Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
November 2024
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Voting platform, Forms, etc.
If you do not feel comfortable voting from your home...
You can come into the office and anyone from our staff will help you walk through the process. We have a computer set up at a desk, so you can vote privately, but get assistance if need be.
Bermuda Bay Celebrates 50 Years
Friends of Bermuda Bay Host the 50th Anniversary Celebration
The clubhouse was renovated just in time to host over 100 participants for the 50th Anniversary of Bermuda Bay. All of the food and giveaways, along with the silent auction items were donated. Dan's Brake World gave two free oil changes. Hookin ain't easy provided two $50.00 gift certificates. Our own resident artist Kim Bannister, donated a water color that brought in the most money of $100.00. There were bottles of wine, desserts to die for and many other donated items that help boost the profits for the event. They netted $2,116.00. Aina won the $800.00 from the raffle.
There are still many items for sale - candles, magnets stickers, hoodies, sun visors, and so much more. These are on display in the office and can be purchased there. Great job and a big thanks to all of the ladies and gentlemen that helped put on our first social event in a while. For a brief minutes the hurricanes were forgotten and it was great to see all of our friends at Bermuda Bay. Just look at that view of the Bay from the clubhouse...just a reminder why we love living here!
Beware of Flesh-Eating Bacteria After Helene and Milton
FLORIDA — Thirteen people have died so far this year of a "flesh-eating" bacteria after Florida was slammed by back-to-back hurricanes, which pushed floodwaters onto land, public health department data showed Tuesday.
According to data from Florida Health, there have been 74 cases of Vibrio vulnificus — a salt-required bacteria that dwells in warm seawater. That ties a record number of cases set in 2022 after Hurricane Ian.
Vibrio vulnificus is a gateway to necrotizing fasciitis, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said is a "severe infection in which the flesh around an open wound dies."
"Many people with Vibrio vulnificus infection can get seriously ill and need intensive care or limb amputation. About 1 in 5 people with this infection die, sometimes within a day or two of becoming ill," the CDC added.
State health officials warned people not to enter water with fresh cuts or scrapes.
In early October, health officials warned flooding and heavy rain from Hurricane Milton could expose people to Vibrio vulnificus. Milton was the second major hurricane in two weeks to hit Florida, following Hurricane Helene's Sept. 26 arrival.
Post-Helene, health officials reported an "unusual" uptick in Vibrio vulnificus cases in Citrus, Hernando, Hillsborough, Lee, Pasco, Pinellas and Sarasota counties. Statewide, there have been 74 cases of the bacteria, up from 46 in 2023.
Data showed Pinellas County has largely been affected by Vibrio vulnificus with 14 reported cases. Hillsborough was second with seven reported cases.
Per the CDC, see the following symptoms of Vibrio vulnificus:
Common signs and symptoms of Vibrio infection
- Watery diarrhea
- Stomach cramps
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fever
- Chills
Signs and symptoms of Vibrio bloodstream infection
- Fever
- Chills
- Dangerously low blood pressure
- Blistering skin lesions
Signs and symptoms of Vibrio wound infection
- Fever
- Redness
- Pain
- Swelling
- Warmth
- Discoloration (turning a color other than normal)
See safety precautions from Florida Health:
- Avoid swimming or wading in floodwaters, standing water, sea water, and brackish water, if possible.
- Cover open cuts or wounds with waterproof bandages if they could come in contact with floodwaters, standing water, sea water, or brackish water.
- Wash skin and any open cuts or wounds thoroughly with soap and clean water after any contact with floodwaters.
Amanda Lumpkin,Patch StaffPosted Tue, Oct 22, 2024 at 1:10 pm ET|Updated Tue, Oct 22, 2024 at 1:25 pm ET
- Many calls and emails continue to come into the office with questions. As I mentioned previously when we receive any new information you will get it.
- Just to confirm, I emailed everyone the dates in which their units will begin being worked on. The dates may be exact or 1 or 2 days off, this all depending on the work that needs to done to the previous units.
- This is the process:
a. Once they begin working in the unit, they will remove the walls affected and begin the abatement to remove any asbestos. Both sides of the walls will be removed so you might be able to see inside of your neighbor’s unit.
b. When that job is complete, they will then wait for the inspector to test the air in the unit.
c. At this point they will clean the unit one last time and the Drywall will be installed.
3. When the Drywall is finished the unit will be turned over back to the owner. The office will contact each owner when it is ok to go back in and begin their own personal finishes.
4. Now the owner can choose to use Rapid Response (Elio Cruz -239-439-6211) or their own contractor to finish their unit to completion.
5. Funds for each unit owner will be put together by FEMA and the Adjuster and turned over to Bermuda Bay for proper disbursement. (We don’t know when that is, but it will begin soon since we are beginning to complete units at this time.
6. Air Conditioning Units have been inspected yesterday by ASA and a list is being submitted to the adjuster for either repair or replacement of the unit. Insurance will only cover the outside unit. ASA called the city to get the guidelines for the outside AC installations and they have made major changes. They said with the Base Flood Evaluation of the Bermuda Bay property require our AC units need to be up 11Feet. This is a new guideline from the city. Its happening at all the beach front properties as well. The insurance will not cover the cost of new city guidelines.
“If an owner chooses to refuse service, the Insurance will not cover that Unit. Owners must allow the Restoration company to comply with State laws by allowing them to do what has been instructed to do by FEMA and the Insurance guidelines. “
Ray Ferreris, LCAM
Property Manager
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Managers Report from the 11/20/2024 Board Meeting
- Recovery and rebuilding after Helene and Milton
o The progress might seem as if it’s taking long, but they are really moving right
along. Within the next seven days, 3 buildings will be cleared for owners to do
what they need to do. Speaking of that, for those of you who still have work
being done by rapid Response or CES you are not allowed to bring in your own
contractors to work in your unit until you get the clearance from myself or the
Board. If this occurs without proper approval you will be charged by those
companies for whatever time they have lost waiting for your contractors to stop
their work. Also please leave these people do their work. As we said before if
you have questions or thoughts on how you think they should be doing their job,
please come to my office and lets have a chat.
- Two Security gate arms have been knocked down again and destroyed. The two owners
who are responsible for the damage or their contractors damage have not sent in their
checks. I will be sending out a last notice. The next notice will come from the Board
with a fine attached to it.
o Tonight, will be the last night for our Security Company here on our property.
o Also, Peg and Donna have resigned from the security committee as well. They
will still volunteer when needed.
- Proposals
o J&M Aluminum we have a proposal for 4 white shutters that need to be replaced
the total is $2,244.43 (special order)
o Triangle Pool Services – Replace all the damaged equipment at the Beach Pool to
get it up and running again. Does not include the Heating System. $7,008.18
o Symbiont Service Corp – Replace Pool & Spa Heaters with new Symbiont
Heaters is $61,983.00 We can put a deposit of $18,595 and continue a monthly
Progressive Billing
o Trust Roofing – Bldg 50 this roof took a direct hit from Milton but does not meet
our deductible. $34,033.00
o Trust Roofing - This proposal is for 11 Buildings that need repairs after Storm
Milton. None of which meet the Insurance deductibles. The total cost is
Our annual meeting is on December 7, 2024, at 10:am in the Clubhouse and Zoom. The 2nd
notice with the Proxy sheet and information on the Amendment and other items on the ballot
went out as well. If you are going to use the Proxy method, make sure you fill out the yellow
Proxy form that is in you packet and place it inside of the white envelop along with the voting
certificate. Make sure you can see the Pre labeled address through the envelope window. Mail it
in and that will start that process. Also, the online ballots are active starting tomorrow.
Response Teams Have Begun
Trees are being cut down/Debris is making it's way to the street to be hauled away by the City
The Association hired an independent tree company to come in and take down the fallen trees, cut them up and dispose of them. Those with damaged furniture have been asked to take them to the street where the City of St. Petersburg will come and haul them away. We had 66 units that were affected by Helene and a huge amount of debris that was caused by Milton. Everywhere you look in Pinellas County - there is debris lining the streets awaiting pick up.
We are starting with the areas that had the largest amount of storm debris and plan to serve all unincorporated areas of the county. There will be a second pass for each zone. This is a major operation that will take months to complete. We estimate there are approximately 1 million cubic yards of just residential debris just in the unincorporated areas.
Vegetative debris may be picked up at a different time than construction debris and household appliances. If you live in a municipality, contact your city or town about the availability of storm debris pickup.
IMPORTANT: Storm debris that is in bags and/or not separated will NOT be picked up. Storm debris must be loose and separated by type: vegetative material, construction and demolition debris (doors, drywall) and household appliances. Refrigerators MUST be empty.
The County is reaching out to HOAs and homeowners who live on private roads or gated communities to gain permission to pick up storm debris. An authorized representative will need to provide Right of Entry.
Hurricane Debris Dashboard
Open the Hurricane Debris Management dashboard in its own window.
Please Note: Pinellas County cannot offer specific guidance on when individual homes will be collected within the active zones. Please check back here to see which zones are currently active. To speed up collection, make sure your debris is sorted properly into separate piles.
Phases of the Remediation Project
Phase One: Remediation, asbestos abatement, cleaning, drying, and sanitizing
Phase Two: Rebuilding the essentials (drywall, AC Units if needed, and priming for painting)
Phase Three: The unit owners will take over how they want their unit to look. You have the opportunity to hire Rapid Response Residential for options or hire your own contractor to come in to finish.
Dry wall put on
Walls are then textured and two coats of prime. Ready for the owner to take over
Just to give you an idea...this clean-up does not come cheap!
The Clubhouse...making it's way back to full function
Pool and Clubhouse
The pool was finally drained and cleaned, so we hope the mosquito population and the stench will die down a bit. Unfortunately, all of the pool equipment was underwater and will have to be replaced. Our first quote from Symbiont is around $62,000.00. THERE IS NO SWIMMING IN THE BAY POOL/HOTTUB UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. On a more optimistic note: take a look at the beautiful view that was created with the kayak racks gone. We are looking into alternative storage solutions for the kayaks, as we clean up the front beach area and the side area between the clubhouse and the USF building. There is some potential for expansion there, the relocation of a grill, and keeping an entrance way to the beach available from the clubhouse deck. In some areas, it is a chance to make the facility better and more accessible to others. For now - enjoy the view. Now if we could just get rid of that boat blocking our view. It has been reported as a derelict boat to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at 850-488-4676) We welcome any owner to follow up! Please feel free to call on your own and add to the numbers of concern.
THE BAY POOL AND HOT TUB ARE CLOSED...until further notice
A word from our President
2024 is wrapping up and what a year it has been. Not one, not two but three named storms within about three months. First time surge flooding, major wind damage, lots of stress, lots of emotional pain. But, OH the comradery!! This amazing community really knows how to dig in and get sh*t done! It helps that we have one of the best staff teams we have ever had. Ray, Jen, King and Carlos have not taken a breath. They just keep going like energizer bunnies! I am so proud of our staff, our community and our board members that have worked tirelessly to bring it all back together.
Flood restoration is going well and moving along quickly. Building 63 is almost to the point of owners returning to add final touches. Building 64 has sheetrock and taping done. Once the primer is done the owners can move back in and take over with their finishes either with Rapid Response or their own contractor. Buildings 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 55, 54 and 66 are all in some stage of preparing for remediation and/or sheetrock replacement. It’s up to the owner to get contracts in place to finish them out but Rapid Response is really rocking the job out currently.
The board is working diligently to vet and hire a new company to finish the decks and while we WOULD LOVE to have them done by our May insurance deadline, that’s likely not going to happen. That is what we are working towards, however. This newsletter is very detailed, and I highly encourage you to dig in and look at the details if you have questions about processes that are taking place and remember, Dec. 7 is our annual meeting. We can’t have it if we don’t have proxies from 51% of the membership.
The meeting will look different this year due to board elections taking place on Jan 4 th instead of after the annual meeting. Please turn in your proxies and vote on the issues at hand. You can go online and do all of it or you can use the mail you have or will be receiving shortly! Thanks to everyone who helps make our BBBeach paradise!
As we head into the holiday season, I wish everyone the best, happiest Thanksgiving, Christmas and a blessed and positive new year!
Tori Elvir - President
Roger Daisley - Vice President
Mike Martin - Treasurer
Bermuda Bay Contact Information
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President -Roger Daisly- bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Mike Martin - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - John King- bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Rafael Ferreris Jr., Property Manager: - bbbmanager@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Jen Sullivan - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Bermuda Bay Office: 727-864-0735
Bermuda Bay Security Phone Number: 727-212-9963 (Current guards - Alex Prince - Sunday - Thursday; and Justin Ricks - Friday & Saturday)
If you have an after hours emergency, please call Condominium Associates at 727-573-9300 or reach out to a board member for assistance.
Police Non-emergency: 727-893-7780
Police Emergency: 911
Bermuda Bay Clubhouse WiFi: Username: Bermudabayclubhouse (it should pop up)
Password: bbclubhouse
We do have a separate web page called https://www.bermudabaystpete.com/
The password had to be updated, as passwords are occasionally.
Username: BBB (which is the same) and the new Password is: beachcondos
This is NOT the official website of Bermuda Bay, but we try and keep this one updated for your pleasure. The workable website for work orders, payments, documents, etc. is the https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/ and is maintained by CA
So Let's Talk About The Balconies...
Even while all of this clean-up and remediation is going on...the Board has been working behind the scenes to get the balcony project back on track. There was a closed meeting on November 19 with our construction attorney Paul Terry. We are still in mediation with Clout, but we are making some headway on quotes to move forward with the project. RLH gave the Board a presentation on a WORST CASE SCENARIO to complete the project. Their plan will take a complete individual RELOOK at each balcony and see what can be salvaged and what in actuality has to be done to meet code and provide the perfect finished product. When you look at their quote - keep in mind - this is a quote if they would have to redo everything. Their timeline would be 10-11 months if all things went on schedule. RLH is willing to work with the bank to get funds released, permitting, etc. They could make the project whole for us.
We also have a quote from Viktor Construction - but we CANNOT REALLY COMPARE IT TO RLH'S QUOTE OF A COMPLETE JOB. Viktor would do one building as a test for the amount agreed to below. They too, would then need to make a complete quote on the entire project. They are willing to work with the bank, gets our funds released, and work on each building as an individual project. Each building/unit has their own unique problems - so a one size fits all will not work in either case.
The Board is still seeking additional bids and has not made any kind of decision yet.
Committee Chairs at Bermuda Bay
ARC COMMITTEE - Jennie Creighton - jenniecreighton@tagpartners.org
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison - Imzchef@comcast.net
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Environmental Committee - Vic Vena bigvic01@icloud.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Landscaping Committee- Cindy Hansen cindyhansen.travel@gmail.com
Pool Committee - Cindy Vena cyvena@icloud.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Fun was had by all at Halloween in the Courtyard. Neighbors decorated and put out tables with tasty treats. The kids (of all ages) had great costumes, and the four hours of merriment ended around 10PM.
MAHJONG ON THRUSDAYS IN THE CLUBHOUSE AT 1:00 (except this Thanksgiving)
What is a Reserve Study?
A reserve study is an analysis conducted to help the condo association plan for the future. It estimates the cost and timeline for major repairs or replacements of shared property components, such as roofs, parking lots, pools, and other common areas.
Key Parts of a Reserve Study
Inventory of Property: Lists all the items the association is responsible for maintaining (e.g., roofs, paint, sidewalks, etc.).Condition Check: It evaluates how much longer these elements will last and when they’ll need to be repaired or replaced. For example, if the roof has 10 years left before it needs to be replaced, the study will reflect that.
Cost Estimation: It forecasts how much those future repairs will cost. This is usually factored into regular condo fees. A reserve study helps prevent surprises by ensuring the association saves gradually over time. In short, a reserve study provides clarity for owners, giving everyone a clear picture of what major repairs are coming. The association usually conducts a reserve study every three years and the most recent study is available on the association’s website.
Understanding Reserves: Fully vs. Partially Funded
The reserve study provides recommended funding amounts for each year going forward to keep us on track for long-term needs.
Fully Funded Reserves: This means we’ve set aside 100% of the funds recommended by the reserve study to cover future repair or replacement costs of our community’s assets.
Partially Funded Reserves: This is when we’ve saved some of the recommended funds but not the full amount. While this can help keep costs lower in the short term, it may mean special assessments or higher fees in the future if major repairs come due.
What does Bermuda Bay have?
In 2023, owners voted to partially fund reserves.
The APPROVED Budget for 2025
2025 - reserve costs projected in 2022 would be $1,487,685.00
2026 - reserve costs projected in 2022 would be $544,765.00
2027 - reserve costs projected in 2022 would be $860,578.00
Total: $2,893,028.00
This DOES NOT include the Balcony/Stair project, Hurricane damage, the $225K loan at 8% interest that we wanted to eliminate, nor does it include the Aticus study warning us about the underground water intrusion that can take place. (See September Special Financial newsletter for details). The Stair/Balcony project could be another $500,000.00 or more and the attorney fees moving forward protecting us from a law suit could be as high as $100,000.00 (All Estimations). Just some numbers to be thinking about We will also possibly need to include the shortfall of another $200,000.00+ in the special assessment to fund the reserve. We don't want to have continued special assessments every year.
The Board is considering TWO special assessments. One covering overages and hurricane damage that would be paid upfront...no monthly payments. The rest that would cover 2025 reserve projects that could be a monthly pay out. Many options are being looked at. NOTHING HAS BEEN DECIDED ON THIS FRONT. We don't know what the REAL balcony/stair costs are going to be and it is important that we are as transparent and correct with our numbers as we can possibly be. Everything is STILL IN DISCUSSION!
The only things that has been decided are your COA dues for 2025. (SEE ABOVE)
We will be providing some tutorials and assistance for those who are not familiar with paying online. The office will be more than happy to walk you through the process and assist with getting you set up.
- Since we found out it is illegal to give an incentive to those that pay upfront - those that did would not have to pay interest and fees associated with the monthly coupons.
The Board voted to eliminate In-person guards
The Board will continue to look for ways to cut the budget and to keep COA fees done. We will be asking the community to weigh in on ways to be protective of our community. Guards did many important jobs, but at the end of the day the price of $95,000.00 was too much in the eyes of most. Guards did help us identify people without parking tags, illegal vehicles, people without leases, and illegal renters. We will work with CA on ways that we can solve these issues. They will ending their employment on November 20, 2024.
Since the abatement process has begun, residents must find places to stay while the asbestos is being removed from their units. This process takes a week and perhaps even longer if owners need to be out for cleaning, drying, and rebuilding. The Board is WAIVING the mandatory thirty (30) days and is seeking owners who would be willing to rent to Bermuda Bay residents who need a place to go. This is only being waived for Bermuda Bay residents who are being displaced during the restoration. Please consider providing this opportunity for your neighbors...we have so many who need a safe place and they want to be close to their units.
Bermuda Bay has a MINIMUM 30 day lease policy...that means no lease is acceptable with less than 30 days. No leases under 30 days will be permitted. You must also have your $100.00 application fee accompanying your documentation or your lease will be refused. Most owners that lease - follow this policy, but for the few who do not, it could cause a very unpleasant circumstance when your poor tenant arrives. Please follow the rules -they are being enforced.
If you have a long term lease that has expired for over a month, you will be required to pay the application fee and update the lease information. Those that rent need to keep on top of expiration dates and keeping all rental agreements current and up to date. The Bermuda Bay office is not a leasing office. The responsibility falls on the owner.
Recently I've been alerted to the fact that several work orders have been closed prematurely, without the work being fully completed or even started in some cases. While it's fine to submit new work orders, a more efficient approach would be for owners to email me directly at bbbmanager@condominiumassociates.com and let me know the condition of the work.This way, I can reopen the existing orders. Reopening helps maintain the chronological order of the queue and preserves any existing notes or photos attached to the original work order.
Please continue to log all your requests and needs through work orders. We are now holding daily meetings to prioritize and ensure efficient, timely completion of these tasks.
Let's keep moving forward into the beautification of the property!
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
We ask that everyone will fill out an ARC application no matter what work you are doing, just for the record. Some work does not need any approval by the ARC committee, but your application will go into your permanent unit file for future reference if ever needed. It also lets us know what vendors will be on property to do work.
Other ARC work will need approval by the committee. Once it is approved by the ARC committee it is moved forward to the Board of Directors who will vote on it at a Board meeting. Plumbing, Electric, and Structural are major and need ARC committee approval. Second story flooring needs approval and a few other things as you can read below.
Also remember - per our new amendment to our documents - you must measure your balcony/lanai if you wish to keep your dimensions for the future. As continued work needs to be done - replacement will hinge on the documentation you are supplying now to the office.
Procedure to follow when filing an ARC application
Owner completes form and gives to office.
Office sends to ARC meeting
All NEW ARC forms MUST be submitted by the first Friday of each month so they can be added to the agenda in time for our Monthly meeting.
ARC holds its MONTHLY Meeting on the Second Wednesday of the Month
ARC committee makes our recommendations to the Board-We give to Board by the second Friday of the month so it can get added to board agenda and packet.
Board has meeting on THIRD WEDNESDAY of each month. They Vote.
Office Manager informs owner of Board decision and any adjustments or info is exchanged and documented.
Office Manager places ARC board notes etc… in the unit file for permanent record of work done within units.
Owner informs to Office Manager schedule of workers on the property. Contractor phone numbers should be on the ARC to help management if there is a problem or confusion of any kind.
It has been a crazy, traumatic time for those affected by the last two hurricanes. Yet, we have a lot to be thankful for at Bermuda Bay. Progress is being made, no one was injured, and the community has really come together to help others and the property. It will take time - but better and brighter days are ahead for us all. Keep the Faith!
photo by Cynthia Waites 2024
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735
Twitter: @BermudaBayStP