Kindergarten Readiness Tip 10

Social/Emotional Tips for Families to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten
Welcome aboard! Each week you will receive tips to help your child prepare for this amazing journey. We are honored to partner with you and your child as they begin this school adventure at North Penn!
Save the Dates!
Please save the dates for the following exciting opportunities to help with the journey into kindergarten:
- August 15: K-Day
- Enjoy a ride on the school bus with your child
- Meet at North Penn High School
- 2 sessions each date, 8:30 AM and 10 AM
- Kindergarten Orientation
- Wednesday, August 28 at an assigned time
- Families will be given additional information in an invitation from the school
Helpful Resources
Growing Problem Solvers
In life, it is inevitable that conflicts will arise. One of the greatest gifts we can give a child is the ability to resolve these challenges peacefully and respectfully. As children grow, it is important that adults take a step back and give them time and space to solve problems, to learn how to share, take turns, collaborate, and compromise. Here are some tips:
- Children's books can play an important role in helping young children gain social skills. While reading a story, pause when the character faces a problem. Talk with your child about how the character might solve the problem.
- Model appropriate problem-solving techniques. Talk through ways you resolve social problems so your child can learn from you.
Harold and the Purple Crayon
By Crockett Johnson
Talk and Work It Out
By Cheri Meiners
Ruby Finds a Worry
By Tom Percivial
Wilma Jean the Worry Machine
By Julia Cook
No Biggy: A Story About Overcoming Everyday Obstacles
By Elycia Rubin
What Do You Do With a Problem?
By Kobi Yamada
What Should Danny Do?
By Adir and Ganit Levy