Murray Avenue School
The Lion's Pride Post
February 5th
Dear Murray Avenue Families,
"National School Counseling Week" is a time to recognize the essential role counselors play in creating a positive school environment. We want to wish our School Counselors a very happy "National School Counseling Week"! We are so very appreciative of everything both Ms. Harris and Mrs. Falconio do for our students and staff on a daily basis.
It's February, and the Murray Avenue School Library is featuring titles from our collection to fit the occasions!
Scroll on down to discover custom carousels highlighting the contributions and experiences of African Americans for Black History Month. You'll also find selections for Valentine's Day (February 14th), and an assortment of works for President's Day (February 17th) too. There's always something new to discover at the library!
Go Birds!
United WE Roar!
Mr. Erin Stroup
Murray Avenue School
Dates to Remember
- 3rd-7th Student Council Candy Grams/National School Counseling Week
- 11th Pretzel Day
- 12th PTA Meeting 7:00pm
- 14th Valentine's Day
Murray Avenue Highlights
PMEA 11 String Fest
Faculty Team Building
Our Murray Avenue Faculty participated in team building on January 28th, culminating in a corn hole tournament. Congratulations to our champions, Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Warren!
"Dress Like Students/Teachers" Spirit Day
January 31st was "Dress like a Student/Teacher Day" at Murray Avenue! There were many suits, bald caps, and other professional attire worn by our creative students, as well as some original ideas from our teachers!
Technology in Class
We recognize that many students bring tech devices to school from home for multiple valid purposes. Please remind your students, however, that they are not to use phones or smart devices during the school day. All devices should be off and in their lockers. Thank you for your assistance.
Important Health Updates from Mrs. Seefried
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to another school year! In preparing for this upcoming school year I wanted to take a minute to review the district’s policies and procedures regarding your child’s health.
If your child requires medication to be given during the school day, it is the policy of the LMTSD that:
- All medications to be administered must be brought to school by the parent/ guardian.
- All medications to be administered must be in the original container and prescription medication must be in the container with the prescription label attached, indicating dosage and dispensing information (https://www.boarddocs.com)
If your child has a fever of 100.4 or above, has vomited or has diarrhea he/she should not come to school. Your child may return to school when he/she has been fever free for 24 hours without medication, or has not vomited or had diarrhea for 24 hours.
Please refer to the Student Handbook for information regarding reporting student illness and documentation from a physician for absences.
If your child requires to stay in for recess for a medical reason, a doctor’s note must be provided. The note should include the reason and the specific dates he/she is required to not participate in recess.
All sixth grade students are required by the state to have a completed Physical. Please return this as soon as possible.
If you have chosen not to have medication administered to your child as per the health history form, we cannot provide any medication to your child without written permission.
If possible, please provide an extra set of clothing to keep in your child’s backpack or locker for emergencies.
September is Head Lice Prevention month. This is a good time to remind parents and guardians to check their child’s head throughout the year. Screening by parents on a regular basis allows for early detection.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Mrs. Sharon Seefried RN, CSN sseefried@lmtsd.org
215-938-0230 ext. 4202
Talking Points
This is a reminder that Lower Moreland will utilize the Talking Points platform again this year. This will allow families to communicate with the district using whichever language they are the most comfortable with! You will receive communications via text message, however the experience is even better if you use the app, available for all platforms!
Cafeteria Reminder
Lunch menus are posted on a new interactive website, Nutrislice. Our innovative and interactive site and mobile app make our school menus more convenient and informative than ever before! Download the Nutrislice App from the App Store or get it on Google Play and search Lower Moreland.
Friendly reminder that the universal free lunch has ended, however free breakfast will be continuing! Students that would like a free breakfast in the morning will walk straight to the cafeteria upon arrival. Students can eat breakfast in the cafeteria and granola bars, muffins, and cereal bars are also available if your student would like to save their breakfast for snack time.
Additionally, for the 2024-2025 school year, all students who are designated to receive “reduced” meals, will also be automatically qualified for free meals. There will be no reduced prices charged for the 2024-2025 school year.
The District is strongly encouraging families to fill out the Free and Reduced Applications if you believe your family will qualify. Information on income qualifications and paper applications can be found at : https://www.lmtsd.org/services/food-services-cafeteria-information
Field Trip Assistance
What a Crock PTA Fundraiser (Click Image)
The Foundation for Lower Moreland Schools
Virtual Backpack
LMTSD Library Newsletter
Home Access Center
Murray Avenue School
Website: https://murrayave.lmtsd.org/
Location: 2551 Murray Avenue, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Phone: 215-938-0230