Friendly Friday Update
The weekly newsletter for the FHMS Community - 9/22/23
Mr. Hiti's Message
We want our students in school each day. We have set a goal of 95% of our students in attendance each day. We are currently at 95% after 12 days of school being in session. Obviously students perform much better when they are here at school, and they stay on top of their assignments and classroom work as a result. This does not mean that they should come to school when they are sick, but if they have minor aches and pains they can work through, they should be here. 95% attendance is equivalent to missing about 8 days of school over the course of the school year. Please help us ensure that our students are in attendance each day.
We are off to a fabulous start to the school year. Students have done an excellent job working through locker and schedule issues, and we have settled into a routine that is working well. I look forward to sharing the wonderful things that are going on in the classrooms in the coming weeks!
Upcoming Dates
- September 30 - Warrior 5K @ Two Rivers High School, 9 a.m.
- October 2 - No school, Professional Development
- October 9 - Coffee with the Principal, 9 a.m.
- October 10 - Conferences (in-person), 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. (information coming 9/29)
- October 11 - National Walk & Bike to School Day
- October 11 - LGBTQ+ Parent/Guardian Meeting, 6-7:30 p.m.
- October 12 - Conferences (in-person), 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. (information coming 9/29)
Drone Club
For more information, contact Advisor Dave Wichman.
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Homecoming Events
FAST Testing
Dakota County Virtual Library Cards for Students
About Friendly Hills
Respect. Readiness. Relationships. Responsibility.
Follow FHMS on Instagram @friendlyhillsmiddle!
Follow ISD197 on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Location: 701 Mendota Heights Road, Mendota Heights, MN, USA
Phone: 651-403-7600