Happy First Day of School!
Teachers make a difference at any distance...
Tuesday, September 1st 2020
Our first day is underway! As expected, we had a few technical problems. The district has changed some Zoom settings that should make it easier for students to log into class meetings. Moving forward, feel free to contact the office if you are having difficulty logging into the class synchronous activities. Mrs. Avvisati and Mrs. Barber will take your name, and we will have a member of our tech staff reach back out to you as they are able. Classroom teachers will also provide guidance as to how to troubleshoot difficulties, as well as what students can do in the meantime.
We realize this is new for many of us, and it may come with some frustration. We are confident we will work through the challenges, and things will become easier. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Mrs. Anastacio and Mrs. Soprano
Windsor Elementary School
Email: lanastacio@sd25.org
Website: https://www.sd25.org/Domain/16
Location: 1315 East Miner Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847-398-4297
Twitter: @WindsorWildcats