, you do not need to register through Vanguard.)
Please note: Any registrations already assigned DO NOT have to be re-submitted unless a substitution is needed.
How to Register: Please refer to last week's VanWeekly for specific instructions.
The Vanguard Application is LIVE
Please remember, if your school already has four or more members, the form will not allow them to complete the application.
School Lead Monthly Calls
The call-in information will be sent via email to the school leads during the day prior to the call. Please make sure the school lead has completed the SCHOOL LEAD FORM to receive this information.
Save the Date: Sept 6, Oct 7, Nov 1, Dec 6, Jan 10, Feb 7, Mar 7, Apr 11, May 2
*points will be awarded for participating these calls.
Activity Points
How it works:
Vanguard Members will complete a Google Form to log points and within 5 minutes the log will reflect the input. If the activity submitted needs approval the cell that should contain the points will turn neon, until the submission is approved/denied by a member of the leadership team.
Google Forms will be available at some point during a live/F2F event. Google Forms for other types of activities will remain open and posted on the Vanguard Website. (Coming Soon!)
Eligible activities must occur during the School Year 17-18 (July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018)
Buttons below are the forms ready for use, including the August School Meeting form. Make sure to have completed the 17-18 Vanguard Team Info Form, which is essential to have your points auto total.
**This system is a work in progress. The Leadership Team is working diligently to create a sustainable usable system. Please be patient with us as we work to get all components up and running.
Time Expectations - minimum 4 hours (including preparing)
Time Expectations - 1 - 2 hours
Vanguard Committees/Teams
For 2017-2018, we want Vanguard members to have more input and ability to impact the team and our work! Please indicate which team(s) you would be interested in be a part of.
Team leads will receive 15 activity points for organizing and maintaining the team. Committee members will receive a minimum of 5 activity points for planning and preparation, with the potential to receive more per event.
Adding your name in any place is simply expressing interest. It is not committing you to the team.
Vanguard Sweatshirt
We had not considered opening orders for others initially, but would like to determine if there is interest. Because price is based on the number ordered, we've anticipated the cost based on orders. A final cost for the zip-up Vanguard hoodie would range between $30 and $37.
If you have interest in potentially ordering one, please let us know. With enough interest, we will open an order form for Vanguard team members. You only need to click on the link if you're interested.
Microsoft Teams
#FCSVanguard Twitter Chats
This year twitter chats will be twice a month on Thursday at 7:30PM.
1st Semester: Sept 7 & 21, Oct 5 &19, Nov 2 & 16, Dec 7
2nd Semester: Jan 11 & 25, Feb 8 & 22, Mar 8 & 22, Apr 12 & 26, May 3 & 17
Follow the @FCSVanguard & the VanLeadership Team:
- Darren Clay- @DarrenClayEDU
- Heather Cox- @MrsHCox
- Megan Endicott- @EndicottSpot
- Justin Evans- @jeevans
- Chanel Johnson- @DC_STEMtastic
- Pam Kelly- @pckelly4
- Beth Miller- @BVRMiller
- Christian Padgett- @SoontobeEdD
- Andrea Tseng-Rioux- @MissRioux
- Hoke Wilcox- @hoke
- October 21
- February 24
- March 24
About Us
Twitter: @FCSVanguard