Pioneer Press
January 31st, 2025
Message from Principal Fernandes
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we reach the midpoint of the school year, we would like to take a moment to remind everyone of our school’s cell phone policy. We understand that cell phones are an important tool for communication, but in order to maintain a focused and productive learning environment, we ask that students adhere to the following guidelines:
- Cell phones should be kept in lockers or backpacks during school hours.
- If a phone is seen or heard during class time without prior approval, it may be confiscated and must be picked up by a parent or guardian.
- We have office phones available for students to use if they need to contact you.
It’s also worth noting that this policy aligns with the approach taken at Steilacoom High School (SHS), where a similar no-phone policy is enforced. This consistency helps ensure a smooth transition for students between grades and is part of a broader effort to limit distractions and promote mental well-being. This concern is also addressed in a proposed Washington state bill, which, if passed, would take effect by the 2026-2027 school year. The bill aims to reduce the negative effects of phone use on student learning, mental health, and social interactions—issues that schools across the nation are increasingly addressing due to concerns about distractions, cyberbullying, and academic performance.
While we understand that these policies can be challenging for some families, the goal is always to create an environment where students are fully engaged in their learning and social development. We appreciate your support in helping us maintain a focused and positive school experience for all students. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Mrs. Fernandes
Reminder from your Admin
As we continue to focus on fostering a safe and respectful school environment, we would like to remind families about our school’s commitment to preventing and addressing Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB). Every student deserves to feel safe, supported, and respected while at school, and we take any incidents of HIB very seriously.
If your child experiences or witnesses any form of harassment, intimidation, or bullying, we encourage you to report it to school staff immediately. Our goal is to address concerns promptly and ensure that all students can thrive in a positive and inclusive atmosphere.
To report an incident or learn more about our HIB policies, please visit our SHSD website link for reporting. We appreciate your ongoing support in maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for all students.
Thank you for your partnership.
In Student Services
Learning Lab Science class has been working on kinetic energy and potential energy. Mrs. Rosales has had the students complete a variety of workshops and experiments as they explore the different forms of energy.
With the amazing support of our paraeducator, in 6th grade Social Studies, students have been researching different parts of history and demonstrating their knowledge in a menu of options.
Adaptive PE has been enjoying this unusually sunny and dry January with daily exercise at the track. Students have been averaging walking 1.5 miles a day!
ELA Learning Lab classes have been diving into the Civil Rights movement and studying Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges. Further, they have been learning about the courage of the students who participated in the Civil Rights movement and how being a teenager doesn't mean you can’t have a positive impact on the world!
In the Highly Structured Classroom students continue to grow in their social and academic skills as they use a variety of methods to explore learning.
Student working on his project
Group of students learning about kinetic engery
6th grade Social Studies project
Two students presenting to their class
Big smiles after a walk!
A student working on Chromebook
A student working on different ways of learning
A student working on counting
From Leadership
PE Clothes
Students enrolled in PE/Health for 2nd semester have the option to wear the following:
gray shirt and black shorts - logos no larger than a credit card
black shirt and gray shorts - logos no large than a credit card
*Shorts must be mid-thigh, loose fitting shorts (minimum of 7 inch inseam)
*Standard crew neck rounded t-shirts.
*NO tank tops, cut offs
*No leggings or compression shorts, unless they are worn under the shorts.
Pioneer Pirates shirt and shorts - limited quantities in stock
CLOSE OUT SALE ON Pirate PE Gear next week!
Students must dress down and participate in PE as part of their grade.
For more information on PE clothes, please email us at pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.u.s
Spirit Shirt Contest Sign-Up
Help us show Pioneer Pride!
This is a contest for the best t-shirt design that showcases school spirit at Pioneer.
The person with the best shirt will have their design sold at the Pioneer Student Store and will receive a free t-shirt.
Designs are to be completed on an 8.5 X 11in cardstock and must be the student’s original work (no licensed/trademarked logos or characters).
For best results, use bold colors and broad lines. Cardstock will be provided to students when interest forms are turned in.
Please email Mrs. Marrero with any questions at:amarrero@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Submissions due by: February 20th
Attached is the permission slip!
Yearbook Sales
You can buy your 2024-25 SY Yearbook directly through Jostens
Use the link below:
Order your yearbook NOW!
School Clubs
Junior Student to Student (JS2S) Room A115 with Ms. Taylor
Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) - Room C102 with Mrs. Iglesias
Christian Faith Group (CFG) - Room B103 with Mrs. Vaccaro
Art Club - Room C126 with Mrs. Palacios
Math Help - Room B101 with Mr. Martin or Room A203 with Mr. Stugelmeyer
Homework Help in the Library with Mrs. Hilton
Builder's Club in the Library with Mrs. Holyfield
Pokemon Go Club with Mrs. Elshire
Game Club Room C202 with Mrs. Nixon
Math Help Room B101 with Mr. Martin or Room A203 with Mr. Stugelmeyer
Homework Help in the Library with Mrs. Hilton
All students participating in clubs are required to pay an ASB fee of $15.00
You can purchase your student's ASB through Mrs. Ruby
ASB fees collected go to funding clubs and sports activities at Pioneer MS.
*Students participating in the Math Help, Homework Help, Christian Faith and Pokemon Go groups - are not required to pay the ASB $15.00*
For more information on the clubs we offer, use the link below:
Transportation is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for students attending school clubs.
Use the link below for route information:
School Sports
Girls' Soccer and Boys' Basketball Tryouts -
Monday, February 3rd - Friday, February 7th from 3pm - 5pm daily
Wrestling Team banquet on Monday, February 3rd at 5pm in the Pioneer cafeteria
Here is the link to our After School Activity (ASA) Bus schedules for Dupont and Steilacoom:
For more information contact Mrs. Plumb at eplumb@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Parking Lot Safety
If you opt to drop-off or pick-up your student(s) in the Pioneer MS parking lot, please pull into a parking space and have the student(s) exit there, doing this helps traffic flow smoothly and allows everyone to walk safely to school.
Please remember that the handicap parking spaces and surrounding areas are not to be used for student drop-off or pick-up.
Also, please observe the posted speed limits in the school zone.
Thank you for helping keep our school and students safe.
The bus zone is reserved for buses only.
Kindly note that parking in the bus loading zone is not permitted at any time.
When attending a sporting event, please use the parking lot closest to the black top or the lot in front of the building.
Please be aware that parking in the bus loading zone is not permitted and may result in enforcement actions in accordance with local regulations.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping the bus zone clear.
Coming Up!
Monday, February 3rd - Friday, February 7th - Counselor Appreciation Week
Wednesday, February 5th - ACE Day - 1:40 pm release time
Wednesday, February 12th - ACE Day - 1:40 pm release time
Friday, February 14th - Possible snow make up day, weather will determine if this day is a no school day.
Monday - February 17th - NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day
Wednesday, February 19th - ACE Day - 1:40 pm release time
Thursday, February 20th - Student Assembly: Empowered, Brilliant & Brave: Great Women of Black History
8th grade - 8:15 am
6th grade - 9:15 am
7th grade - 10:15 am
Friday, February 21st - Valentine's Day Social 2:45 pm - 4:45 pm (permission slip attached)
Wednesday, February 26th - ACE Day - 1: 40pm release time
From the Main Office
Pioneer MS Office business hours: 7:40 am -3:30 pm
Our office staff is available to answer the door and phone lines during regular business hours. Outside of business hours, please leave a message or call district office at 253-983-2200.
Is your student arriving late to school?
Students start class at 8:10 a.m.
-If your student arrives at 8:10 a.m. or later, please have them stop at our check-in kiosk for a pass to class. Tardies need to be excused by parent/guardian.
Don't forget to excuse your student's absences and tardies!
Option 1: Call 253-583-7200, choose the attendance option.
Leave a message if we can't get to your call. The voicemail to the attendance line is checked several times a day.
Option 2: Email us at pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Transportation Changes?
Option 1: Please call the office no later than 2:00 pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) and 1:00 pm on ACE days (Wednesdays) to request transportation changes.
Option 2: You can also request transportation changes by emailing us at pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us