Wrangler Weekly
Week of December 8, 2024
Message from Ms. Bratton, principal
Three quick items that pertain to all:
1. Just a reminder that our second progress report of the nine weeks can be found in Skyward.
2. Semester Exams are just around the corner. Here is our EXAM SCHEDULE for Dec. 18-20. As per district policy, students are not allowed to take exams early. If they miss an exam and cannot get it made up prior to the end of the day on Dec. 20, students will need to come to school on January 6 (a student holiday) to make up their exam(s). Please call the counseling office if you have any questions. Regarding the grade level awards ceremonies during finals week, if your student is receiving an award for Community, Perseverance, or Excellence, we will send you an invitation next week via email.
3. As previously communicated, Ms. Zach will be moving to MVMS. Today was her last day with us, and we had a great time serenading her off on Karaoke Day. We will truly miss her at SB. Ms. Troy Jones will be here on Monday and will be here daily through the end of the semester.
8th grade parents only:
- Rising Ranger parent night at SVHS on Monday, 12/9 at 6 PM
- Rising Ranger student visit on Wednesday, 12/11
- 8th grade advising sessions to plan for high school will be scheduled at SBMS for January 8 - January 24.
An 8th grade parent/guardian can attend their student’s advising session in-person, virtually or by phone. If you are unable, or do not wish to attend your student’s advising session, please complete this form, and we will follow up with an email once your student’s advising session has been completed with a summary of what was discussed. However, if you would like to participate with your 8th grader, please use the following link to schedule a time that works best for you to meet with your student and counselor.
Go Wranglers & Go Rangers!
AND Gooooooooo SBMS ROBOTICS! Good luck at STATE up in Dallas this weekend!
Mrs. Bratton
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Attendance Matters. Every Student. Every Day.
Student attendance for the week of 12/2 - 12/6:
6th grade: 96%
7th grade: 93%
8th grade: 95%
Encourage your Wrangler to join in:
Wrangler happenings this week!
Monday, December 9
Boys BB vs NBMS, 7th away, 8th home
8th grade parent meeting, SVHS 6pm
Beginner Band Concert, 6pm SBMS Gym
Tuesday, December 10
Advanced Band Concert, 6pm SBMS Gym
Wednesday, December 11
8th grade to SVHS for Rising Rangers
Boys Soccer at SVMS
Thursday, December 12
Girls BB semi-finals tournament
Friday, December 13
FCA in main gym before school
Saturday, December 14
7th grade Girls BB championship tournament at SVHS 8 AM
Wranglers of the Week!
Nominate here!
UIL Academics
UIL Academics is in full swing, and we had a great turnout at the recent interest meeting. If your child missed it or you want to know more, please check out this site or reach out to Coach T. (david.tomasson@comalisd.org).
Lost and Found Cleanout - 12/20
At the end of each 9-weeks, we donate any and all items left in the lost and found. Please remind your student to check for that lost hoodie, lunch bag, or water bottle that they have misplaced.
Active Duty Military Families - Federal Impact Aid Survey Available in Skyward
Under Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Comal ISD is eligible for Federal Impact Aid funds as the district enrolls students whose parents are active-duty military. In order to apply for these funds, the district must collect information from parents who may fall into this category.
The survey is available online to all parents as a tile in their Skyward Family Access. Please help us remind parents to fill out this form electronically. Below is the image of the tile, as it appears on the Skyward Dashboard.
Dance Team Tryout Clinics - Dec 16/Jan 27
Your SVHS Silver Spurs and Silverado dance teams are hosting two upcoming tryout clinics on Monday December 16th and January 27th. Your student can attend one or both dates. Click here to register.
A Message from Nurse Keith
Please be aware of Comal ISD policy regarding fever, which requires that all students and staff be free of fever (100 degrees and above) for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medications, before returning to school. Thank you for working with us to help prevent the spread of illnesses at school.
Thank you Parrish & Co
We love and appreciate our sponsors so much! Thank you for partnering with PTA this school year to support our SBMS community!
Talk about a legacy of great service…they’ve been in business since 1972! Check out our 2024 -2025 Silver Level Sponsor - Parrish and Company.
Thank you JD the DJ
JD the DJ rocks! Thank you for partnering with PTA this school year to support our SBMS community! Big Wrangler thanks to our 2024 -2025 Silver Level Sponsor - JD the DJ.
Call JD at 214-769-4115.
Clothes & Shoes Recycling Bins
December 16: Boys BB vs PRMS, 7th away, 8th home
December 16: SVHS Dance Team tryout clinic
December 17: Choir Concert, 6pm
December 17: HCCPHS Rising Falcons parent info night, 6pm
December 18-20: Semester finals
December 18: Orchestra Concert, 7pm SVHS Auditorium
December 21-January 5: Holiday break
January 6: Student holiday/teacher workday
January 7: Students return to campus
January 9: Boys BB vs SVMS, 7th home, 8th away
January 11: Boys BB vs MVMS 7th home, 8th away
January 14: PTA General Membership meeting, 9am SBMS library
January 16: Winter pep rally, 10am
January 16: Girls soccer vs MVMS
January 16: Boys BB vs CMS, 7th away, 8th home
January 18: Boys BB tournament, 7th at DMS, 8th at CHMS
January 18: Girls soccer tournament at SBMS
January 20: Student/Staff holiday
January 23: Girls soccer at DMS
January 25: Girls soccer at PRMS tournament
January 30: Girls soccer at CMS
Spring Branch Middle School
Email: brandi.norton@comalisd.org
Website: sbms.comalisd.org
Location: 21053 Texas 46, Spring Branch, TX, USA
Phone: (830)885-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/CISDSpringBranchMS
Instagram: sbms_wranglers
Twitter: @SBMSWranglers