MSHSL Officials - Volleyball
Fall 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 Volleyball Season!
This newsletter shares the most current information regarding the upcoming season.
Please read and review carefully as this information will help you start the season successfully.
Have a great season!
Jason Nickleby
Assistant Director
Eligibility Tiers/Badges:
You will complete all eligibility items under your chosen Eligibility Tier(s).
When all items are completed, color-coded badges for each Tier and sport (located under your picture) on your Arbiter MSHSL Official profile page will indicate your Tier(s)/status:
- State Tournament (Green)
- Section Tournament (Blue)
- Regular Season (Purple)
- Reciprocity (Orange) (Regular season eligibility only)
- Student/Minor Under 18 (Red) (Only eligible for non-varsity, regular-season contests)
- Lower Level (Yellow) (Only eligible for non-varsity, regular-season contests) This registration does not receive a rules book or access to online training modules.
Eligibility Requirements
All officials’ and judges’ eligibility information is located under your chosen/enrolled Tiers for that activity.
Click in the Volleyball box under Current Eligibilities to load your Eligibility Dashboard.
Eligibility Components
Online Modules and Exam:
- The Exam, Concussion, General Officials Module, and Volleyball Online Module are available on your Volleyball Eligibility Dashboard. Click on the Eligibility Tab, then click in the Volleyball box under Current Eligibilities to load your Eligibility Dashboard.
- You may do these items in any order, yet you must complete all of the items to be eligible.
- All officials need to view the MSHSL Concussion version/module. It is titled 2023-2026 Officials Concussion Module. If you viewed this last season, then it is marked as completed on your dashboard.
- Coaches who are officials: complete the Concussion Module (and sport-specific online module) requirement on the Coaches Dashboard and then email a screenshot of your Coach Dashboard showing the completed requirements to . We will give credit on your Arbiter Eligibility Dashboard.
- August 21 is the deadline to complete the exam and online modules. Make sure your eligibility dashboard shows all green checkmarks by this date.
The General Officials online module and the Volleyball online rules module are two separate modules. You must view both. Click on the blue Take Online Clinic link to watch the sport-specific Online Module and the General Officials Module as shown below.
- Click on the blue Take Test link in your Eligibility Dashboard with the exam title to complete the exam.
- The exam is 55 questions this year.
- You can take the exam a second time if you do not score 80% or better on the first attempt.
Background Checks:
Clinic Attendance
Note: Clinic attendance is not the same as completing the Volleyball online rules module.
- Officials must attend a live (in-person) or Zoom training clinic once every two years to be eligible for sections or state (post-season/playoffs).
- Clinic attendance does not affect regular-season eligibility. Officials can work throughout the regular season without this requirement in place. Your eligibility badge will only show Regular Season (purple) if this requirement is not met.
- for Clinic dates and registration click here - Training Clinic Flier
- When you attend a clinic on Zoom, you will fill out a form with your name and email address so we can manually grant attendance credit on your eligibility dashboard. Attendance for the Zoom officials training clinics will be reflected on Arbiter a few weeks after the clinic.
- If you have attended a clinic or other camp/clinic in the previous year, it will be listed as a green checkmark. (Scroll down to the bottom of your Eligibility Dashboard page.)
- If you are due to attend a clinic this year, each of the possible clinics will have a red X as shown below.
- As long as you have at least one green checkmark, you are not due to attend a clinic this year.
- The example below is for someone who chose the State Eligible Tier. Thus, N/A is listed under Tiers that were not chosen or are below that of Section.
- Joining the Zoom clinics on audio only (via phone just audio) will not work as video clips are reviewed and officials will need to click on the attendance link for credit.
Materials & Officials State Tournament Card/Pass
Only new officials will receive a mailed packet including a rules book, and informational materials from MSHSL.
Materials are available for download from the Arbiter MSHSL Central Hub. The rules books and other items are available for purchase on the MSHSL Online Store
If you wish to purchase an Officials State Tournament Card/Pass, see these links for how to purchase - &
Central Hub Documents
The MSHSL Central Hub will host pertinent officials’ documents.
- Sport-specific documents are available under the MSHSL Sports box and the sport link in the center of the Arbiter MSHSL Central Hub page. This is updated throughout the season.
State Tournament Consideration Process
The State Tournament Consideration Form will be emailed to all officials who complete the State Tournament Tier requirements.
If you wish to be considered for a State Tournament assignment, you should enter your schedule on the MSHSL Central Hub.
- This is found in the Officials and Judges box and is titled the Official/Judge Schedule Form.
- This link will ask for your name, email address, select a sport, game date(s), and schools involved.
- This link will be used for officials of all sports.
- You will receive a confirmation email.
- If you wish to make edits to your schedule, click on the “Edit Response” button in the confirmation email.
- You will be taken back to your original entry.
Contest & Ejection Report Forms
The Contest Report Form and the Ejection Report Form are available on Central Hub as a Form linked in the Officials and Judges box. The Contest Report can be used for praise as well as challenging situations. The Ejection Report must be completed for any ejection during a contest.
Reminder - All reports go to the schools. Consider your audience carefully as you submit your report.
Review your photo on your Arbiter MSHSL Official Account on the Profile tab. Make sure your face is visible in the photo. This will assist with the badge and State Tournament application processes.
Checking in at a Site for a Contest
Officials must share a screenshot or copy of their Arbiter MSHSL Official profile tab with their picture and the eligibility badge visible with the host school on the day of the competition. You can take a screenshot, picture with your phone, or print this page. Send a copy of your eligibility badge to your assigner/association as well. If you have the ArbiterSports App, you can show your eligibility badge from the App when you get to the site.
Click the below link for instructions on how to get your ID Badge on Arbiter.
Ineligible officials are a liability concern for all involved.
**Do not wait to be asked for this information.
Support and Questions
If you have questions about the Arbiter site, please contact them at:
If it is MSHSL process-related, please email for assistance.