LP #1 Primary Newsletter
August 21, 2024-September 13, 2024
We are so excited to start the 24/25 school year off with you! We hope you had a chance to rest, relax, and enjoy some fun over the past few months. Hopefully, you are feeling rejuvenated and getting geared up for another great school adventure. We can't wait to share with you the great events and learning opportunities we have planned for your student(s) this coming year. From school events, field trips, Learning Launchpads, and clubs, to enrichment opportunities and OSP offerings, you will be given the tools to personalize a fantastic educational plan for your child.
Here are a few things to think about as you prepare for the meeting with your teacher.
Learning Period Expectations
Learning Period Expectations
The Learning Coach and all enrolled students must be present at each Learning Period meeting.
Please set aside 1 hour for a single student and 15 minutes for each additional student to meet with your teacher for your Learning Period meeting.
Bring your curriculum to your Learning Period meeting to review progress in all core academic subjects. A. Bring all of the work completed since the last learning period meeting and be prepared to discuss the curriculum plan for the weeks ahead. B. If there is not a curriculum plan you will work with your teacher to create one for the next Learning Period.
RSVP to your Learning Period meeting invitation from the teacher within 48 hours.
After 2 attempts to schedule the Learning Period meeting, the teacher will schedule a Learning Period meeting for you to attend.
Planning Templates
Your teacher will include the Lesson Plans in your students’ Ed Plan.
If you DO NOT have a plan for completing standards/curriculum over the next four weeks your teacher will create one that will be followed and monitored at the weekly check-in.
Reach out to your teacher for some Planning Templates that might be helpful
During your LP meetings, you will review the curriculum completed and set a goal for each subject for the LP that will be followed up with at the next LP meeting.
Body of Work
Please review with your teacher a BODY of work for each subject. Your teacher should be able to have a clear understanding of the standards that were addressed during the learning period and the assignments that were completed.
For each of your students, please turn in a work sample of every subject (ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science).
Be sure your student has written their FULL NAME and the date the assignment was completed between August 21, 2024 and September 13, 2024.
Academic Writing
Whether your student is an experienced writer or brand new to the process we are excited to partner with you to ensure your student completes all four genres of writing: Narrative, Persuasive/Opinion, Research, and Expository. Your IST will be doing a fun writing activity with your student at each LP meeting. Some of these activities can be completed at home and returned to your IST at a later date. Our goal is to meet your student where they are, learn the writing process, improve their writing skills, and most importantly grow their love for writing.
Academic Challenges
One of the new opportunities for growth we are offering our students this year is through our academic challenges in math, sight words, writing, and reading. These challenges include incentives for mastery by the end of the year. Please take a look at the information about our Academic Challenges below. Students will be provided sight word lists, math fact challenges, Reading logs, and writing activities to track progress throughout the year. This is a great way to encourage a Growth Mindset and celebrate students' accomplishments.
STAR 360 Assessment
We are excited to use this assessment tool to help us measure your child's growth throughout the year in the area of ELA and Math. Your teacher will provide you with the diagnostic and instructional report, however, we now have the feature available for you to pull the report as well. These reports will provide information regarding skills and concepts the student has mastered as well as areas for growth.
We encourage each student to not rush through the test but to focus and do their very best despite their excitement to finish the test.
Ordering System (OS)
Tech needs, core curriculum and any core intervention supports must be purchased before enrichment can be ordered.
If you are in need of tech to access your core curriculum be sure to budget your funds accordingly. We ask that you order it right away to ensure it arrives quickly.
Laptops and Chromebooks must be ordered as a Tech Order through the EOS. Laptops and Chromebooks cannot be purchased through other vendors like Amazon. Printers and Kindle tablets can be ordered through other vendors.
Here is the link to the new OS website: https://orders.axiasystem.com/login. Be sure to bookmark it for quick and easy access.
Please be sure to discuss any "outside" of the box OS orders with your teacher during your LP meeting so you can discuss how they will tie into your student's educational plan. This information is important for your teacher to know when approving orders and can save a lot of time in the process if the teacher is included in the plan before the order is placed.
- TONS of K-8 curriculum resources. The lending library contains nearly all major curricula options. So before ordering head over to the lending library to see if there is a copy you can check out for the year or view before ordering.
- Books galore for kindergarten to 12th grade students. The lending library contains nearly as many novels and resource books as your local public library! You don't want to miss browsing these books that your student can check out to read throughout the year.
- Games and activities that you can check out for free! Card games, board games, puzzles, you name it, the lending library has it!
Many of these items are brand new and have never been used. So don't delay...come in and check it out!