Steffen News
September 1, 2022

Principal's Memo
It has been wonderful getting to know the amazing teachers and staff at Steffen this summer as we prepare for the new school year, and I'm very excited to begin meeting students and families over the next few weeks with our back-to-school events.
This year marks a major transition point for Steffen, and it has been an honor to follow in the footsteps of esteemed former principal Dr. Anderson. Much of our work this year will focus on building upon last year's work, especially around utilizing student and school data to provide differentiated learning opportunities for all students. This is a major focus area for schools across the country as educators work to better leverage student data to improve achievement and growth.
We have a number of new teachers and staff joining the Steffen team this year. Please consider following us on Facebook to learn more about our new team members. In our school office, Mary Kasten will be joining Steffen as our new Administrative Assistant starting on August 26th. We request your patience as we work to onboard Mary and get all of our office routines up and running.
Let's make it a great year!
Mr. Sam Nadolsky
Important Upcoming Dates
August 23rd, 12:00-3:00 p.m. - 6th Grade Orientation
The orientation events take place in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR), which is located on the south end of the building adjoining our cafeteria. Parents/Guardians, please drop your child off at the side entrance door #9 at 11:55 a.m., which is the Southwest door to the building.
Additionally, there's a 6th grade PARENT orientation from 2:00-3:00 p.m. in the gym. At this orientation Steffen Principal Mr. Nadolsky will address parents regarding best ways to support your student's transition to Steffen Middle School.
August 24th, 11:00-4:00 p.m. - Back to School Bash
The first ever Back to School Bash organized by the Mequon-Thiensville Recreation Department is Saturday, August 24 behind the Range Line Community Center. We have a fun-filled day planned for our community and we hope you can join us. Lake Shore Principal Jeff Haubenreich and Steffen Principal Sam Nadolsky will have a booth at the Bash from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to meet families and enjoy the festivities.
August 27th, 3:00-4:15 p.m. - 6th Grade Meet & Greet
6th grade parents and students are invited into the building to meet their teachers, walk their schedules, and learn more about the 6th grade classes and experiences at Steffen.
September 12th, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. - Steffen Curriculum Night
All Steffen students and families are invited to join us for structured presentations from our teachers on the various curricula and programs at Steffen.
Welcome New Steffen and Lake Shore Teachers
As part of our New Teacher Orientation, LS Principal Mr. Haubenreich and Mr. Nadolsky joined forces for an outing to the Mequon Farmer's Market with our new teachers. This was a great opportunity for our new teachers to see the community and learn more about what makes MTSD a great place to live and learn. To learn more about our new teachers and staff, please visit the Steffen Facebook page.
Parent Pick-up and Drop-off Instructions
For drop off and pick up, please enter the driveway from the WEST, using Mequon Trails Rd to Steffen Drive. This eliminates a left turn into the driveway and helps to dramatically reduce congestion on Steffen Drive. Then, pull all the way around the parking lot up to an open spot on the building side of the parking lot so we may fit as many cars as possible. Students are to exit and enter vehicles from the building-side of the parking lot only to avoid walking across the lane of traffic. Especially during the first week while new families acclimate to this routine, please drive slowly and be extra cautious. Thank you for putting safety first.
School Pictures
School pictures will be taken during school on Friday, September 6th. Afterwards, you’ll be able to select your image for your yearbook and purchase any portraits, and all orders will be delivered to your home. To view and order photos from Picture Day click on the link and fill in the information needed ( https://www.vipis.com/group/adfcb97c/steffen-middle-school ) Or, you can search for them at vipis.com shortly after photos are taken. If you need further assistance, contact VIP at support@vipis.com. Picture retake day is Friday, October 18.
Main phone line: 262-238-4700 Attendance line: 262-238-4700 x1
Sam Nadolsky, Principal: snadolsky@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Joel Sinden, School Counselor: jsinden@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Amber Schmidt, Social Emotional Coach: aschmidt@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Katherine Smith, School Psychologist: ksmith1@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Mary Kasten, Administrative Assistant: mkasten@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Jamie Love, Office Secretary: jlove@mtsd.k12.wi.us and: SteffenAttendance@mtsd.k12.wi.us
School Attendance
Parents/guardians are asked to report a student's absent from class by 8:30 a.m. This includes late arrivals or early dismissals. There are three ways to report your child's absence.
- Email SteffenAttendance@mtsd.k12.wi.us
- Call the office at 262-238-4700 x1
- NEW: Directly through Infinite Campus parent portal (more information coming soon!)
Parents need to enter the building to sign their student out, but do not need to enter to sign their students in. Please send in all doctors notes to have attendance updated correctly.
Attendance Policy
At MTSD, we have developed our attendance policy and procedures to follow Wisconsin State Law and to prioritize regular attendance. Click HERE to read all about it.
Bus Routes Available in Infinite Campus on Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Your child’s bus stop details can be found in your Infinite Campus account. To view these please follow the steps below:
• Login to your Infinite Campus account
• Click on ‘More’
• Click ‘Transportation’
Note that these times are approximate and may be updated before the start of school as changes in student registration occur. Please check Infinite Campus over the coming days for any final changes. If you elected to opt-out of transportation, you will not see route information. If you have any concerns regarding your bus information, please contact Go Riteway at 262-512-1044.
For real-time information on the location of your child’s bus, please download Here Comes the Bus! More information can be found on our website. If you have questions about the app, please contact Go Riteway at 262-512-1044: Here Comes the Bus
Steffen Athletics Reminder
Cross Country begins on September 5th and Girls Basketball begins on September 9th! All forms must be completed in order to guarantee your student’s participation, including a WIAA form which may need to be signed by a doctor.
Instructions can be found here on the Athletics website, as well as a google calendar schedule of all the practices.
As a reminder, the four things you need to register are:
Online Registration
- Includes the $75 registration fee (fee should NOT be $135)
- Make sure to register under "Steffen Athletics Registration 2024-2025 (NEW) and NOT Homestead Athletics
A Completed WIAA Form or Alternate Card, signed by a doctor
- can be picked up in office, and found on the registration site
- please email or call the office if you need to know which form you need (if your physical was before April 1st. 2023, you will need an Alternate, and if it's before April 1st, 2022, you will need a new physical)
- REQUIRED to participate in tryouts and practice
MOU - Memorandum of Student Transportation (REQUIRED TO FILL OUT A NEW ONE FOR EACH ACTIVITY)
- This is a document to acknowledge that Steffen will not be providing transportation to and from games.
- This form is attached to the email
Student Contract
- Can be picked up in office or found in the registration form
Please call 262-238-4704 or email jlove@mtsd.k12.wi.us with any questions about registration or any forms. Any other questions may be directed to bhagenbach@mtsd.k12.wi.us!
Steffen Book Fair - September 10th-13th
The Fall Book Fair will open in-person during school hours in the Steffen lobby from September 10th through Friday September 13th. Shop online, set up an eWallet, and more using this link.
The fair runs with the help of volunteers! Please consider donating your time, Volunteer Signup Link. Thank you for supporting your budding readers and Steffen teachers!
SteffenENGAGE Useful Quick Links:
Steffen Middle School
Email: steffen@mtsd.k12k.wi.us
Website: mtsd.k12.wi.us/steffen
Location: 6633 W. Steffen Dr., Mequon, WI 53092
Phone: 262-238-4700
Facebook: @SteffenPRIDE