Leonardtown Elementary
February 26, 2024
Calendar Of Events
Upcoming Events
Mar 6: Volleyball Club Begins
Mar 7: Academic Challenge Night AND Book Fair Shopping 5 - 7 pm
Mar 11 - 15: Book Fair Open for students during Media Classes
Mar 11: Spring Picture Day
Mar 21: Club Osprey #3
Mar 22: Virtual Instruction Day
Mar 25 - April 1: Spring Break
Parent Pick Up : CUT OFF TIME
We appreciate that families make every attempt to make appointments for after school hours and sometimes need to arrange a pick-up near the end of the school day. However, we are having difficulty managing the volume of unexpected sign-outs as we are near the 3:35 dismissal of nearly 550 students. We are willing to work with families who believe they have special circumstances, but otherwise, we ask that all appointment related sign-outs occur by 3:00 pm. If you are picking your child up to transport him/her home, please utilize our parent pick up/placard system or make arrangements for your child to ride the bus.
Special Education Parent Involvement Survey:
Club Osprey
March 7: Academic Challenge Night
Join us for an evening featuring fun-filled activities, food, and friendship. Our Academic Challenge Night will be held Thursday, March 7, 2024 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Step up to the challenge of soaring the fastest paper airplane, peruse through our art gallery, try your hand at a few new cool math games, visit the LES bookfair, and so much more! Food trucks and vendors will be available to purchase meals or snacks and LES students will even have a chance to win a cool raffle prize. You don't want to miss the fun!
RSVP no later than March 4th is highly encouraged (CLICK HERE). We hope to see you there!!!
Interested in volunteering at the event. We'd love to have your support!
RSVP Link:
Volunteer Link:
LES Spirit Wear
Need a new LES sweatshirt? Want a beanie to keep you warm on these cold days? Check out our PTA spiritwear store at https://leonardtownespta.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true and stock up on new gear!