Goodrich Middle School
March 2017
Martian PRIDE Art Contest
The Goodrich Middle School PRIDE committee recently sponsored an art contest. Students created logos and designs that would promote school spirit and school PRIDE. Winners of the contest were selected by staff members. There were many wonderful entries! The winner of the Martian PRIDE logo contest is Joey Francis, grade 8. The winners of the PRIDE letter designs are Monique Morse, grade 8, and Coral Velez, grade 7. We extend a thank you to all students who participated. Your talent and school spirit really showed through in your work! Everyone can look forward to seeing their art work on display in the near future. Great job!
Pictured L-R (Joey Francis, Ms. von Keltz, Monique Morse, Coral Velez)
Morning Drop Off Procedure Change
- Students may only be dropped off at the east entrance driveway "loop" by the flagpole. The parking area by the flagpole, Oaktree's parking lot, the parking lots on the north and south ends of the building and the bus dropping area by the gym are NOT to be used for morning drop off.
- More than one vehicle can let student(s) out at a time! When dropping off your child(ren), please pull up as far as you can along the sidewalk by the entrance. As long as your car is next to the sidewalk, please have your child exit the car. If 5-6 cars pull up and drop off at a time, instead of one at a time, everyone will move through the line faster.
- Before pulling away from the curb, please check in all directions to ensure that no pedestrians are walking near your vehicle.
The 6th grade math students at GMS took place in the Minute Math Olympics to gather data and calculate data measures, including mean, median, mode and range. Events included: Tennis Toss, Bunny Hop, Tongue Tied, Rock and Roll, and Who am I? Not only did the “mathletes” show off their “mathletic” abilities calculating data measures, they might have even cracked a smile or two! YOU try saying, “A big, black bug blew big blue bubbles,” for a minute without laughing!
M-STEP to Begin Next Month!
Beginning in mid-April, Goodrich Middle School will administer, for the third year, the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP). This test is developed by the Michigan Department of Education’s Office of Standards and Assessment. M-STEP will include online summative assessments designed to measure current student knowledge. English Language Arts and mathematics will be assessed in grades 6–8, science in grade 7, and social studies in grade 8. Testing windows during April and May are established by the Michigan Department of Education. All testing, including make-up tests, must be completed during the four-week testing window established for each grade level.
Please note the testing dates below for your child:
Grade 8: Math, ELA, and Social Studies
April 18, 20, 25, 27, & 28
Grade 7: Math, ELA, and Science
May 2, 4, 11, & 12
Grade 6: Math and ELA
May 16, 18, & 23
It is important that students be in school on their testing dates. Missing any day will require a make-up session. Please refrain from making dentist and doctor appointments on testing days.
The M-Step tests are important to parents, teachers, students, and the school district. The results of these tests are analyzed to see if adjustments need to be made with curriculum objectives and alignment to the state standards. The results are used for the Michigan School Accountability ratings. Most importantly, individual student achievement is examined. The staff will be working with students to familiarize them with online tools that will be available during the tests, in addition to working through sample test items.
If you have any questions regarding M-Step, feel free to contact the school counselor at 810-591-4210.
Please encourage your child to:
- Get plenty of sleep for the tests.
- Eat a good, nutritious breakfast on the mornings of the tests.
- Be at school on testing days, and be prompt.
- Bring a pencil and fiction pleasure book to the testing.
- Wear glasses, if needed.
- Ask the test administrator if the testing directions are not clear.
- Focus on one question at a time.
- Put forth his/her best effort on the tests.
Flint Firebirds Mascot "Hot Wing" Visits GMS
GMS Music News
This Saturday, March 4th, the 7th & 8th grade bands go to MSBOA District III Band and Orchestra Festival. They will perform at 9:00 am and 10:30 am at Davison HS. They have worked for over 2 months preparing for this yearly Band Competition. Please come and show your support! Go Goodrich!
High School Student Trip to France and Spain
- Open to this year’s 8th grade students or older
Dates: June 19-June 28, 2018
- Requirement of at least one High School level French or Spanish class accomplished before summer 2018.
This will be an opportunity of a lifetime for students to travel and see all that Spain & France have to offer. Don’t miss out! Email kmaunder@goodrichschools.org for more information!
Mark Your Calendars - Upcoming Events!
Dates and times are subject to change.
Please check our school calendar at http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/Events/
for the most up-to-date information!
3/4: Band Festival (7th & 8th Grade Bands) - Davison HS - 7th grade 9:00am; 8th grade 10:30am
3/4: Flint Firebirds Goodrich Community Night - Dort Federal Event Center- 7:00pm
3/14: PTO Meeting - 9:15am - Oaktree Elementary
3/18: Chris Cakes of Michigan Event - GMS Cafe - 9:00-11:30am
3/30: GMS Spring Dance - 2:32-4:00pm
3/31: 3rd Marking Period Ends, PRIDE Party!
4/3 - 4/7: SPRING BREAK
4/19: 8th Grade DC Chaperone Meeting - Room 103 - 6:30pm
GMS Attendance Policy
Goodrich Middle School's complete Attendance & Tardy policies can be found in our handbook on the GMS website at www.goodrichschools.org/GMS under "Student Handbook and Policies.
Rachel's Closet
Rachel’s Closet, located in the office at GMS, is a closet full of clothes, supplies and personal care items that middle school age students may need, but maybe cannot afford. Students are able to visit the closet for items they need confidentially. Please talk to your child about Rachel's Closet and encourage them to see Mrs. Durant, Mrs. Lauinger, Ms. von Keltz or Mrs. Batterbee if they need anything.
You Can ALWAYS Stay Informed!
For daily updates on GMS events and announcements, please be sure to check www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/! Just click on "News and Announcements" on the left side of the page. You can also check the online calendar to see upcoming events and activities!
PTO Updates and News
For Parent Teacher Organization news, updates and important information, please visit the PTO website here!
Goodrich Middle School
Exceptional Education, Extraordinary People – We Are Goodrich!
Proud to be a Systems Accredited District.
The mission of Goodrich Area Schools is:
“Achievement for Every Learner”
Email: mdurant@goodrichschools.org
Website: http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/
Location: 7480 Gale Road, Goodrich, MI 48438, United States
Phone: 810-591-4210
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Goodrich-Area-Schools-750600228283708/?fref=ts