RHS Weekly Newsletter
December 6, 2024
New This Week
Weekly RHS Newsletter
Each week, our students share what's going on at RHS. Please take a few minutes to learn more: RHS Newsletter - 12.6.24
NHS & NTHS Induction Ceremonies
The NHS and NTHS Induction Ceremonies have been rescheduled for Monday, December 9th in the RHS auditorium.
6:30pm: NTHS Ceremony
7:30pm: NHS Ceremony
Holiday Items
Holiday Desserts
Holiday Desserts made by your Romeo Culinary Arts & Baking students are available for purchase. Check out all the delicious desserts we have to offer on our website www.romeoculinary.com/christmas and by checking out our flyer.
We are now accepting pre-orders until December 6th. Pick-up will be December 18th & 19th from 12:30pm-1:30pm.
Holiday Giving
We are blessed to live in such a wonderful and giving community! Each year, right around the start of the holidays, we are contacted by generous individuals, businesses, and families about holiday donations. If you would like to use Romeo High School to donate to Romeo families in need, we ask that you do so with gift cards. Gift cards allow us to properly disperse the donations and do so in an anonymous manner. Denominations of $20 is ideal, but of course we're happy with any amount.These donations can be turned into the main office at RHS or 9GA.
Additionally, many donors want to donate, but want the donations going towards specific items (toys, clothes, food, etc.) and not being able to be used for alcohol/tobacco. If this is important to you, here are some suggestions:
- Be intentional where you get your gift cards from. As an example, Kohl's is an option if you want the donation going towards clothes or toys.
- Sheena's will punch a hole in a Sheena's card that will indicate the card cannot be used on alcohol or tobacco. You must ask them for this.
- Meijer has "food only" gift cards available at the customer service desk.
Bulldog Ornaments
Are you looking for that special Christmas ornament while also displaying your BULLDOG PRIDE or possibly that little something to make a gift extra special? The Senior All Night Party Committee is selling Class of 2025 bulldog ornaments as well as the tradition bulldog ornament. These ornaments are made of a high quality stainless steel for a cost of $10.00. All proceeds from the sale of these ornaments will help defer the cost of the Senior All Night Party. Please see the list of locations below to purchase your ornament. Thank you for your support!
- Saturday, December 7 - 9:00-12:00 Breakfast with Santa @ the Masonic Temple in Romeo
- Monday, December 9th - 6:00pm-9:00pm NTHS and NHS Ceremony @ Romeo High School (lobby of RHS)
- Thursday, December 12th - 6:30pm-8:00pm @ Romeo High School Basketball game (lobby of RHS)
- Friday, December 13th - 6:00pm-8:30pm @ Washington Township Tree Lighting
Ornaments are also available to purchase with cash only at Four Corners Diner, Marathon (25 Mile and Mound), and the Romeo High School store. If you have any further questions or needs assistance purchasing an ornament please reach out to us through email at romeo2025sanp@gmail.com
Counselors' Corner
Local Scholarships for Juniors and Seniors
Romeo juniors and seniors have the opportunity to apply for scholarships through the Four County Community Foundation. All Four County Scholarships are submitted through their website. Four County Scholarships will be posted on December 1, 2024. Online applications must be submitted by March 1, 2025. It is recommended that students begin their online applications early in the scholarship window. Most of the posted scholarships are for seniors. There is one Four County scholarship available for juniors. RHS seniors also have the opportunity to apply for scholarships through the Sandbox Foundation. The Sandbox Foundation application window is January 1 2025-March 1, 2025. All local scholarship information can also be found on our website. Additional local scholarships for seniors will be posted in mid-February.
2025-2026 FAFSA Form
The U.S. Department of Education recently announced the 2025-26 FAFSA form is now available for students looking to secure financial aid in the 2025-25 Academic Year. The FAFSA form connects students to various forms of Federal and State financial aid programs. FAFSA is required for most State of Michigan financial aid programs, including the Michigan Achievement Scholarship!
Students can complete the FAFSA at StudentAid.gov.
For additional information about the FAFSA, please visit our FAFSA resources page.
Wolverine Tutors SAT Prep Class
ATTENTION JUNIORS: Wolverine Tutors (virtual tutoring service through the University of Michigan) is offering FREE VIRTUAL SAT prep sessions. Each session will be capped to the first eight students who respond.
If interested, please fill out the Wolverine Tutors SAT Sign Up.
Once you're assigned a session they will reach out with the Zoom link for the meeting.
High school students and families interested in learning more about the Michigan Achievement Scholarship are encouraged to attend an informational webinar provided by MI Student Aid.
Participants will learn about:
- The NEW Community College Guarantee
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship eligibility requirements
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship award amounts
- Important action items for students and families
- Additional resources and program information
All sessions are free of charge and open to the public. Space is limited so register ASAP.
Early College of Macomb
RHS sophomores are invited to apply to the Early College of Macomb. Early College sends information home to all 10th grade families. This is a program for highly motivated students to attend RHS and Macomb Community College during 11th and 12th grades and then attend Macomb their 13th year. Interested students and families should plan on attending one of Early College's information sessions at Macomb Community College's South Campus on November 19 or at the Macomb Intermediate School District on November 20th. Information about the program, eligibility requirements, and the application process will be shared at these meetings. Additional information about the Early College of Macomb program can be found on the Early College website and in their brochure. The application is online through the Early College website. The application window is open December 2, 2024-January 10, 2025.
School Policies & Procedures
We want to provide a quick reminder of our policies and procedures. These are inplace to keep our students and faculty safe.
- Students are not allowed to go to their vehicles during the day
- Students are not allowed to order outside food for lunch delivery
- If students are called out during the day and return, they need to bring back a doctor's note
- Cell phones are required to be put in the classroom phone holders
- Many teachers use the cell phone holder as a way to take attendance. A student could be marked tardy if their phone is not in the holder when the teacher takes attendance.
Upcoming Events
12/9: NHS & NTHS Induction Ceremony
12/12: RHS Band Concert
12/18: RHS Choir Concert
12/21-1/5: No School - Christmas Break
Class of 2025
Yearbook Ads
Senior parents, here is this year's Ad for Grads. If you would like a senior advertisement in this year's yearbook please print the linked document, fill it out and return it to the high school with a check.
Graduation Items
All seniors need to pay their graduation fee and/or order their cap and gown for commencement. If you're unsure if you/your student has completed these items, please contact Mrs. Scheuer at christine.scheuer@romeok12.org.
- Link to pay graduation fee - This fee provides the student with 2 tickets for the graduation ceremony and helps to pay for graduation itself. Students that do not pay this fee will not receive any tickets to graduation nor be able to purchase additional tickets.
- Link to cap and gown payment - Please order your cap and gown from Jostens before the price increases. The only required item is the Cap, Gown, Tassel Unit.
SANP 2025
The Seniors of Romeo Community High School Class of 2025 will be graduating on Thursday, June 5th, 2025. In Romeo, the tradition has been that the proud parents of the graduates plan the Senior All Night Party. For years, this event has provided the seniors with an opportunity to celebrate with their classmates in a safe, alcohol-free environment, as it may be the last time many of them will see each other together as a group. This year's Senior All Night Party will be held on Sunday, June 1st at the Dave and Buster’s in Utica.
The Senior All Night Party committee is currently selling Class of 2025 Lawn signs for $25. The signs are available for pick up at 26 and Van Dyke. Please email Romeo2025SANP@gmail.com to coordinate a pickup. All proceeds go to the Senior All Night Party.
The Senior All Night Party committee is currently asking for donations for the event. All donations are tax deductible. If you have a business that may be interested in sponsoring or donating gift cards for prizes, please email us at Romeo2025SANP@gmail.com. All donations are greatly appreciated.