Newsletter Week 9 Term 2
St Joseph's School Waipukurau 29th June 2022
‘Matariki ahunga nui, Matariki hunga nui’
Matariki has many admirers, Matariki brings us together
Strong people don’t put each other down - they lift each other up
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Kia Ora i te whānau kātoa,
As I reflect on my memorable time at home with whanau over the Matariki long weekend, I am thankful for the strong people around me who continue to revive and excite me about making the most of lifes opportunities. Returning to school on Monday morning was another opportunity to reflect, acknowledge and lift up our kaiako (teachers/teacher aids) who give so much of their time to ensure our students are provided with opportunities to shine. Appreciation goes to our Litergical dancers who, under the guidance of Mrs. Chesswas will be sharing their interprative dance on Sunday. We look forward to seeing as many of our school families at mass on Sunday at 10:30AM to celebrate Father Paul’s 60th Anniversary of his ordination.
In readiness for our Whole School Mass tomorrow (Thursday 30th June) at 10:00AM our learners have created a celebration banner for Father Paul. What follows is a sample of some of their artworks titled:
Ko au tenei - He taonga ahau - This is me and I am a treasure
Can you identify any of our taonga/ treasures?
Leading in Faith - Learning for Life
Ki-o-rahi - Kī o Rahi Story — kiorahi.
The game of Ki o Rahi stems from the legend of Rahitutakahina (Rahi) and Tiarakurapakewai (Tiara).
The story demonstrates that the sport is much more than a game, as it was derived out of collaborative discussions and hence played to settle differences or to further develop relationships between two tribes.
It is a tribute to our ancestors, our language and our culture.
Congratulations to all our Ki-o-rahi superstars and a big thank you to all our parents who came along to support our students as they demonstrated: fitness, endurance,communication and cooperation skills while working together as a team to outwit their opponents and score points.
Our Year 7&8 team placed third, a great effort!. We congratulate The Terrace school who won the Year 7&8 section and Omakere school who won the Year 5&6 section.
Tech Challenge - Innovation at it’s best!
Greenstone/Pounamu Carving Workshop
We would like to thank Matua Conrad for inviting Alfie, Cameron and Izac to join in a Greenstone carving workshop today at the memorial hall. The day’s knowledge was shared by renowned NZ Greenstone carver Matua Aaron. Aaronsstones - Contemporary stone work by Aaron Greaves
What a wonderful gift to share with our students, each of whom walked away with not only a piece they made, but the knowledge and skill they have gained. Kia Ora Matua Aaron for sharing your god given talent. Our senior classes all went to view the pre workshop that will be open to the public on Friday 1st July as part of the CHB Matariki Celebration.
Father Paul’s 60th Anniversary of his Ordination
A reminder that you are all invited to our Whole School Mass tomorrow: Thursday at 10AM.
This will be followed by morning tea and a Skipping/Jump rope etravaganza! Long Ropes, Short Ropes, Double Ropes! - If you have a skipping talent, come along and share, or just come along and turn a rope!
After skipping, we will all be ready for a sausage in bread - Thank you to our PFG for providing this for us on the day.
Friday Reminder
Packed Lunch and a drink of water, be wearing your sports uniform with your blue jacket - Keep warm!
Swimming togs and towel.
Leaving school at 9:00AM
Returning by 2:30PM
Wearing a big smile and packing our school values of Respect and Responsibility so that we can walk in Jesus’s footsteps when we make thoughtful choices in order for us to have ‘The BEST day EVER’ is required.
Prayer Request
‘It's so sad losing a mum or dad, doesn't matter how old you are, they've been there for your whole life’
Please pray for Kelly: our school cleaner/caretaker and her whanau as they mourn the passing of her dad.
Dear Lord,
Please keep and carry Kelly and her whanau in their sadness and loss. Cover them with your great wings of love, give their weary hearts rest and their minds sound sleep. Lord, lift their eyes so that they may catch a glimpse of eternity, and be comforted by the promise of heaven.
If you would like to contribute to a school ‘Koha’ / Donation to Kelly’s whanau, please feel free to drop this in to the school office.
Mā te Atua e manaaki
Betty Brown
Tena koutou katoa
This week on Tuesday some of the year five, six, seven and eight teams went over to Russell Park and participated in the ki o rahi tournament.
Congratulations to the year 7 & 8’s for coming third place in the ki o rahi tournament, and well done to the year 5 & 6’s for participating. All teams did great, and it was great to see both teams cheering and supporting each other. The overall day was a great experience.
On Thursday and Friday the school will be celebrating Father Paul's 60th jubilee. To celebrate his 60th year of becoming a priest the school will be having a special mass on Thursday followed by a sausage sizzle.
On Friday we are going up to Napier to go to Anderson park and Ocean spa.
Thank you to Room 6 for organizing the days, Mrs Jackson for booking the buses and other teachers/staff for planning Thursday and Friday.
Hope everyone has a great week.
-Hannah & Molly
Join Fr Paul this Sunday!
Fr Paul has been serving the Catholic Communities around New Zealand for 60 years. We want to recognize this and celebrate this fantastic milestone with him. We will have one Mass on the 3rd July at 10.30am at St Joseph’s and afterwards head over to the Memorial hall for a shared lunch. Please bring some kai to share. We look forward to seeing you there on this special occasion.
Board of Trustees Update
Kia ora Families,
Did you know that:
Boards of Trustees are accountable to parents and caregivers, their local communities, the Minister of Education and the Ministry of Education, other government agencies and the public, for their actions and performance.
The Board is the employer of all the school’s staff and is responsible for:
- setting the school's strategic and policy direction in consultation with parents, staff and students.
- ensuring that the school provides a safe environment and quality education for all its students.
- overseeing the management of curriculum, staff, property, finance and administration.
- constantly monitoring and reviewing progress against targets to inform future planning
As we head towards our upcoming Board Elections in September, we would like to extend a warm welcome to you all in our community to attend a casual gathering in the next week. Tuesday 5th July at 5:30PM in Room 2.
Manawaatia ā Matariki
Graeme Fisher
Presiding Chair
PFG Update (St Joseph's Parents and Friends Fundrasing Group)
Friday - PIE day
NO LUNCHES THIS WEEK, instead the PFG is putting on a Sausage Sizzle for the students and staff tomorrow (Thursday). Don't pack too much lunch if you like a hot tasty sausage in bread smothered in sauce.
We would like to thank Graeme Fisher for the donation of sausages! THANK YOU!
Have a great week and thank you for your ongoing support!
Our next meeting is Monday 25th July.
Facebook page: St Joseph's Parents and Friends Group - Waipukurau
Email: stjosephspfg@gmail.com
Sarah Martin - Chair and the PFG committee.
Upcoming Events
1st - School Mass for Father Paul’s 60th Jubilee
3rd - Parish Mass for Father Paul’s 60th Jubilee
8th - YCC Mufti Day and Mid Year Reports go home
9th-24th - School Holidays
25th - School Art Exhibition, First day of Term 3
1st - Parent Teacher Conferences (school closed for instruction)
2nd - Teacher Only Day
21st - Teacher Only Day
School Term Dates 2022
Term 1: Wednesday 2nd February to Thursday 14th April
Public Holidays: Waitangi Day: 7th February, Good Friday 15th April
Term 2: Monday 2nd May to Friday 8th July
Public Holidays: Queen's Birthday 6th June, Matariki 24th June
Term 3: Monday 25th July to Friday 30th September
Term 4: Monday 17th October to Friday 16th December
Public Holidays: HB Anniversary Day 21st October, Labour Day 24th October
Proudly Sponsored by
Contact Us
Email: office@stjosephschb.school.nz
Website: http://www.stjosephschb.school.nz/
Location: 6 Russell Street, Waipukurau, New Zealand
Phone: 06 858 9221
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stjosephschb/