Eastview Update
Early Release Day-May 7
This is just a reminder that the district will have an early release day on Tuesday, May 7th. Students will start their day at the normal time but will be dismissed from the elementary buildings at noon that day. Dismissal will be the same procedures that we always use, just at noon, instead of 3:20 pm on May 7th.
All students will eat their lunches in their classrooms on May 7. Lunch will start at 11:25 am and end at 11:50 am. Students will have an opportunity to pack or buy their lunches just like normal. There will be no extras offered on the early release day. If your child wants to buy that day, there will only be one lunch option for the day.
The lunch option for that day will be:
Cheese cup
Apple slices
Note from the nurse
As the warmer weather is approaching, so is allergy season. If your child has seasonal allergies, we strongly suggest making sure they receive their allergy medication and/or eye drops prior to coming to school. Due to the warmer temperatures, many classroom windows will remain open. While this helps regulate the temperature, it also allows for the allergens to enter the classroom. Any help from home would be greatly appreciated!
Next Year's Class Lists
To view your student’s classroom teacher for the 2024/2025 school year, please log into your student’s PowerSchool account on or anytime after August 9th. The teacher is listed under the homeroom tab. This process is for all students returning to Eastview next year.
Bike to School Week
Bike to School Week will May 28-31. More information to come!
PTA Information
May 14 - Final PTA Meeting: Please join us for the final PTA meeting of the school year at 9:30.
May 17 - Eastview Carnival 5:30 - 8:00: This event is such a great way to end a wonderful year. Please see the various links below for ticket sales, donations, and volunteer opportunities (this is a great way for older children and teens to obtain service hours).
Event Details | Click Here
Online Ticket Sales | Click Here
Volunteer Sign-Up | Click Here
Cake Walk & Donations | Click Here
Spring Cleaning? | Click Here
4th Grade Basket | Rainy Day Fund
3rd Grade Basket | Everything by Water
2nd Grade Basket | Cedar Point Fast Pass
1st Grade Basket | Outdoor Movie Night
Kindergarten Basket | Zoo Day
June 3 - Field Day: Please look for volunteer opportunities in the coming weeks. To plan ahead, 3rd and 4th grades are scheduled from 9:45 -10:45 and K-2 from 1:45-2:45.
June 4 - 4th Grade Bridging Ceremony: If you have a 4th grade student, this ceremony will take place at 1:45 in the front lawn of Eastview. If you have not done so already, please fill out the information form for the 4th Grade Recognition committee. For additional questions, please reach out to Jessica Springer (jessica.springer1231@gmail.com).
Upcoming Events:
5/7: Early Release Day
5/9: Fun Run
5/14: PTA Meeting, 9:30 am (Eastview)
5/17: Eastview Carnival
5/27: No School, Memorial Day
6/3: Field Day
5/5: Last Day of School
PTA Calendar Click Here (subject to change)
PTA Questions?: Please feel free to reach out to Kristy Lazowski (kmlazowski@gmail.com or 419.306.0985).