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Stevenson High School
August 29, 2024
Principal's Note:
Dear Spartans
Hopefully, everyone is beginning to settle into their new routines that come with the start of a new school year. Most of the summer bond projects and renovations are coming to completion.
We anticipate that the LMC will be opening soon. This is an amazing upgrade from our previous space. We are still a few weeks away from our Kitchen to be fully functional. Your patience with the final weeks of this project is appreciated. Thank you to the community members that supported these renovations and upgrades!
We are in the process of meeting with all of our students to share our Standards and Expectations. This is our administrative team sharing how to be successful at SHS. Everything from the importance of attending school everyday, making good choices, staying on top of your studies, treating others with respect, & being present (the impact of electronic devices). Additionally, we are covering our safety procedures in the event that we need to activate a scenario.
2024 College Board National Recognition Program Awardees
Congratulations to the following students for their academic accomplishments.
These students earned this academic honor because of their GPA of B+ or higher and outstanding performance on the PSAT/NMSQT®, PSAT™ 10, and/or AP® Exams.
Sofiya B., Lillian H., Danish J., Edward L., Michael T., and Erdisa Z.
Spartan Time
We encourage our students to take advantage of Spartan Time. This is an excellent time to touch base with our staff for a variety of reasons. Whether it is making up classwork, additional teaching or practice, or taking an assessment, this time is built into the daily schedule every Tuesday and Thursday. Reminder - Students must check in with their Spartan Time Teacher prior to traveling. Students may begin traveling on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd.
LCTC Block 3/4 – Spartan Time Days
Students who have LCTC Block 3/4 may be dismissed from Spartan Time @ 9:50 am in order to catch the bus or begin their commute to the LCTC.
All other students are expected to follow the regular bell schedule on Tuesday and Thursday.
Enjoy the long weekend!
All the best -
Pete Mazzoni
Go Spartans!
Spartans are back! Here are some photos of our Staff & Students returning to Stevenson.
📅 Dates to Remember
23 Spartan Walk 10am - 2pm
AM: Freshman ONLY - 7:25am start
PM: All Students report (Bells here)
29 Picture Day
30 NO SCHOOL - Labor Day Weekend
4 PTSA Meeting 6:30 | Booster Club 7:15 - Community Room
11 Open House 7:00pm
21 Homecoming Dance 7:00pm
2 PTSA Meeting 6:30 | Booster Club 7:15 - Community Room
18 Picture Retakes
22 Marching Band Season Finale 7:00pm
23 Fall Choir Concert 7:00pm
23-24 CSA - Full Days of School
29 Fall Orchestra Concert 7:00pm
2024-25 Bell Schedules HERE
Testing for 11th grade
PSAT/NMSQT Testing for Juniors
The National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test is offered each year by the College Board for the purpose of qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Students must score in the top 1% of the country to be considered a National Merit Finalist. This year, the NMSQT will be given on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 during the school day at Stevenson.
This is NOT the SAT test used for college admissions which will be given to all juniors in the spring for free as part of the Michigan Merit Exam.
Please note the following information:
- Test is during the school day on October 15 during hours 1-4 for juniors only.
- NMSQT guides are available online.
- NMSQT tests are designed to identify the very top percentile of students in the United States. The test is meant to be taken during the fall of junior year. Students taking this test should be prepared to take a rigorous and difficult exam.
- Registration will close Wednesday, September 4 by 12:00 pm. Link to sign up is below.
- Student fee is $25.00---there is no refund as SHS is charged for unused tests.
- The NMSQT test is a student fee-based test and must be registered via the school pay link.
- Room assignments and additional information to come after registration has closed.
- Please be sure to click both links below to register for the test and to pay the student fee.
If you have any questions you can contact Kelly Larges, klarges@livoniapublicschools.org
The Stevenson Counseling Staff
734-744-2660, Extension 48950
Stevenson Parking Information for Seniors
Senior parking passes will be distributed during all 3 lunches outside of the school store on Wednesday September 4th and Thursday September 5th.
Any seniors who have not picked up their parking pass by the end of lunch on September 5th can pick up their parking pass from the Business Office before or after school. No parking passes will be distributed during passing time.
All student parking applications are taken online. The cost of a parking permit is $52, payable only through School Pay. Seniors must fill out the information form and pay online by Thursday, August 29, 2024.
- Senior Information Form 2024-25 (you MUST your school email address to complete the form)
- Pay online @ School Pay
All student parking applications are offered online. The goal of the Stevenson administration is to provide a safe and convenient parking situation for as many students as possible.
No student, regardless of involvement in school activities, is guaranteed a parking permit. Parking is a privilege; an equitable system is in place to award the limited number of parking permits.
- Fill out the Junior Application Form by midnight on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. (Please use your school email address when filling out the application.)
- Juniors selected will receive an email confirmation on Monday, September 9, 2024, with the directions regarding payment.
- Parking Permits will be distributed on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 through Friday, September 13, 2024.
Students must be passing four (4) classes to remain eligible to park on campus. Grade checks may take place at the end of each semester. If a student is not passing four (4) classes at that point, parking on campus may be suspended. The administration reserves the right to make final determinations, and there will be no refund for the cost of the permit.
Students may not transfer ownership of a parking pass to another student.
Students may only park in student-designated parking.
-Stevenson Business Office
Varsity FB: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F4CAAA729ABFB6-50737899-varsity
Fr and JV- FB: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F4CAAA729ABFB6-50738246-freshman
You must log in prior to school starting on August 26, 2024 and confirm / update contact information,
request transportation needs, and provide your student with their updated LPS secure email password.
Issues logging into ParentConnect?
Please reach out to our team: parentconnect@livoniapublicschools.org
IMPORTANT! Update Your Student's Emergency Information
In recent years, LPS initiated an online process that replaces the traditional practice of sending paper packets and “pink emergency cards” home for a parent's signature. The electronic completion of our Fall Enrollment Confirmation is an annual start-of-the-year requirement for each child currently enrolled in an LPS school. This must be completed for new and returning students.
If you have not already done so, please access the electronic Fall Enrollment Confirmation through Parent Connect and update your student's information by CLICKING HERE. (Parents must confirm all emergency contact information, even if all contacts remain unchanged.)
The Fall Enrollment Confirmation tab (in red, located in the upper right corner of screen) on Parent Connect has been activated and will allow parents/guardians to directly edit items such as emergency contact information and student health information. Other requirements include parental confirmations of items such as internet usage rules, medical authorization, and a student handbook review.
If you have trouble accessing your Parent Connect account, please send an email with your name, your student’s name and the issue that you are having to parentconnect@livoniapublicschools.org.
Medication at School
A student cannot be in possession of, or take prescription drugs or non-prescription medication, such as Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl, Tums etc. at school or during school.
If it is necessary for a student to take medication during the school day (prescription or non-prescription), a Medication Authorization form must be completed and signed by both the doctor and the parent. All medication will be kept in the Main Office for the student’s use and dispensed by office staff.
We encourage you to bring your student's Medication Authorizations (along with their medication) and Health Care Plans before school starts. Our office is open from 7:30-3:00pm daily.
CLICK HERE to download a blank Medication Authorization.
Menu for the week of September 2 - 6, 2024
Breakfast & Lunch
Week of September 9th
The application link for the federal assistance program has been updated to the following: Horizon Free & Reduced Apps (horizonsolana.com)
Families who may qualify for the federal assistance program still need to fill out the application, even though all school meals are free this year. Filling out the application may provide several other financial assistance benefits for your family, including reduced fees for Pay to Participate, enrollment in the Summer EBT program and other beneficial discounts. This will also assist the district in receiving reimbursements for meals served.
If your family normally qualifies for "free or reduced" school meals, we encourage you to fill out the application for this school year.
Become a Stevenson Booster Club member this 2024-2025 school year:
How do I become a member?
https://shsboosterclub.memberhub.com/store/items/843578 it is the easiest way to support our fundraising efforts. The yearly membership fee is $20 and 100% of the money raised goes directly to our students, clubs, teams, classes and more. Your membership allows you to vote on funding requests presented at our monthly meetings. We will not bombard you with emails or texts and you are not required to attend meetings.
***NEXT MEETING OPEN TO ALL INTERESTED IS Wednesday, September 4th at 7:15pm in the SHS Community Room. Enter via the main entrance. We can't wait to see you there!!!
For more information or for answers to general questions, please email: boosterclub.spartan@gmail.com
Stevenson High School PTSA Sign up
Click below to select your PTSA Membership.
JUNIOR PARENT NIGHT (SHS Open House presentation)
Junior Parent Night--Wednesday, September 11
Please join us for Stevenson High School's annual Junior Parent Night presentation, which will be held on Wednesday, September 11 from 5:45-6:45, in the Stevenson PAC (Performing Arts Center). This is just prior to our traditional Open House event.
Information on preparing for senior year and beyond (Post Secondary Planning) will be provided.
While the information presented is geared for junior year and beyond, parents of freshmen and sophomores may find the information useful and are also welcome to come.
We look forward to seeing you.
Laurie A. Christenson
Counselor for Students whose last names are: AAA-CZZ
Phone: 734-744-2660 ext. 48951
Athletic Passes
We will continue to sell Family Passes for $90, but we have DECREASED student passes from $45 to $20. Come back to the Athletic office during the school day or inquire at any sporting event.
Spartan GoFan link can be found here for all of our events. When redeeming your GoFan ticket, please do not submit your ticket(s) until you are AT the gate with ticket personnel. Screenshots will not be accepted.
Know before you go which payments are accepted
Admission Price per Event NOW $6
Final Forms
Adlai E. Stevenson High School
Email: stevhs@livoniapublicschools.org
Website: https://www.livoniapublicschools.org/Page/51
Location: 33500 Six Mile Rd, Livonia, MI, USA
Phone: 734-744-2660
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevensonhighschool
Twitter: @shs_spartans
It's okay to ask for help
Care regardless of insurance
Easy access to care
or go to
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
LPS E-Backpack Mail
Click on the E-Backpack graphic to visit the LPS E-Backpack, a place where you can find electronic flyers for programs and events geared toward kids. If you have a program that you'd like to advertise, please email your flyer to Stacy Jenkins at sjenkins3@livoniapublicschools.org.