Community Nest
"Relationships are the agents of change." Dr. Bruce Perry
Welcome Back from Spring Break!
Our Gray Hawk Mission Statement
OUR GRAY HAWK FAMILY works together to help students feel safe, loved, and inspired so they can be empowered learners and engaged citizens.
World Down Syndrome Day is Thursday, March 21 and Gray Hawk is having a STELLA-bration. In our Nests on Monday, we learned all about Down Syndrome and even more about OUR Gray Hawk Stella! Everyone is encouraged to wear their wildest, silliest socks AND PJs on Thursday as we STELLA-brate this special occasion.
We will be collecting donations for Down Syndrome Innovations, an organization in the metro area that supports people with Down Syndrome, on Thursday and the class that donates the most will enjoy a pizza lunch with Dr. Springer and Stella next week! Cash donations are preferred but if you would like to donate by check, please make it payable to Down Syndrome Innovations. Thank you for your consideration in donating to this wonderful organization and STELLA-brating with us on this THURSDAY!
Students in grades 3 - 5 will begin State Testing soon. Please check out the calendar below. Our K-2 students will be supporting them with notes of love and encouragement during this time. Please have your child get a good night's rest the day before testing and make sure they eat a healthy breakfast.
Unfortunately due to a low turn out in students wanting to participate in the talent show, we will not have one this year. However, it is really important that we showcase the students that did sign up, so Dr. Springer is working on a date for an assembly during the school day for when those students that signed up can perform. Details will be out soon!
On Tuesday, March 26 PTO is hosting an AFTER SCHOOL MOVIE for ALL Gray Hawk Students. Students will go to the gym to watch the movie THE BAD GUYS. The cost is $7/student and includes a drink and snack pack. The flyer was sent out via email and is also attached below.
All proceeds from this will go towards the 5th grade celebration this year. If you have any questions, please contact Abby Miller at grayhawkpto458@gmail.com
Please return the form to Gray Hawk with cash or check made payable to Abby Miller by Thursday, March 21.
Our Kindergarten information night is Thursday in the Gray Hawk gym at 6:30 pm. We ask that all parents with incoming Kindergartners please attend this information night.
If you have not signed your child up and registered for Kindergarten yet, please do so ASAP. We must have accurate numbers to know how many teachers we will have next year. See you Thursday.
Eat wings... Earn money for OUR GRAY HAWKS!
Our next Dine to Donate is scheduled for Wednesday, March 27 ALL DAY at the Buffalo Wild Wings in Leavenworth. You must show the flier below to your server to have 10% of your purchase donated back to Gray Hawk PTO to support teacher projects, student field trips, Summer Bash, and more!
As our district continues to work toward our mission of “Each student develops and reaches their potential”, we are moving to utilize grading practices that better emphasize what students should know and be able to do. This transition will allow us to better measure how each student is developing in regards to the grade level standards they are being taught. These grading practices are commonly referred to as Standards-Referenced Grading.
During the 2024-2025 year, USD 458 Basehor-Linwood will begin to implement a Standards-Referenced Grading system PreK-5, providing students and families with a new way of reviewing student progress. This grade card will be based on a 4-point scale, with 3 being the goal for each student to reach in their grade level standards. (See image below)
Families will be provided with an updated report card quarterly, which will provide a comprehensive view of the student’s progress in English-Language Arts and Math, highlighting their performance towards our district’s priority standards. The updated report cards will also separately report student behavior and work habits in the form of “Self-Management Skills.” This is all designed to provide a clearer picture of how the student progresses throughout the school year in all areas.
You may also reference the video created by our school improvement specialists, Mrs. Faler and Mrs. Stoops, at this link.
Gray Hawk Elementary School
Email: dspringer@usd458.org
Website: http://ghes.usd458.org/
Location: 16000 Garden Parkway, Basehor, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 662-7170
Twitter: @drspringer12301