CCISD Special Services
February 2023

A note from Dr. Staley
The year is off to a great start, and we are enjoying spending the winter season with you and your children. Valentine’s day is fast approaching and that means fun parties, celebrating friendship and love. I would like you to know that we are so grateful for all the families that are a part of our Special Services family. Just a few reminders for this month:
NEW THIS YEAR: Parents must have a My SPEDTex account to apply for the PDSES program. If parents do not already have a My SPEDTex account, they can go to SPEDTEX.ORG and click “Create Account/Sign In” to create an account. The PDSES Application for the 2024-2025 school year will open on February 3, 2025, at 8:00 AM CST and will close on March 31, 2025, at 5:00 PM CST. After the application opens, parents should log in to their My SPEDTex account and click the “PDSES Parent Portal” button to begin the application process. For more information about the application process, view this one-page resource. You can also use the resources available on the PDSES Outreach Materials webpage. In addition, Ms. Penny Sweeny, the parent resource specialist, is always available to help you.
SIBSHOPS was a success! We had 15 students attend and they had a blast! We will continue to keep you updated on this unique program that CCISD Special Services offers to siblings of students with special needs. Thank you to the families that have taken advantage of this program.
As always, if we can be of service to you, please reach out via the link in the newsletter, by emailing sped@ccisd.net, or contacting us through our Parent Resource Center Specialist (Penny Sweeney) at 281-284-0751. We are here for you!
***The information provided in this newsletter is gathered from a variety of sources and some of it is not sponsored by, nor affiliated with CCISD. The information is provided for your information and review.
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Dr. Michele Staley
CCISD Executive Director of Special Services
Transition Night
Enhancing Language and Communication Development
Many children experience delays in language and communication thus enhancing language and communication development is a high priority for these children. Parents and families will gain knowledge of activities and strategies to infuse language and communication throughout the day. Presenters: Nicole Bankieris-Lead S.L.P. (Speech Language Pathologist) and Christen Ashley-- Coordinator for Speech, and Related Services
Thursday, Feb 6, 2025, 09:00 AM
Parent Resource Center Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Continuum of Services
Special education provides a range of services and placement settings. Having students who receive special education services in the most appropriate classroom placement is fundamental to support their progress and future success. Parents and families will walk through the documentation and processes that support a change of placement. Presenter: Brenda Clift-Alternative Academics Content Expert
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 09:00 AM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Continuum of Services
Special education provides a range of services and placement settings. Having students who receive special education services in the most appropriate classroom placement is fundamental to support their progress and future success. Parents and families will walk through the documentation and processes that support a change of placement. Presenter: Brenda Clift-Alternative Academics Content Expert
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 05:00 PM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Effective Strategies for Supporting Your Child's Homework
Helping your child with homework and school projects can be both a rewarding and frustrating experience. We plan to present several strategies for parents to be actively involved and supportive in their children's studies, allowing them to develop skills and confidence to overcome challenges and excel in school, all while strengthening the parent-child relationship! Presenters: Joanne Tran and Mercury
Clark, School Psychology Interns under the direction of Dr. Julia Strait, PhD (Lead Assessment Specialist, School Psychologist)
Thursday, Feb 20, 2025, 09:00 AM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Effective Strategies for Supporting Your Child's Homework
Helping your child with homework and school projects can be both a rewarding and frustrating experience. We plan to present several strategies for parents to be actively involved and supportive in their children's studies, allowing them to develop skills and confidence to overcome challenges and excel in school, all while strengthening the parent-child relationship! Presenters: Joanne Tran and Mercury
Clark, School Psychology Interns under the direction of Dr. Julia Strait, PhD (Lead Assessment Specialist, School Psychologist)
Thursday, Feb 20, 2025, 05:00 PM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Early Learning Transitions
This session will include information on the role of Early Learning within CCISD. We will discuss transitions into the program and then into kindergarten. We will also review the numerous ways that students can qualify for PreK for the Fall. We will review activities that you can do at home to support the skills that will benefit the transition into a variety of Early Learning programs. Presenters: Glori Breon, Early Learning Coach and Erin Blanchard, Early Learning Coaches
Thursday, Feb 27, 2025, 09:00 AM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Early Learning Transitions
This session will include information on the role of Early Learning within CCISD. We will discuss transitions into the program and then into kindergarten. We will also review the numerous ways that students can qualify for PreK for the Fall. We will review activities that you can do at home to support the skills that will benefit the transition into a variety of Early Learning programs. Presenters: Glori Breon, Early Learning Coach and Erin Blanchard, Early Learning Coaches
Thursday, Feb 27, 2025, 05:00 PM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Let Us Talk Data
Data collection is the process of recording information regarding behaviors. These behaviors can include behaviors we want to decrease (aggression, screaming, tantrums, pinching, self- injury, etc.) or behaviors we want to increase (requests, reading, counting, etc.). In this session we will discuss the importance of data collection and provide examples of data collection forms. Presenters: Stacey McClain & Amy Hale, District BCBA’S
Thursday, Mar 6, 2025, 09:00 AM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Let Us Talk Data
Data collection is the process of recording information regarding behaviors. These behaviors can include behaviors we want to decrease (aggression, screaming, tantrums, pinching, self- injury, etc.) or behaviors we want to increase (requests, reading, counting, etc.). In this session we will discuss the importance of data collection and provide examples of data collection forms. Presenters: Stacey McClain & Amy Hale, District BCBA’S
Thursday, Mar 6, 2025, 05:00 PM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Technology and Dyslexia
Physical Therapy in CCISD
What does a physical therapist (PT) do in the school setting?
Physical therapy is considered a “related” service in the educational setting. PT’s help to provide students who have physical impairments access to their school environment. The PT works to help the student function as independently as possible with the limitations that they may have through a variety of settings. Physical therapists provide direct services to the student and consultative services on behalf of the student to campus staff. They help the teachers and paraprofessionals know how to assist a student on a daily basis to physically access their education. Physical therapy services in the schools can be provided through special education or through general education 504 services.
Clear Creek ISD has 3 physical therapists who service students with physical disabilities. In the classrooms they provide support for positioning, transfers, mobility, and safety. PT's train staff on how to help each student by providing lifting training, training in the use of the students adapted equipment and teaching them about a student’s disability.
Ensuring a student is in proper positioning helps the student learn to the best of their ability. If the student is not comfortable, they are not able to learn or listen because they are thinking about what is hurting them rather than listening to the teacher. Physical therapists help to provide training on proper seating position for students and provide stable seating for the students. This can range from minor adaptations to an existing school chair to using an adapted form of seating.
Helping students get the most out of their educational program is what we strive for every day!
Quick tip: Backpacks!
Backpacks should not exceed 10-20% of a child’s weight. Choose a backpack that has wide padded straps. Long term use of a backpack that exceeds this limit could cause pain and spine issues as a child grows. Tight straps on the backpack help to keep the backpack close to the child’s center of gravity and helps to decrease the need to change their posture to carry the backpack. The child should use both straps to distribute the weight properly across both shoulders. One way to decrease the weight of a student’s backpack is to check it regularly for items that are not necessary.
Books Beginning at Birth
Books Beginning at Birth is a statewide program that provides young children and their families access to books and resources to support the development of early literacy skills and foster a love of reading.
All families can access an open library of hundreds of high-quality digital children’s books accompanied by videos and at-home literacy activities.
Once enrolled, children may receive FREE print books delivered to their home twice a year until they turn age 5.
Apply now online or call our toll free number at (888) 952-9572 to sign up by phone. (Supplies are limited and preference is given to children living in Texas Opportunity Zones).