Centerview Newsletter

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August 28, 2024 - NEWSLETTER
Hello Centerview families!
I just loved standing at the entrance greeting ALL students and families at our Centerview Meet and Greet! The smiles, fist bumps, and connections are a great way to start the NEW YEAR!
Thank you for making your way to Centerview this evening. It was a GREAT turnout…something we as a staff have grown accustomed to seeing each year. We appreciate the commitment and continued partnership. It will be a difference maker as we join together in our efforts to engage our students through the year.
It may have seemed fast and furious during Meet and Greet. My hope is that the information provided so far – in the newsletter and at Meet and Greet – will create the clarity your family needs to begin the new school year on a positive note. With that in mind, if you have any questions, contact the main office. We’ll be available to answer any question you may have.
Our arrival and dismissal process has been updated. Due to the National Sports Center’s traffic and parking lot enhancements, Centerview will be adjusting our processes to maintain a safe and efficient beginning and end to the day. Please see below for the information on the process and a map to support the transition.
As a Centerview staff, WE CAN’T WAIT for students to start next Tuesday, September 3. As a reminder:
School hours and contacts to note:
- Main office hours: 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
- School hours: 9:20 a.m.–3:55 p.m.
- Main office: 763-600-5500
- Attendance line: 763-600-5509
Enjoy these last few days of summer and the Labor Day Weekend! We’ll see you next Tuesday!
Take care,
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures for Drop-off/Pick-up
When monitoring students’ arrival to and dismissal from Centerview Elementary each day, there are lots of smiles on the faces of our little people when they know what to expect and are feeling safe.
As we jump back into the new year at Centerview, here are the expectations for dropping off and picking up your child(ren). Our #1 priority is to see that arrival and dismissal is done in an orderly fashion, so our students, staff and our families are safe.
With the number of students dropped off and picked up each day by parents and family members, you can expect long lines where patience is required. With that, our END OF THE DAY PROCESS HAS CHANGED. The National Sports Center is making parking lot improvements and as a result we needed to redesign our end of the day process for parent pick-up.
Our collective efforts in following the subsequent procedures will ensure that our students and our families are safe each day. We will work through the identified process as we begin the year, make refinements where and when necessary, and continue communication.
All students, not riding the bus, can be dropped off curbside at the front of the school each day between 9:00 and 9:20 a.m. When dropping off, please have your student(s) ready to get out once you have pulled up in front of Centerview where staff will be assisting students exiting their vehicles..
Parent drop-off has changed (See pick-up map) The first 10 cars will line up in front of Centerview starting at the crosswalk stop sign and ending at the Field 48 NSC Sign. Once the first 10 cars are lined up bumper to bumper to the identified cones and spaces, cars will then park in the Centerview restricted parking area in rows 1-6 as the map identifies.
Families are not allowed to walk their student/s to the front of the school from the parking lot. PLEASE do not drop children off in the parking lot and have them walk up to the school on their own or expect them to enter the parking lot without an adult. There will be no crossing guard.
Students arriving between 9:00 and 9:10 a.m. will enter (door #14) to the gymnasium, wait patiently in their identified spot, until the 9:10 a.m. bell rings when they are dismissed to their classroom. Support and supervision will be present curb side and in the gymnasium.
Students arriving between 9:10-9:20 a.m. will enter through the front entrance (door #1) of the school and immediately proceed to their classroom.
In all drop-off situations, if a student receives a breakfast, 1st- 4th grade, they may go directly to the Commons Café’ to receive their breakfast before heading to the classroom. All kindergarten students will receive and eat their breakfast in the classroom following the 9:20 a.m. bell.
See the attached map for curbside drop off.
All students, not riding the bus, can be picked up curbside at the front of the school each day between, 3:55 and 4:10 p.m.
Students will be brought from their classroom to the gymnasium at 3:50 p.m. each day.
Parent pick-up has changed (See pick-up map) The first 10 cars will line up in front of Centerview starting at the crosswalk stop sign and ending at the Field 48 NSC sign. Once the first 10 cars are lined up bumper to bumper to the identified cones and spaces, cars will then park in the Centerview restricted parking area in rows 1-6 as the map identifies.
Please have your school issued pick up number visible on your dashboard or visor. Each day a staff member will need your visible pick-up number to identify your place in line.
When families arrive curbside to pick up, authorized family and friends will be matched by number, and the student(s) will be dismissed. Your student(s) will be standing at a colored cone and staff assist your student(s) in getting into your vehicle.
If you have not received or need a car number, call the office for next steps – 763-600-5500
As signs indicate, no cars will be left unattended on the yellow curb.
Families are not allowed to walk up to the gymnasium to pick-up their student from the front of the school parking lot or from the yellow curb.
If there is a change to your child’s pickup routine, you must call the office before 3:15 p.m. to make the change.
Parents are not allowed to take a child off the bus to conclude the day. Please go directly to the office if you would like to have your child taken off the bus at dismissal. At this time, it might be too late.
Signage has been added to communicate our end of the day procedure and partnership with the National Sports Center.
See the attached map for curbside pick-up.
To ensure these procedures are followed at arrival and dismissal, Centerview staff will be available for questions, clarification, and reminders as needed in the morning and afternoon. Please follow the direction of your Centerview Staff. Your efforts and attentiveness are appreciated.
2024-2025 School Handbook
Find our Spring Lake Park Schools School Handbook for 2024-2025 at SpringLakeParkSchools.org/schoolhandbook. The handbook is a guide for families and students on the practical aspects of school – start and end times, procedures for absences, transportation, meals, policies and more. Please review the information and refer to it, as needed, throughout the year and contact your school as you have questions.
Nutrition Services: School meal updates for a new year
As we enter a new school year, there are several important things to know about school meals:
- Breakfast and lunch meals: Each student will continue to get one breakfast and one lunch free of charge each day at school.
- Purchase of additional food items: During lunch, students have the option to purchase additional food items (second milk, extra entree, bottled water, etc.) if they have funds in their account. You can add funds to a meal account through Campus Parent Portal, or by sending cash or check with your child or directly to your school. If you do not want your student to purchase additional items, please complete this form and email it to foodservice@district16.org.
- Educational Benefits Application: Although no application is required to receive meals at no cost this school year, filling out the application for Educational Benefits is still important and it is critical families who may be eligible complete an application each year. By completing the application, students may receive free or reduced fees for a number of school programs. Applications have recently arrived in family mailboxes. We did a district-wide communication to families earlier this week encouraging families to complete an application. Please note, if your family already received an approval letter for the 2024-2025 school year, you do not need to re-apply for educational benefits.
Learn more about school meals on the Nutrition Services webpage.
Transportation reminders for a new year
- Bus Tracking (MyStop app): We use MyStop, which is web-based application available to parents and students that allows them access to live bus GPS information. Using a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer, parents and students can view the current location of buses on routes and the estimated time of arrival at their neighborhood bus stops. Learn more about MyStop.
- Bus Safety: It is very important all students and families understand our bus safety rules:
- Stay out of the “Danger Zone” around the bus
- Follow the driver’s instructions
- Be on time for the bus – five minutes early
- Always sit down and face forward
- Be courteous. No pushing, tripping, swearing or yelling.
- No eating or drinking
- Keep your bus clean. Do not damage the bus.
- Keep your head and arms inside the bus window
- Never throw objects inside or out of the bus
- No animals on the bus
- Plan to ride the bus: For students who ride the bus, please plan for your student to ride the bus on the first day of school to help us work out all our routines and eliminate as much confusion as possible. The transportation department appreciates your patience as we navigate the beginning of a new school year.
- Transportation webpage and contact information: Find all transportation information on the transportation webpage. For any questions regarding transportation, please contact the transportation department at transportation@district16.org or 763-600-5590.
Important back-to-school notices
At the beginning of each year, we provide families with important notifications. Many of these notifications align to our school district policies and practices. Please take a few minutes to review the information and take any actions that align with your family’s preferences.
These notices cover:
- Media permission and directory information
- Technology responsible use policy
- Student Behavior and Attendance Expectations
- Data privacy
- Supplemental student accident insurance
Review these notifications on the back-to-school hub under Annual Required Notifications. Please direct any questions to the main office of your student's school.’
- Tuesday, September 3 - First Day of School: for grades K-8 and Lighthouse students, orientation for grade 9 students and grades 10-12 students new to the high school
- Wednesday, September 4 - First Day of School: for returning grades 10-12 students who are not new to the high school
- Saturday, September 14 - "Start your Engines" Community Event, Spring Lake Park High School, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
- Monday, September 16 - Grupo de Padres Hispanohablantes de SLP reunion, 5 p.m., Woodcrest Spanish Immersion School
- September 23-27 - Homecoming Week
- Friday, September 27 - Homecoming Football Game, Panther Stadium, 7 p.m.
- Wednesday, October 2 – Live on 65: After Hours Big Band – Buy tickets
Panther Store Kick-Off Sale!
Now through September 6, save 20% of Panther Gear at the store and online with code 24Kickoff. The store, located at Spring Lake Park High School, will be open Wednesday, August 28 and Thursday, August 29 from 1-3 p.m. and Thursday, September 5 from 4-8 p.m.
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