Eastwood Elementary Update
March, 2024
Eagle Way Winners- February- 2024
Beginning of the School Day and End of the Day changes
Please remember that students should not be dropped off before 8:20 in the morning. We do not have staff scheduled to watch the students before 8:20, unless you sign them up to go to the Stars Program.
For the end of the school day, please call the office if there is a change in plans for your child. Emailing or sending a note is nice, but calling is the best way to make sure the student goes where they need to go. Calling before 2:30 would be very helpful as the end of the day is very busy.
Lost and Fround Items
If your child is missing a piece of clothing, have them look through the lost and found. We have quite the collection of items. This rack of clothes is outside the cafeteria doors.
Student Absences
Just a friendly reminder that if your child is absent, please choose one of the following options for notifying the school of the absence.
1- Call into the office at 419.833.2821 ext. 202 and give the name and reason for the absence.
2-Email Shelly Vejan at svejan@eastwoodschools.org and give her the name and reason for the absence.
It is very important that we have accurate attendance records and this eliminates the need to contact parents as to their child's absence. If your child had an appointment with someone, please get an excuse from them and give it to us.
Hello Eastwood Elementary Families,
Stress. Worry. Anxiety. Everyone experiences these feelings to some extent from time to time. As adults, we utilize strategies to help us work through these challenging feelings. Our students are young, growing, and eager to learn, which presents a great opportunity for them to learn and practice coping strategies to navigate these feelings.
Managing worries and anxiety can be tricky not only for students but also for the adults who are trying to provide support and help for their child. As parents and educators, we sometimes change our own behavior (response) in an effort to help them feel less anxious. We accommodate our child in an effort to alleviate their distress.
Have you ever found yourself wondering…How is it that I am working so hard so that my child won’t feel anxious, but they are becoming even more anxious?
Is there a way that we can respond to our children that shows acceptance of the genuine distress they are feeling along with confidence in their ability to tolerate and handle that distress? Is it possible to reduce the accommodations for our children and instead step into a supportive role that sends this message…I understand how worried you must feel, but I believe in you. I know you can handle that fear. I see how brave you are, and I know you will be able to work through this situation. I can tell this is very tough for you. I know you can handle it.
Dr. Eli Lebowitz is an expert in childhood anxiety. He has developed a simple two-part “recipe” for parents/guardians of children with anxiety: 1) Use validation and 2) Have confidence in our child’s ability to tolerate discomfort.
Let’s look at a couple original statements from Dr. Lebowitz and see how they can be changed into supportive statements using this “recipe”:
Original Statement: This isn’t easy for anyone.
Supportive Statement: I can see this isn’t easy (validation) and I know you can handle it (confidence in child).
Original Statement: You will have to be able to do this next school year.
Supportive Statement: Anxiety is uncomfortable (validation) and you have the ability to get through this (confidence in child).
Original Statement: There are a lot of people in our house. We can’t always be focused on you.
Supportive Statement: This is hard (validation). You have gotten through this before and I know you can again (confidence in child).
Shifting our communication style might be an adjustment. Also, simply saying supportive statements will not necessarily get rid of our child’s anxiety. However, it is a very helpful, supportive step for managing their anxiety…a very important life skill, no doubt. :)
Please reach out any time with questions or concerns. I’m happy to help! Thank you!
Best Regards,
Nikki Ohms, M.Ed., LPSC
School Counselor
Eastwood Elementary
4700 Sugar Ridge Rd. Pemberville, OH 43450
419-833-2821 ext. 205
Important Dates to Remember
11th- 2 hour delay
16th- Mother/Son Dance
18th- BOE at 6:00 at Pemberville
21st- 1st grade music program at 7:00
22nd- End of 3rd Quarter
25th-31st- Spring Break
8th- Eclipse Day-to be determined based on calamity days
10th-11th-12th- Kindergarten Screening at the BOE office
15th- BOE mtg at Central Office at 6:00
16th- ELA state testing- Part 1 for 4th and 5th
17th- ELA state testing- Part 2 for 4th and 5th
18th- ELA state testing- Part 1 for 3rd
19th- ELA state testing- Part 2 for 3rd
23rd- Math state testing- Part 1 for 4th and 5th
24th- Math state testing- Part 2 for 4th and 5th
25th- Math state testing - Part 1 for 3rd
- Kindergarten music program
26th- Math state testing- Part 2 for 3rd
27th- Father/Daughter Dance- PTO sponsored
30th- Science state testing- Part 1 for 5th
1st- Science state testing- Part 2 for 5th
10th- Field Day
13th- Rain Date for Field Day
24th- Senior Walk-through
27th- No School- Memorial Day
31st- Last Day of School